Saturday, November 27, 2010


Tomorrow (Saturday) from 1 to 5, I'm teaching a Schnibbles class, so I spent a good part of today gearing up for it--putting together my handouts and goodies and deciding what to feed my students. Once again, it's supposed to rain on the day of my class--as it did the last two classes--so again, soup seems like a good idea (and I'm SO GLAD I have the new crockpot with the locking lid!). I've been wanting to make a turkey/mushroom/wild rice soup, but I thought everyone would like a break from turkey, so I'm making corn chowder and accompanying it with pineapple/coconut muffins. Yum! I'll make the turkey soup for us sometime this weekend with our Thanksgiving leftovers.

Since this is the last class of the winter session and I haven't signed up to teach during the first couple months of the next session due to other commitments, it almost feels like I'll be getting out of school on holiday soon! It's a good thing, though, because with Christmas less than a month away, there's lots and lots of things to be done. Decorating, shopping, baking, sewing, crafting, wrapping, . . . . It makes me tired just thinking about it!

I didn't spend ALL day working on class stuff though--I stopped a couple times for recess. Quilting recess!

I finally started working on the Le Petite project for November, Butter Churn by This & That patterns. I'm using Basic Grey's Fruitcake line for this one and hope to have it done before--long before!--Christmas. In fact, I plan to finish the top in time for the parade on December 1st, and the really nice thing about these small quilts is that they quilt fast.

I've made all the churn dash blocks; next I need to start on the Jacob's ladder blocks. And as much as I'd like to do that RIGHT NOW, it's 1 a.m. and I have a class to teach in 12 hours, so I guess I'd better get to bed. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. I love it! I love the fabric choice and how the block is looking. I can't wait to see the whole top. Have fun with your class today!

  2. I love your churnblocks - fabulous fabrics! and would you consider sharing your recip for you pineapple coconut muffins? Sounds scrumptious.

  3. I love everything that you do!
    When you are off for "Winter Break" let's have some fun!


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