Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hop on the Party Bus!

Today was our (my office's) annual San Francisco shopping trip--and here's the party bus that took us there.

By the time we arrived in the city, which is about a two-hour drive, I thought I was going to be ill from motion sickness, but I managed. A bit of fresh air and stretching my legs once we arrived helped quite a bit. It was raining when we left Sacramento and raining when we got to San Francisco, and that didn't change the whole day.

Traditionally, once in San Francisco, we all split into small groups and go our separate ways--here are the two gals I was spending the day with. I took this photo before we left Sacramento.

Yes, as a matter of fact, we did have a couple drinks during the day--why do you ask?!

Our first stop was for lunch at Tyler Florence's Wayfare Tavern--the photos I took there came out really dark, so all I have is to share is a photo of the postcard our waiter gave us--

Really good food. My companions ordered the fried chicken, which the restaurant is famous for, but I ordered Santa Maria tri-tip (thinly sliced thick steak) and it was also good. (I tried a piece of the chicken too.) The meals were accompanied by popovers, which were an interesting change from sliced bread. We split an appetizer plate of deviled eggs--an odd choice but also something the restaurant is known for. My friends also split a bowl of mushroom soup and an order of brussell sprouts (they said they were really, really good, but I have my doubts; after all they WERE brussell sprouts! Ick!), but I just couldn't eat that much, especially after the bumpy ride.

I took a photo in Noe Valley, where we shopped the afternoon away. I think I have a photo of the same intersection last year (24th and Noel). You can see how wet and dreary it was today; last year it was cold and a little damp but we didn't have rain.

You all know my mouse story. Well, I came across this little mouse in a shop and decided I needed to have it to remember the year by:

A bit LATER though, I found THIS mouse--really cute! Yes, she came home with me too. Now I have a few mice, but at least they don't eat stuff and make messes like the live one did!

You may remember I mentioned we have a cookie exchange on Friday; I found this book at the Boudin Cafe gift shop area and saw it contained what appear to be some really YUMMY cookie recipes (how could they NOT be yummy? They're chocolate!), so I thought I needed it too.

Most of what I bought today are intended as gifts, so I can't show them to you. And I tried to resist Christmas decorations because I kept hearing Hubby in my head, telling me I have too many Christmas boxes and letting me know he thinks it's a sickness. But (besides the mice which don't really count, right?!) I did buy two small glitter birds--this one says "Wish" and the other says "Dream."

And that's exactly what I plan to do next--dream! Because that two-hour ride home in the party bus? Well, let's just say my stomach isn't feeling too great right now, but I'm sure it will be fine by morning.


  1. What a fun day! I love your mice, and you're right, the second one is the cutest. Hubby will fall in love with the glitter birds and forgive you, I'm sure....

  2. Look what you did for "love" - rode in a deluxe bus for four hours so you could enjoy SF's finest. I am tickled for you and wondering how I can get a job at your company ... LOL.

  3. What an exciting way to spend the day... With friends. Hope your tummy is feeling better.


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