Friday, January 7, 2011

In the News

Internet headlines. For the past week or two it seems like a BUNCH of Hollywood actors and actresses have passed away, doesn't it? For some time now, every night I'd write my blog post and then click over to Yahoo, only to find a story about yet another one or two passing away. Some I didn't know and some I did. Of course, I had to check the ones I didn't know so I could figure out who they were. I know that Betty White is still around, but is anyone else over the age of 80?

Before I wrote tonight, I thought I'd check Yahoo to see who died today. No one--or no one important--but perhaps they're just waiting for me to post to my blog before they shuffle off this mortal coil. Gosh, do you think it's ME and my blog that's killing them? I never thought about it that way before!

Anyway, when I checked, I found there are some interesting headlines tonight even if no one famous has died. Yet. Figure skater Johnny Weir came out of the closet and announced he's gay. Shocker, right?

Then there's this: "Chemical signal in women's tears a turnoff for men." Seriously, do we really believe it's a CHEMICAL that men don't like? Do men find other men's tears attractive, I wonder, since it seems to be a chemical found only in WOMEN's tears? And what do they mean when they say women's tears are a "turnoff"? Do they mean that when a woman cries, a man is less likely to become aroused? Gosh, that seems like simply a matter of self-preservation to me! If my man got excited when I cried, it would probably only happen once or twice before he'd never get excited again. AND sing in a high, girlish voice. I wonder what kind of chemicals HE'd cry then?

In a potentially related story, "Butterfly sex: Cool weather makes females seducers." Do butterflies have hot flashes, I wonder?

Some people find the news depressing; I find it sort of amusing. It's just a matter of perspective. I guess I'd better go see who's died now. Sure hope it's not Betty White.

P.S.: Yes, I did also see that apparently God was behind the "Big Bang." I've kind of suspected it all along because it's a nice way to reconcile religion and science. And yes, there are all kinds of jokes here too, but I don't want to be struck dead. I'm just not famous enough yet.


  1. Thank you for giving me a few good chuckles:) Laughing is good for us all!!!

  2. Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood - now don't YOU go blogging about them - i'd like for them to STAY alive and well...

    and i think that Betty White's view about Facebook (that it is a huge waste of time) is gobsmackingly true...

  3. Thank you for a great post! I love your way at turning the strange Yahoo news into a chuckle!

  4. Thank you for a great post! I love your way at turning the strange Yahoo news into a chuckle!

  5. You Crack Me UP! I needed a good laugh today. Let me know when you start appearing as a stand-up comedian. I'll bring all my quilt friends over for your opening act!
    But, on the subject of women's tears, did you read in November, a big study shows that when we cry stress hormones that build up in our body are washed out? Maybe that's why men don't want to be near crying women (other than getting clobbered with a frying pan). They are afraid of absorbing our freed stress hormones...just another conspiracy theory of mine, no big study done yet.

  6. Thanks for the info. I was holding my breath when you said you checked the people who died. Glad that there was no one whom I like.

  7. Hilarious!! :D Really cute post, Kim *grinning* (watch out for lightning bolts!!)


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