Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year is Here

How was your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? Our New Year's Eve ended up being a little more active than I originally anticipated. Hubby and I went out to dinner with Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday. We asked them to pick the restaurant and they picked a Thai restaurant, which was pretty interesting for Hubby and I because we've never really eaten Thai cuisine. It was really good! Soccer Son loves spicy food, so I can see why Thai appeals to him.

After dinner, the four of us drove over to the bar where the Wild Child was working. It's just a small hotel bar that's off the beaten path, so we knew the evening would be pretty slow for her, and she was happy to see us. We didn't stay very long, and it was still early when we left, but at least our whole family was together for a little bit on New Years Eve.

And after that? Home and a retreat to the Sweat Shop for some quality quilting time.

New Years Day has been kind of lazy. Around this time of the year, most years, I get the urge to hibernate--all I want to do is sleep, read, and eat. I don't feel like going out and doing anything. Inertia takes over and I become the laziest human being on the planet. Or at least I WANT TO BE the laziest human being on the planet, but I usually force myself to do things--take a bath; clean house; cook; brush my teeth. I think it's partially because the rush, pressure, and festivities of Christmas are over, so I go into recharge mode. Do you get like that?

In the end, though, I got quite a few things done around the house and spent more time sewing. In fact, I just finished this one:

This was the December Le Petite project--I showed you a photo of it before I quilted it but now it's all done. Did you see the parade on Sinta's blog? Click over and check it out if you have time, and from there you can click over to Sherri's blog to see the rest. They're all great!

I love the way the holiday falls this year because it seems like the weekend is super long. I can hardly believe I have one more day to play, but I do. I sincerely hope you're finding a little play time this weekend too!


  1. I love your background fabrics and that you quilted the hills! I saw Sinta's and Sherri's parades last night - all beautiful and all so different! Happy New Year Kim! Florence

  2. That is a stunning project. Where did youi get the pattern? Cathy T.

  3. I just love this quilt:) Trees and leaves are my favorites and the fabrics you chose are divine:) Loving it all around!!!

  4. Your December Le Petite is wonderful. I love it and think it is the best one in both parades! It was stunning when I saw it on Boxing Day and a master piece now. If you ever want to sell it - please see me first! It brings out the Canadian in me. :o)

  5. Like all of your pieces Kim- it is a lovely Christmas tree-
    Sounds like you have had an enjoyable set of days off- Enjoy your Monday - I am sure you will make something wonderful in that Sweat shop. You are one of the most productive and creative quilters that I have the pleasure to know.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
    If you are interested in a little giveaway - do come and check out my post- I have finally reached 100 posts.
    Warmest regards,

  6. And a happy New Year to you! Sounds like it was a nice evening, sometimes the meandering ones are the best. Like your Tree, its kind of unusual with the triangles upside down.
    Hibernation is good- after Christmas I never feel like doing ANYTHING, and, to be quite honest, I don't make myself either!
    Guess that makes you a better person!!

    And by the way, how's my polka dot mug these days????????????

  7. Excuse me - who's mug is "she" talking about ...



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