Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You Say "Self-Indulgent" Like It's a Bad Thing

New Year's resolutions. It seems like everyone makes them, doesn't it? Quitting smoking. Getting more exercise. Eating healthy. Losing weight. Spending less money. Buying less fabric. HUH?! Why would you want to do THAT? Actually, none of these resolutions sound like good ideas to me. I mean sure, I have an ongoing goal to eat healthy, but we all need a nearly unobtainable goal or two, don't we? That's why God gave us stuff like Cheetos! Mostly I'm happy enough doing more of what I've been doing in the past. After all, I've been what I am for a long time now, and the world hasn't ended yet, right?

For me at least, making New Year's resolutions means setting myself up to fail because very few people can stick with a New Year's resolution all year long, myself included. But sure, I think about resolutions. I prefer, though, to set goals. And really, tell me this: Why would I want to set a goal that is difficult, painful, or less than fun to achieve? So here's my "goal" for 2011: "11 in 11."

What does "11 in 11" mean? Well, my plan is to finish 11 quilt projects in 2011. That averages out to one quilt a month with December off. The monthly Le Petite projects don't count, nor do other quick projects like tablerunners, etc. Projects that count toward satisfying my goal have to be projects that are large enough to take a little bit of time. Decreasing the number of unfinished quilt tops I have by getting a few quilted and bound DOES count. So the plan is do-able, I think, but not easy.

On Sunday, I pulled out a quilt top I had pinned but set aside, and I started quilting it. Here's how it looks so far:

I've just finished quilting all of the inside, but I still have the border to quilt and then all the binding to stitch, of course. This quilt is probably lap size, so it's not too huge, but it's not a small project either.

If you've already blown your New Year's resolution and need another to take its place, or if this just sounds like a good goal for you too, please join me! I'm going to revamp my sidebar and make space to keep track of my progress. Hey, it's a heck of a lot more fun than getting on the scale once a week!

(And just wait until you hear about my plans for Lent, when I'm thinking about giving up vegetables! But don't tell Gran and her crazy raw vegan friends, okay?)


  1. 11 in 11 sounds like a winning idea to me. And your plan for Lent also makes sense to me. I think I'll join you on both those plans.

  2. I like it. lent. I forget about it every year until it's half way over!

  3. You make me laugh out loud - I love that~ I too never seem to keep NY resolutions- I just like to think of a few things that I may, kinda , sorta, might get around to, eventually in the future. Yep, I am decisive - LOL! I like the 11 in 11 idea. I need to peruse the pile of UFO and see what is lurking - probably some surprises.

  4. What a good idea! May I try it too - 11 in 11, I mean?

  5. Count me in for the 11 in '11! Great idea...can't wait to see the finished projects! Piece....

  6. OOOOOOOK I am in on your 11 in 11 - bombed out in my 10 in 10 but what the heck I'll give it a try. Who new you did not like vegies - makes me appreciate you even more remembering how you sat and ate your food in the RAW FOOD restaurant - gotta love yha

  7. Give up vegetables for Lent??? I am so telling!


  8. I LOVE the idea of 11 in 11. I am sooo behind on my projects and I have a wee beastie so she makes it hard, but i have at least 11 ufo's I could finish!
    As for veggies....wellll....I'm a fan :)

  9. I'm laughing out loud now, reading your past posts since I'm new here. You are just too much! Love it! By the way, the quilt is gorgeous! Please show it to us when it is finished! As for giving up veggies for Lent . . . hmmmmn. You are so fun!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!