Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Little Help Here!

If you've been reading my blog for a year or longer, you probably remember that every year in early December our office staff is treated to an outing in San Francisco to do pretty much whatever we want as long as it's legal. If you click HERE, you can see my report following last year's excursion when my group went to Hayes Valley, Noe Valley, and the Ferry Building.

Every year around this time, all the staff start asking one another, "What are you going to do on the shopping trip this year?" And this year, as usual, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to ideas, so I thought I'd ask YOU.

So far, we have a group going to see a stage production of Shrek. It sounds okay, but I have a hard time imagining it living up to the movie. Another group is going to the Jewelry Mart. I've been there several times, and while it's a good stop if you're into jewelry or have small gifts to buy for people on your Christmas list, I'm not into it this year. A third group is going back to Noe Valley, which was fun last year, but I wonder if I want to go back again this year or do something different?

Another thing to consider: This would be the same date as my Thimbleberries Club's big end of the year party, so if I go to San Francisco, it has to be something worth missing the party for.

What I'd like to find are some quirky shops with fun and/or artsy items that aren't overpriced. In other words, if there was a street of Etsy shops, I'd be in heaven.

I'm not interested in shopping for clothing or shoes, except possibly something like scarves or other small (quirky, fun, and/or artsy) accessories.

So, where should I go? Suggestions anybody?


  1. Hi Kim, I love going into SF at the holiday time of the year. It's a tough call for you to choose between your party or trip. One year, I was in the city around this time of the year and one of the Academy of Arts locations was having a student sale. The prices were good and the talent awesome - maybe it's something to look into. I don't know of an "etsy" type locations, but if you find one, please let us know. Have fun with whatever you choose. Maybe you could go into SF and take a bus trip to Sausalito where there are all kinds of artsy stores........

  2. Being from the midwest, I would certainly love a trip to the city... if anything just to windowshop. I'd have a leisurely lunch at a fabulous place and then must maybe buy something completely out of the ordinary!
    Good luck with your decision and have fun - enjoy the day whatever.

  3. I don't know but can I come?? LOL I was in San Fran once (on my honeymoon), have you ever been to
    Ghiradelli? mmmm....

  4. I don't know where you work but it sounds like you guys have more fun than should be allowed in a job!! HaHa. Do you think they would hire me??
    Have fun.



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!