Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sick of Election Campaigns!

I really try not to talk about politics on my blog because I'm not interested in engaging in a political argument, but I think it's probably safe to say I'm really sick to death of all the election hoopla, and most of you would agree with me. Here in California, we have Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown running for governor, both of whom have deep enough pockets to bombard us with almost constant campaign ads. Add to that all the other races, and it's nuts. Hubby and I went to dinner Monday night and came home to THREE voicemail messages soliciting our votes for different candidates.

I think all of the negative campaigning does more harm than anything else. I know that hearing so much negativity from all sides makes me feel rather hopeless about the idea that there's anyone out there who could be a good leader. Sometimes I wish I was 18 again and still believed the "right candidate" would make all the difference.

At least the end is in sight and it will all be over in the morning. If I wasn't so jaded about the whole process, I'm sure I'd be excited about getting up in the morning and feeling like the entire campaign was just a bad dream.


  1. I agree with you Kim. I'm so tired of the mailbox being full of junk mail and all the computer phone calls. One of my co-workers got a phone call from Pat Boone! He called her by her first name too! Oh brother!
    Chris in Sacramento

  2. Oh I am so with you. I'm in Cali too, and I am just so done with all this trash talking from both parties. Politicians really just need to focus on the facts instead of all the mud slinging.
    And please stop calling and clogging up our mail boxes too, that would be great☺

  3. I'm right there with you...I'm so glad it's OVER! I've never heard so much meanness in all my life. No one talked about what they were going to do...just ugliness about the other candidate.

  4. Our phone has been ringing off the hook with pre-recorded election messages. It is beyond intrusive. It's bad enough to be bombarded with the mean spririted ads on tv and radiio, but at least I can turn those off. When I have to stop what I'm doing and run to the phone to listen to that c**p, it really irritates me.

  5. Amen, In two days I had 31 messages -
    all but 3 were political, some from representatives that aren't even in my district. Dori

  6. Love reading your daily blog... love your new look on your header page.. love your tutorials (many of which I have made).. love your sense of humor!! Thank you. Too bad we live in California and have to share our day with all the other nonsense.

  7. It's not just in California. I'd be watching an ad and it would mention a candidates name over and over and it would be negative. They never mention the candidate who is running against that person, so I only have that name stuck in my head. I'm so glad that the tv ads, phone calls and mail is over with.

  8. From one California to another, I am so glad that the election is now history!


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