Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wool Class Virtual Student

Okay, so in reference to yesterday's post, I admit I don't like to shave my legs much. And yes, I'm married, but he doesn't shave his either. Ever. So we're even, sort of!

Saturday is my wool class, Baa Baa Black Sheep . . . Have You Any Wool, and as I often have a "virtual student" contest in connection with my classes, I didn't want to disappoint the masses this time.

Here's a copy of the photo on the front of the pattern. Yes, Santa looks like he's been hitting the wine bottle a little too hard, but I have since dyed some lighter pink wool, and that's what's been added to the Santa kits. I also tea stained some better wool for his beard and designed the beard a little fuller--I just haven't had a chance to make up a new and improved Santa yet.

My students will have an opportunity to pick one of the three kits--pumpkins, snowman, or Santa--and assuming I still have a full selection left after the class on Saturday, the winner of the virtual student contest will also get a choice of one of these. The pattern, which will also go out to the student in the packet, contains instructions for all three.

I'm serving my "real" students baked potato soup and Apple Hill cake; unfortunately, the food is one thing my "virtual" student will not receive. Bummer, huh?!

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I have room for a couple more students in class, so if you're within driving distance of the Sacramento area and want to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon doing something fun, call Bearpaws & Hollyhocks when they open at 10 a.m. Their number is (916) 971-9392. Class starts at 1 p.m. And there's no need to bring any supplies--it will all be provided, although a pair of scissors might come in handy.

So if you're around the area, join me in class; if you're not, leave a comment telling me you'd like to be entered for a chance to win. I'll draw a winner on Sunday night to be posted on Monday's blog. Also? I might not post on Saturday night/Sunday because I expect I might be just a tad tired. Good luck on the contest and thanks for visiting!


  1. I would love to win one of these cute kits. I'm way too far away to come, but good luck tomorrow and have fun. Winona

  2. Oh I would love to win one of those patterns! Have you ever thought of hosting an on-line class? I can't make the drive from upstate NY but I wish I could!

    Oh and I don't always shave my legs either and my husband usually says that it is ok he doesn't either!

  3. I'd love a chance to win! I've been wanting to try a wool kit, but haven't found one I like. I love the pumpkin one you have. Wish I was closer so I could join in on the class fun!

    Sandy A

  4. I'm taking a wool applique class in Houston this year and really looking forward to learning the tricks of this popular craft. These patterns are just too cute! would love to win....and would love to take one of your classes but am just too far. If I am ever close, I will for sure see if there is one scheduled.

  5. I wish I lived closer too; I'm sure your classes are a lot of fun! Please enter me, and thank you for the virtual student fun!

  6. I'd love a chance to win, too! I've purchased a small amount of wool, but I haven't actually done anything with it yet. Have fun in your class!

  7. As much as I'd like to visit California tomorrow, I don't think it's in the cards. I'd love to win one of the kits, though!

  8. I would love to be entered for a chance to win one of your awesome wool kits!

  9. Love your creations! Makes me wish I still lived in Modesto and could come up and spend the day stitching with you!

  10. Hey Kim,

    I would love to win the pattern--as usual.

    If anyone is reading this besides Kim and HASN'T taken her class, I took the first class and caught the wool craze. If you are near-by, get on over and eat Kim's food.


  11. I would love to win your fabulous give-away. Would you share your recipes for soup and cake with your bloggy friends?

  12. I love your patterns. Count me in!

  13. I L-O-V-E wool applique. Problem is, I never win a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g! Lol
    I just keep trying.

  14. So cute, I would like to be entered for a chance to win. I have not tried wool applique yet, looks like great fun! Thanks for the chance. ~~Lisa

  15. I would love one of the kits, I have never worked with wool and would like to learn as well as have finished item for the holiday.

    I sure will the food were included. I read your blog every night and then go hunting in my kitchen for something that would be as good as what you have shown. Never quite find it! LOL

    You all enjoy the class and the soup and apple cake, and think of the rest of us out here who are missing out on both!

  16. I sure wish, instead of I sure will. I did say I read your blog at night right? LOL

  17. I still have not tackled wool... I would love to win so I can try it. It sounded like you are going to have a class right here and I was thinking about signing up... Your soup sounds yummy too!

  18. I'd love to be there, but the airfare from the UK makes it a rather expensive class! The soup sounds wonderful so I'm off to google the recipe for that.

  19. Love them all. Put my name down. I would love to win one. I really like seasonal decorations to make for my home, Thanks. Bonnie in Tx

  20. I have only dabbled in wool and would love to take your wool class but, the commute is a tad bit out of my range. Please sign me up for a chance to win a pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Boy, I wish I was in California! Thanks for the opportunity....have a great day. Piece....

  22. How I wish I lived closer. I would really enjoy the class. But I don't ... So, I will try for second best and hope to win one of the adorable kits. I adore the snowman. Happy quilting.

  23. I read your blog every day, but don't comment often. Thanks for offering a virtual class, I would love to win one of your kits.

  24. I wish I could be a real student. Being a virtual student would be so much fun.

  25. I've long wished I could be a student in your class. Now here's my chance! I'd love to win that there punkin kit.

  26. no soup and cake? oh well-i'd love to win the kit!!


  27. I'd love to win the kit. I haven't made anything with wool, but I keep fondling it in the store! I'd love the soup recipe if you'd like to share.

  28. Sandy from ThimbleberriesOctober 23, 2010 at 6:25 AM

    I would love to win one of the kits. I was lucky to take your first class and did finish the kit. I have it hanging in the living room for fall. I agree with Trish about your recipes. I would love the recipes. Your food is great and the group that comes to your classes are a lot of fun. I am looking forward to your November class.

  29. Hey Kim, I'd love to win the snowman kit that you put together. Although I kind of live close (Santa Rosa), I have too many things to do today to break away for a short/long trip to Sac. Keep up the good work. I love reading your blog!

  30. Can't make it by one this afternoon. Texas is just too big to get across. I love your kits! Since you can't send the food please include the recipes! Hugs, Gwen

  31. My Lear jet is in the shop this month so I won't be able to attend your class but please enter my name into your contest. I'd also love the recipes for your menu. Thanks Kim!!

  32. I'd love to be entered to win one of your wool kits. have fun at your class.

  33. Thank-you Kim, if I lived anywhere close I'd take your class. I would love to win one of your patterns.

  34. Traveling from Oregon to CA is a bit far so, I'd sure like to win one of the patterns. Wool is my favorite thing to work with.


  35. I would be proud to win one of your great patterns. You are so talented. Also recipe for Baked Potato Soup. Would taste good since it is raining here also. Do you think you could post a short tutorial on wool. I love the effect.

    Linda Z

  36. Darn! I'll probably be in the Sacramento area next Saturday! Will have to look up where the quilt store is and try to check it out!

  37. Would love to win one of your patterns!

  38. What a bummer I live too far away to come to class but would love to win one of the pattern. Thanks - Dori

  39. I wish I lived closer. I just love the Santa... Have a great class.. The soup and apple cake sound absolutely delightful..

  40. Hi Kim! I hope the class was great! Love the kits, please enter me in your drawing, thanks!!!

  41. I would love to win one of your kits!
    Sure wish I lived in California so I could be in your class, you sound like you have lots of fun at them.


  42. cathy@bigfishbunch.comOctober 24, 2010 at 11:17 AM

    I would love to win this kit! I love reading your blog. It get the best laughs from your experiences. I loved the one about your dog in the car. Your a very talented lady in all ways. If I lived close I would take your classes.

  43. Oh, Kim, pick me! I would like any of them! And, I'm sorry I'm a continent away so I guess I'll pass up the class in person!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!