Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Won't Be Long Now

Have you been visiting the designers of the Be Mine Blog Tour this week? Are you having a good time? I know we are!

Day 3 of the tour brings us to the lovely Jen of Miss Punkie Pie. I just popped over to her blog and she hasn't posted her project yet. I don't want to steal her thunder by posting a photo here first, but just in case you haven't seen her blog yet--it's really cute!

In the meantime, let's talk about me. Because that's what I like to do here at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure! The next time I post, I'll be posting about my own project, and I sure hope you like it. I've been working on the directions for the past two evenings, and I finally have them done--I hope! I decided to take a little break from direction writing to put together one of the two prizes I'll be offering--a little kit for making my project. As you can see, the kit is being modeled here by the lovely Vanna Red:

No, Vanna's not part of the giveaway; not unless I can't pry the kit out of her hands.

More exciting than the kit, I suspect, is the other prize--a $50 gift certificate donated by the Fat Quarter Shop. I love Kimberly and everyone else connected with her shop, don't you? All you need to do to be entered to win prizes is to comment on my blog post where I show you my own project design. Simple, eh?!

Then there's the other thing. If you comment on ALL of the designers' blogs, on the post for their special days, you'll be entered in the grand prize giveaway for a $100 gift certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop. And no, you don't have to comment on the same day each designer posts their project--you can visit all of them on, for example, the last day of the tour and it will still count, just as long as you comment on the correct day assigned to them. Gee, I hope this makes sense, because it's hard to explain and it's always a bit uncertain to me when I've visited other blog tours. I always figure I'm too late. (Story of my life!)

So off you go--go visit Jen. But please make sure you come back here tomorrow to see my project, okay? I'll be waiting for you.


  1. You betcha I'll be here!

  2. I'll definitely be back tomorrow! Your Vanna is darling and I sure like the looks of what she is holding!


  3. Vanna Red - hilarious!!! Thanks....looking forward to tomorrow. Love the projects so far...piece.



  5. Can't wait to see yours Kim! Your prize looks niiiiiice!

  6. Thanks for the reminder! With the day I've had...geesh! Vanna is cute, the fabric is yummy, can't wait to see your surprise!
    Blessings :c)

  7. Love the fabric. Will be checking in tomorrow!

  8. You're such a tease! Waiting with much anticipation til tomorrow.

    Smilin' Jane

  9. Debbie A in Southern Ont. CanadaJanuary 12, 2011 at 12:09 AM

    Absolutely awesome, such a cool runner. Your draw gift are super too. To bad it wasn't for a pattern for Vanna Red. Love your doll.

  10. Lol...You really aught to throw Vanna into the mix! She is so, so cute. The heart table runner is lovely and easy to make. Thanks for sharing your pattern; I've downloaded it and plan to make in time for Valentine's day!


  11. Wowza, that is a beautiful runner! Those hearts are great. Thanks for a fab tutorial and a super giveaway!



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!