Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Some Stuff

I bet you're all anxious to know whether Soccer Son survived his 30th birthday. He did. At least he survived the sky diving part and I think his evening was going to be a little bit tamer, so there's every reason to believe he made it through, safe and sound.

Guess what? Now it's the Wild Child's birthday. Yep, she's three years and one day younger than her brother, so she turns 27 today. No sky diving is planned, thank goodness! People always ask how I managed to have two kids with birthdays one day apart, and I don't really have an answer to that, although I'm absolutely positive she was conceived on Mother's Day 1983. That morning, my sister-in-law picked up our son and took him over to visit grandma and grandpa; Hubby and I were to follow a little bit later. Yeah, uh huh. And it's really odd, but I KNEW I'd gotten pregnant right away--like that minute. Even though we were trying not to--sort of. But it all turned out fine. And I think for a lot of couples, there's no "right" time to have kids anyway--they just seem to happen, and it usually turns out okay, one way or another.

There hasn't been much talk of quilting here for the past several days, and the reason for that is that I'm just quilting along on the BIG quilt, taking breaks now and then when my neck and shoulders demand it. And really, they demand breaks so often, you'd think they belong to a union! I've finally gotten to the outside border, and it only goes around three sides of the quilt; I have half of one side quilted. So the end is finally in sight--maybe another night or two of quilting and then it's on to the binding.

On the quilting front, though, since you mentioned it, I'm looking forward to getting caught up on all of the blocks I've fallen behind on--and I'll do that once I finish quilting the current project and get my Bernina set up again. I'm even getting more enthusiastic about Block-a-Palooza now that I've seen more of the designed blocks, and I know I can simply change the few that don't suit my style as much. I just clicked over to Monica's blog as she's the next designer to post, and I truly LOVE hers--but then I knew I would.

But enough about that. If you work in an office, like I do--or maybe even if you don't--you probably get tired of the same old stuff for lunch every day. I spotted some new Stouffer's frozen meals at the grocery store the other day that looked pretty promising--soup and "melt" combos, and they make three different meals. I decided to try the three cheese and ham melt with tomato soup--I even took a photo because I thought it looked pretty good despite being served on a paper plate with a plastic spoon.

No, I haven't started putting paid advertising on my blog--I see this more as a public service announcement. If you want to try one and would like a $1 off coupon, click HERE and follow the links on the Stouffer's site--you can also see the other two soup/melt combos there. Really, I think they're pretty good, and have I steered you wrong yet?

Finally, I wanted to welcome my new followers--I see quite a few more have hopped on board in the last month or so, since the Be Mine Blog Tour, I think. I hope you enjoy visiting with me. And for those of you who have been around longer--and I know some of you have been around since the start--well, I always enjoy "seeing" you, but I hope you know that already.


  1. I managed that too. Kids with birthdays one after the other. My almost 4 year old was quite worried that I would have her sister on her birthday, because her cousin was born on her 3rd birthday. (I remember saying to my Mum on that day that she must have 365 grandchildren - rather than the four she did have - because they were starting to double up!) I was so relieved when I went into labour in the early hours of the morning on the day before.

  2. Hi Kim -- You mentioned binding. Yesterday morning while touring a few new to me blogs, I found who had a tutorial on a very neat way to join binding ends without bulk. (Feb 9) I've seen the end results on that but never knew how to do it and it makes a big difference. Have you ever used this method? Florence

  3. I am glad your son- and you- survived the sky diving:) HooRah!!! Happy Birthday to your daughter now:) Have a great day!

  4. My mom had 3 of us in March, and me and my next oldest brother almost had the same birthday, but mine is March 27 and his his March 28 only he is 4 years older. Five more minutes and my mom would have had us on the same day, she said she tried to hold me in. LOL I think my mom had something for June...but the one who was born in August, I don't know what happened there.

  5. Phew. All is well. Good! Happy Birthday to the Wild Child. My brother and I are like that. He is 5 days short of 3 years younger than me. I'm 10/6 and he's 10/1.

    Your lunch looks yummy. I'll have to give them a try.

  6. Birthdates are a funny thing. I have 4 kids, the first two born on the second of Jan. and October and the second two born on the 21st of June and July!! How does that happen!!

  7. WHY do children try to scare their parents????

    Glad to know you still have two kids. They both seemed very pleasant when we met. Does the someday-to-be-daughter-in-law also go sky diving???


  8. Happy birthday to both your offspring. Just to add my tale - my first 2 are 1 year and 3 days apart. I've managed to have kids born on 4 June, 14th June then 1st July and 4th July, lol. Another was born 2nd Oct and she used to have a big problem having to wait for her birthday when everyone else had theirs. She is ok with that now :0).

  9. Thanks for the heads up about "something new" for lunch. I have been working in an office for almost 10 years now... lunch is very boring! So, I'll have to give it a try!

  10. I have four kids. Two share a 4/19 b'day 3 years apart. I don't think my son will ever forgive me for having to celebrate his 3rd b'day at the hospital. My oldest was born on 5/1 and my youngest was born on 5/2. You can imagine the looks I get....


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