Monday, October 25, 2010


The wool class on Saturday was a lot of fun for me, and I hope my students enjoyed it too. This was a smaller class, so I had time to show the students my technique for using a sort of quilt-as-you-go technique with free motion settings to sew one of these little wallhangings fairly quickly by machine. And while I didn't get it all done in class, by the end of Saturday evening, I had finished a Santa wallhanging--

Did you notice Santa's cheeks and nose are a better pink now? More healthy and not so wino-ish?

So you're probably wondering who won the virtual student contest, right? Well, I decided to pick two winners this time.

First of all, Tiffaney at Tiffaney is Sew Busy. If you pop over to her blog, you'll see her version of the Happy Jacks quilt she made from the tutorial in my sidebar. It really turned out cute!

Second, Nancy who blogs near Philadelphia. I think Nancy may have won a giveaway of mine sometime ago, because I vaguely recall finding out what was near Philadelphia, but I don't remember anymore!

So, Nancy and Tiffaney, please email me your mailing addresses and tell me whether you'd like a Santa kit, a Snowman kit, or a Pumpkin/Crow kit, and I'll get your packets in the mail to you this week. Congratulations, ladies!


  1. Kim - Thank you so much! What a honor to be your virtual student. If I lived closer it would be so much fun to be your real student.

  2. Kim, I just thought I'd let you know that we woke up to about 1 inch of snow on the ground. I guess no lawn mowing for us and as far as the other suggestion I probably need the extra warmth. LOL

    Take Care and congrats to the winners

  3. Congrats to the winners! And thanks for the recipes.....they sound delish! Take care.....piece.

  4. Congratulations to the winners! Love that Santa!

  5. I had the pleasure of being a real live student with Kim in her class, and it was wonderful! Kim is a fantastic teacher--I learned so much about wool (how to choose, dye, felt, thrift, sew), in addition to having a very fun time with Kim, Lindy, and the other students. If you ever get a chance to take a Kim class--DO IT! (And I didn't even mention the FOOD! Yum!!)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!