Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Biggest Tool in the Survivor Shed

Did you watch?

I'll freely admit I was pretty much over Survivor last season. Maybe a lot of people were. Maybe that's why they had to change it up a bit and bring back Rob and Russell.

I like Rob a lot. I dislike Russell a lot. And this new guy, Phillip? "A former Special Agent with the former Defense Investigation Services . . . ." What? No, really: What? I can't find any such thing on the internet, but if he's an example, thank goodness the government had the good sense to do away with it--whatever it was. All of their former agents should be sent to far off countries and left in their pink underpants in the middle of nowhere.

If you didn't see Survivor and have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the video of Phillip HERE.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Redemption Island aspect factors into the game. I think hope it might just be a better season.


  1. A "tool" is an understatement. I have to say, it was one of the best tribal councils ever! I also like Rob and intensely dislike Russell. Looks like it might be a good year for Survivor. Oh, and that crow pattern is definitely by Elizabeth at Late Bloomer quilts.

  2. I guess I am the odd person out. I like Russell. Rob is ok. I don't thini either one will make it to the final three. I am hoping Rooster does. Kinda like that guy.

  3. Cindy
    I'm with Russell and his evil ways..I always liked the bad boys LOL although can't stand Rob..and I have to wait until Survivor hits word yet...will have to be soon or we will be watching it on the net somewhere Ann-Maree in Sydney

  4. Wow 22 seasons for this shows already!!! It’s a long run for a program of this kind,I don’t like it very much but I’ve seem time to time and it’s curious…

  5. We watched..and I was amazed and amused that Phillip is wearing pink undies:) I agree, that was one of the most interesting tribal councils ever! Now, waiting for Amazing Race to start-

  6. I am SO with you about Phillip, Rob and Russell!! WHY do they keep bringing Russell back?! UGH And why do everyone's 'shorts' keep getting smaller & smaller?!! LOL And YESSSS to the Amazing Race!! The COWBOYS are back! They're so GREAT!!

  7. I think the phillip is annoying at best. I love how he said that he is trustworthy and honorable all the way through the show and at the end he screws his alliance.

    I agree I was not interested last season, but this one might be better.

  8. I watched Survivor last nite also. Phillip is an A$$Butt! Pardon my language! Russell the Troll is comic relief & Boston Rob is full of himself.

  9. I agree with everything that Cathi said! Her words describe my feelings about those three perfectly! Makes it interesting tho' doesn't it. Toni

  10. Wasn't that outrageous!!! I laughed my butt off...and I don't believe for one second he was an the opening credits when they show their face and name there was a question mark after his occupation of special agent LOL! He's gotta be a plant to act that stupid!! And if he truly does represent the image of a "true" special agent...God help us all LOL!

  11. Got to love Russell and the way he shakes things up. That tribal council was fun to watch, fireworks already. Oh did you notice when they show Phillip it says "Former FBI agent?" yep there's a "?" mark there. With the way he was acting, makes one wonder that he is full of BS about his profession.

  12. Wasn't that the most bizarre tribal council ever??? I love Russell. He is a true player and is so much fun to watch. I can't wait to see the Redemption Island games. Can't wait for Capt Underpants to get snuffed out!

  13. I haven't watched yet it is on the have me real curious and I agree...glad for ROB to be back again thought hated him the first time around....and RUSSELL...sure makes for good ratings doesn't he?!

  14. Oh Kim you are so right. My grandson wanted to know if we were going to see "Captain Underpants"'s you know what, too funny. He is a case that's for sure. Best tribal ever, I love the fireworks right off the bat.
    Amazing Race cowboys, yea baby can't wait for them to ride into town.

  15. Oh, I sooo agree! I've never missed an episode of Survivor, until last season. I stopped watching after the first episode! But I like Rob, too, and really dislike Russel, so wanted to give it another shot this season. Oh, and that Phillip guy.... I think he has more than a few screws loose! If he said he was a "former federal agent" one more time last night I thought I'd go through the TV and throttle him! And all that talk about "integrity" and then he tells the whole tribe at Tribal Council what Kristina and Francesca are planning? Can't wait to see him and his pink underwear voted off!



  16. I totally agree with you. My husband and I watched it last night. The tribal council was so off the all that my husband actually stopped looking at his pc to watch the train wreck of a tribal council.

  17. OMG!! That Phillip reminds me of the guy in the commerical for Old Spice (I think) who rides the horse and pops up everywhere. He is just so full of himself. I would have voted him off, he is just that annoying.

  18. Yes, I watched. And how many times did Phillip say, "I'm a former special agent with the former Defense Investigation Services"? Way to many to count. I like Rob, not so much Russell. But Russell is like a Jack Russell terrier. When he gets ahold of something he never lets go. And he really wants to win now. I'm not sure about Redemption Island. I was glad to see Francesca leave, I don't want to see her back again. And anybody with an idol that tells everybody at tribal council that she has it is just plain stupid. I want to see Kristina go as well. Whew, so glad I got all that off my chest.

  19. I just watched the episode last night, DVR it. Who is this guy? He needs to go, and soon!

  20. I haven't watched Survivor for a long time, but wanted to see how the fellow Wisconsinite did. I was BLOWN AWAY on how STUPID Phillip was during tribal council. Has he ever watched a previous season? It'll be interesting to see what happens.


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