Saturday, October 16, 2010

October Friday Night Sew In

My Friday Night Sew In accomplishment:

It seems a little meager, doesn't it? No, I wouldn't even be offended if you described it as somewhat pathetic.

I had great plans of getting off work at 5:30 (or maybe even sneaking out a little earlier--shhhhh! Don't tell the boss!), driving home on an empty freeway at a speed Mario Andretti would have approved, changing into my jammies, fixing myself some tea or hot chocolate (or having Brad Pitt show up with a Starbucks iced latte for me), and being ready to begin the sew in by 6 p.m. Didn't happen.

Instead I worked late. Driving home, I deftly avoided a few of what I suspect were drinking drivers who considered lane lines a mere suggestion. I got home at 8:03 p.m. and changed into my jammies. (At least ONE thing went according to plan.) Hubby was cooking dinner, which was a pretty good deal, but a slow start on heating up the oven meant we didn't eat until almost 9 p.m. Brad Pitt? No, just Hubby wearing a tie dyed Sierra Nevada Brewery T-shirt and no Starbucks iced latte anywhere in evidence.

I started doing some basting of the stars while dinner was heating and then I got going on the applique. Around 12:30-ish, I had progressed to pressing the four star squares and sewing them together. So that's it, the center of one more block of Hallowe'en 1904 is done, and now it's bed time. Maybe when I retire to the bedroom, I'll find Brad Pitt with that iced latte. I forgot to look there earlier. One can only dream.


  1. Hope you found Brad. If he was hanging out with Johnny Depp, can you send the latter my way? Tell him to put on his pirate outfit. Maybe I can convince DH he's here for Halloween.

  2. I didn't get very far with FNSI either. But I wasn't late coming home from work (I worked from home). I just lost all my motivation. I finished Amelia's halloween costume. That's as far as I got. I would have liked to have cut some fabric for a few projects but that never happened.

  3. Ugh, working late on a Friday - that's the pits! I love your stars though! I can never do a Friday night sew-in because DH & I have a bit of a date night on Friday - we usually watch Ghost Whisperer (not only on DVD sadly), and eat fun foods in front of the TV. BUT, last night I did get some sewing done after our show - but only made it to 9pm - I'm such a wimp!

  4. Isn't life funny~ Your plan sounded great, too bad you weren't able to execute it. Love the stars!

  5. At least you're farther along than me! I've had that pattern for over a year, and I've finished collecting the fabric for it, but there it sits on my shelf. Oh well, maybe next year.

  6. Well at least you got SOME sewing done! I didn't even venture anywhere near my sewing machine. Poor thing is probably offended. Does that make you feel better? I love those stars!

  7. They look great. If you had found Brad Pitt.... I'm pretty sure you would have gotten less sewing done.

  8. At least you have something to show for your evening! I discovered at about 10:30 that I didn't have the thread I needed to complete my goal for th evening! Did you ever find Brad?

  9. I'm sure that if you found Brad Pitt, that we wouldn't be reading this blog entry. Sorry, maybe he will appear at a later date. There's always hope. Nice looking stars. You're tempting me with this pattern, but so far I've resisted.


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