Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wool Project #1

I'm teaching my wool class (where to find it, what to do with it, and how to dye it) again in a few weeks--this is the one I taught last spring. I had a full class with a few students on the waiting list and unable to get in, and so I was asked to teach it again. Last spring, I gave my students a choice of three different kits, but they were all spring-themed, so I wanted to design a few new fall and winter projects for this class. That's what I've been working on the past week, and I thought I'd show you the first one--the one for fall. (Please ignore the white lines on the smaller pumpkins--I haven't washed them out yet!)

I'm trying to keep the projects reasonably simple with not too many pieces, since the purpose of the kits is to give the students an opportunity to work with wool and learn a couple basic stitches; not necessarily to create an heirloom masterpiece the first time out. The next sample I'll work on is a snowman for winter; the third--which I haven't even drawn out yet--will be more of a Christmas project, I think.

I started working on this one with my stitchery group on Saturday, but I did so much talking and so little stitching that I barely got the pumpkins done. I think, too, that my friends might be a little surprised to see this project finished because the drawing I had with me looked somewhat different--sometimes what I start out thinking I'm going to make turns into something better. In any event, I guess I'd better be a little more diligent at stitching if I want something to show the students.

If you haven't tried working with wool yet, give it a try--it's a lot of fun!


  1. I really like your new wool design...wish I could take that class!

  2. I love this! Is wool very hard to work with? I have wanted to try - wish I lioved nearby so I could take your class!

  3. Well, we all talked a lot - not just you - it was so wonderful to be together. Surprised by your efforts, and accomplishments - no - just always am amazed at your talents! Hugs!

  4. Cute wool project. Can't wait to see the other two designs. I, too, wish I could take this class with you. Do you put your wool on cotton fabric? Or is it on wool with cotton for a border? I think you use woven wools cause I am forever reading that you found another blazer to cut up! Thanks for sharing all this.

  5. Kim, I love the crow with pumpkins project! I have made lots of things with wool, but none recently. I need to get back into my stash. Good luck with your class.

  6. Oh oh oh Kim, I LOVE your woolie crow and pumpkins! Wish I lived close enough to take your classes. :D That is just ADorable!


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