Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Have You Considered a Helmet?

Remember the repeating sketch on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In of the old man on a tricycle who falls off all the time? Wasn't that funny?! Maybe not so much in real life, although I keep picturing that sketch in my mind and shaking my head.

Hubby was recently given a motorized scooter chair and took it out for a spin today for the first time while the Wild Child looked on. Somehow, as he got a little bit down the street, one of his wheels rolled over the curb--we have these gently rolling curbs here rather than the type with 90 degree edges--and sure enough, he tipped the thing over.

I came home early from work to find the house empty, although that didn't alarm me as I knew Hubby had been thinking about doing a little shopping and I figured the Wild Child had gone with him. It was only after I'd woken up from my nap that I learned where they'd been--the hospital. Turns out Hubby broke a finger in the fall. Tomorrow he'll go back to see the orthopedist, who will decide whether to put the hand in a cast or operate on it to place a pin in the finger. Sometimes I think Hubby does these things to get out of chores at the busiest times--like dish washing at Christmas time. And remember how he broke his leg just before my carpal tunnel surgery?

Okay, yes, you're right--it really ISN'T all about me, is it?! I'm joking, of course, and yes, I do feel bad about Hubby's injuries. In fact, I've suggested seatbelting him into his wheelchair and making him wear protective head gear from now on, but apparently a broken finger does not prevent a person from flipping another person off. I remember when Hubby first got his standard wheelchair and we went away for a long weekend to a cute, seaside town. While I was shopping in one of the quaint little shops, Hubby was outside, tipping over backward in the street in his new wheelchair. Sheesh!

Seriously, you would think wheelchairs and other assistive devices would be designed to be especially safe for the handicapped, but apparently they're not. I'm just glad the Wild Child was home today to help get Hubby back up and home after the fall and then to the hospital for treatment. It's always something, isn't it?!


  1. It is truly always something. You would think wheelchairs would be bottom-heavy enough that they wouldn't tip. Or that at least the designers would realize they had a danger of tipping and would do something about it.

    Glad he's okay!

  2. He needs a horn on that thing, he falls over he honks his horn...but now I have a picture of a wheebles woobble but they won't fall down...

  3. And it was not all that long ago that he was standing in the driveway watching her go up and down the sidewalk on her bike ready to rescue her when she fell.

    I agree it is always something. I am constantly asking God for a calm day, lol.

    Hope the finger requires the lesser of the medical treatments.

  4. Wow, what an adventure. Guess you will have to put some training wheels on the new scooter :-) Or speed control!

  5. Wish your hubby a speedy recovery from me and I wish you some mood altering medicine (liquid form perhaps). Smile Kim!! Best wishes to you!

  6. Oh lordy, I'm glad he didn't get more seriously injured, but still. Not the best time to break a finger! (Is there a best time?) Full safety armor for the next attempt!

  7. Fa - la - la- la ... opps! la - la- la - laaaaaaaaaaaa

  8. It sure is! We were in the ER today too. Amelia fell at school and needed stitches on her head. It IS always something. But I'm happy to hear nothing really major happened and he's okay.

  9. I was in the ER yesterday too. Found out I have pnuemonia ... again! I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet and now I have to sit out a week.
    I seem to always have these cases of bad timing but I guess there isn't a good time to be sick. I hope hubby doesn't have to have the surgery. Good luck with that. Merry Christmas Kim and family. from Chris in Sacramento


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