Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nothing But Time

I found myself being a little lazy on the first day of the three-day President's Day weekend. For some reason, I felt a bit chilled, and even my fuzzy bright pink and neon green striped socks couldn't warm up my feet. So I curled up and read for part of the day, and I played around on the computer for awhile, and then I took a nap with my furry feline family. I'll admit I felt like a slacker, but I think sometimes we all need to take time to relax and decompress. After all, isn't that what three-day weekends are for?

I finally made my way into the Sweat Shop late in the afternoon. As I was sewing this evening, I heard part of a commercial that went something like this: "Sometimes you need tomorrow to finish what you started today." Now, isn't that the truth? Particularly when it comes to quilting, which is rarely ever fast.

Many years ago, my sister-in-law changed jobs--I think it was when she had to leave dental assisting because of her latex allergy and go into an office/desk job. She was frustrated by never being able to go home at the end of the day with everything done--there were always things to come into the next day. And I remember thinking the idea of leaving at the end of the day with everything completed was totally alien--I'd never even thought of the possibility! The closest I've ever gotten was when I've gone on vacation and did what I could to not leave any "fires" for anyone to deal with, but even then, there were always things left to be done when I returned.

So, all things considered, I guess it's okay to take a little time to be lazy, because no matter how hard I try, I'm never going to finish everything, right? I might as well just take it easy and enjoy the journey.

When I finally got into the Sweat Shop, I started work on this month's Le Petite project, Sweet Spot. I have been cutting the pieces for the star blocks off and on for the past two weeks, so I was able to get the blocks pieced this evening.

I still have to sew them together and then start on the border piecing, and I haven't cut those pieces at all yet.

While I worked tonight, I had a little bit of help--Stitch kept me company part of the time. Doesn't he look like a stern task-master?

Spike, though--well she obviously doesn't need to be reminded that life's not a race.


  1. Kim, it's interesting that you post tonight about being lazy and it's okay. I have a tendency not to let myself rest. I have a 3 and 9 year old and it's tough to get everything done and care for them AND quilt! I was feelin' on top of the world on friday. I had enough time to get a manicure and pedicure and stop at the local quilt shop where I spent 2 hours chatting with the owner. I actually didn't buy much, only 1/2 yard of fabric but the chat was good for me. By 8pm friday I was sick. Sick to the point that I couldn't stand up! I am feelin' better today but it's amazing how we can ignore our bodies and push and push.I should have taken some 'lazy' time. Instead my body forced me into it. I have quilted at all yet this weekend and that kinda makes me sad...I did pick up a knitting project for my time on the couch! I have a feeling that I am going to be spending a lot more time there today. Anyhow, thanks for the post. Have a great Sunday.

  2. Stitch says if you do it right the first time we won't have any of the seam ripper action. I need him to come get my Geese in line for my afternoon sewing. Unless I decide to curl up with Spike.

  3. Your top is very pretty and you are right. Sometimes being 'lazy' is what we need. I feel guilty doing it since running through my head is a list of things that I could be doing.... laundry, cleaning, sewing... but I ignore my inner-voice and just relax. There is always tomorrow.

  4. Your star blocks are really nice. Have you ever considered changing the name of your sewing room? Sweat Shop conjures up an image of you being forced to be there, maybe it could be your Sanctuary?

  5. You are so right, sometimes we all just need to stop and just sleep and rest, and we shouldn't feel guilty about it. It gives us strength to carry on when we take up our work again.

    I love your stars! Stars are my favorite, and yours a so cheerful and happy. Your sewing companions are darn cute! I have a couple as well, and they would be perfect if I could convince them not to shed on the fabric!

  6. I think Stitch is just annoyed he didn't get the rug spot. And doing nothing is highly recommended. I call it meditation :)

  7. Hi Kim, Your quilt is lovely and so are the cats. I am reading a very cute book about a blind cat. The book is "Homer's Odyssey". and it is really good.

  8. Stitch is keeping a wary eye on your seam allowances. Foster performs the same service for me.


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