Friday, December 31, 2010

Maybe They're Not for Everyone?

I suppose all things end, eventually. Here it is, the end of 2010. Doesn't it seem like just a couple years ago we were all waiting anxiously to see what exactly would happen when the world reached the year 2000? Now we're heading into the 20-teens.

The end of 2010 also marks the end of Bearpaws & Hollyhocks. I've been trying to make it by the shop all week to take advantage of their 50% off sale but I didn't get there until today. There are still a number of bolts of fabric left on the shelves, but it's getting pretty empty compared to what it was just a month or so ago.

As I entered the shop, I was greeted by the owner, Lindy, who told me she had something special for me she had saved--the creepy rabbits I've been admiring for the past two years. Yes, I know--it was hard for me to contain my excitement TOO! I came as close to turning into a squeeler as I ever have!

I gathered the pair up into my arms and lovingly arranged them in the back seat of my car--of course I didn't mind playing chauffer to this endearing couple!

Sadly enough, Hubby wasn't quite as excited as I was. In fact, after looking at them sitting on the couch across from his recliner for ten minutes or so, he suggested they would be happier living in the Sweat Shop, so off we went, all three of us. And now they've found a happy home!

(Don't tell anyone, but I kind of half expected to go back into the Sweat Shop later and find they'd moved while I wasn't looking. That didn't happen. I will be seriously freaked out if it does, but maybe not too surprised.)

Of course, I didn't leave the shop empty handed but for the rabbits. No, indeedy! I found myself a nice, fat pile of fabric!

The shop had an extra incentive to purchase fabric in large quantities--not just the 50% off, but on purchases of 5 yards or more off a single bolt, the cost was only $4 a yard. Sure can't beat that!

I plan to spend what's left of the year in the Sweat Shop, although there's a chance Hubby and I might get together with our kids in the evening for a little bit. We won't know for sure, though, until a little later in the day. As you can probably tell, Hubby and I aren't big partiers, and the only reason we'll be up late enough to usher in the new year is because we are ALWAYS up that late. So how about you? What are your New Year's Eve plans?


  1. I am sad that the shop is closing. I had wanted to take classes there but I wasn't usually available when they were offered. I stopped by on Tuesday but I didn't see Lindy to say goodbye and to wish her luck. Will you be teaching any where locally?

  2. I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long time, SO is working tonight and will most like sleep in tomorrow so that leaves me alone fondling fabric, snacking and watching chick flicks in my sewing room. EXACTLY what I wanted to do! BUT, don't you know SO's Uncle passed, so we will be traveling and spending time with his family. Not bad people, just not how I wanted to bring in the new year!!! We must roll with the punches!

  3. I'm sorry the quilt shop is closing. You did get some nice fabric though! And the rabbits....hmmm! Interesting! :-) For NYE, we stay home and play board games and Wii with the kids. I'll be lucky if I'm awake by midnight (I'm a morning person)!

  4. now they just freak me out....I can see it now, you'll be sewing late and all of a sudden they move closer, then closer before you know they'll be right behind you (cue music from Chuckie)...just sayin'...and my word verification is SCREMER...sounds too much like screamer to me...

  5. I love your creepy rabbits but then you and I share our love of the creepy! Happy New Year my friend. I can't wait to see all the new stuff you turn out and hey, if those bunnies creep you out too much later on they could vacation in Canton at my house.

  6. I frequent my quilt shop even though it costs more because I want it to stay around! The owner sometimes has sales she titles "Staying In Business Sale". It's tough to compete with online prices for these little shops. Sad!

    The bunnies are creepy in an old-fashioned Curiosity Cabinet kind of way! I might have expected them to move too :)

    Happy New Year! Have fun playing with fabric late into the night...that's my plan too.

  7. They are kind of creepy!!!! Love the fabric you got! I was in bed by 10pm but up again at midnight when the dog was freaked out by the fireworks!!! Happy New Year!

  8. Cute rabbits - great sale with 50% off!!

  9. Those rabbits really are creepy -- I can see why you needed to bring them home!

  10. Yikes...super creepy rabbits! Will they be joining us for our next get-together? Happy New Year!
    Love, Crazy Friend Lisa

  11. The fabric was nice but lemme tell you, I was more excited by the rabbits-they are wonderful. If they ever get bored of the sweat shop you can send them to NJ to visit me :)

  12. Happy New Year Kim! Those rabbits are kinda creepy.....not sure I would like them watching me either! I am sure they are much happier in the Sweat Shop. I went to a closing down sale of my favourite patchwork shop yesterday. Sad to be losing it...but the owner is staying in business on line as she wants to spend more time with her grand daughter and hubby who wants to travel a bit....I will miss being able to visit for classes and just to touch the fabric and leaf thru the books.....but good for her - her life is taking another turn and she will be able to enjoy more family time. I stayed up to see the New Year in - little Miss Rose kept me company!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!