Friday, October 29, 2010

Another Week's Flown By . . .

It's hard to believe, but Halloween's nearly here and October's almost over. And for me, this week has really gone quickly.

On Monday, Hubby flew to Florida to visit a friend for a week. It seemed like I'd have a long, lovely week to myself--something I haven't had for a long, long time. Not that I don't enjoy Hubby's company, but I really DO crave a little alone time now and then, and since Hubby stopped working nearly two years ago, the house is rarely empty longer than about ten minutes.

So, on Tuesday, I took the day off work and just relaxed, sewed, and soaked in the peace and quiet. (The Wild Child was at school and work almost all day and evening.)

On Wednesday, I spent the first of two long days working on a big, rush project at work. I didn't get home until 9 p.m.

On Thursday, I spent another busy day at work and finally got the project out the door by closing time. Afterward, I met a friend for dinner and a little shopping--the people at Home Goods practically pushed us out the door so they could close!

Friday? Another day at work, but we'll be celebrating Halloween with costumes, games, and food. Still, I hope to get off work early enough to make it to the quilt shop for a little tea and stitchery in the afternoon.

Before Hubby left for Florida, he asked me if I'd miss him. Of course I figured I would, but so far I haven't spent enough time at home to hardly notice, aside from that first day he was gone. I DO hope things will slow down a little now that the weekend's nearly here. I think his homecoming will be a lot more fun if I can just find the time to miss him before he comes back.


  1. LOL, I'm with you. Alone time is great!

  2. that's EXACTLY how i feel about certain someones who shall remain anonymous ... sometimes i want to shout out, "PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE TO MISS YOU!!!"

    but i don't ... cuz then i might get what i wished for ... and that ALWAYS bites me in the butt

  3. Me too. The alone time is wonderful but sometimes I just don't miss him. I would never tell him that though.

  4. I agree, you were too busy to miss anyone! Maybe you missed the mouse, I don't know. Have you caught him yet?


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