Friday, September 3, 2010

Will You Be My Friend?

Ever since I was about five years old, that seemed like a pretty pathetic thing to ask someone. You either naturally BECAME friends when you got to know one another, or you didn't. Of course, with Facebook, that's all changed.

People (i.e., my kids and other people not sophisticated enough to read a blog, for goodness sakes!) have been suggesting to me for awhile now that I join Facebook, but I haven't seen the need. But my Quilting Porch friend Eileen is on Facebook so she can keep in touch with relatives (apparently she LIKES hers better than I like mine), and when she went into the hospital for surgery, she mentioned that her daughter and a friend would post her condition on her wall. When I heard she'd done fine in surgery but that surgery was more extensive than was initially anticipated and that she'd be in the hospital longer than first expected, I decided to join Facebook so I could find out how she was doing. The only problem has been that I joined Facebook but I can't seem to find her. I DID send her a friend request, but subsequent searches don't locate her again and she's not popping up as a friend suggestion. I think she might be going home tomorrow anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter much at this point.

But here I am, a member of Facebook now. And my email inbox is filling up with friend requests from friends and family alike, which I've been mostly ignoring because really? I don't think I'm going to be ON Facebook that much, so there won't be much for them to see. But who knows? That could change. Maybe I'll find a long-lost boyfriend and rekindle the flame. Don't tell Hubby if that happens, okay? But there you go--yet another reason to not "friend" family members!

I did friend the Wild Child though. I don't know what I was thinking! We live in the SAME HOUSE! Why do I need to talk to her on Facebook? Besides that? I had momentarily forgotten that sometimes it's better I NOT KNOW THINGS. If you're a mom, you can probably relate. So I didn't friend Soccer Son or his Lovely Wife to be Someday. At least not yet.

Want to see what I came across on the Wild Child's Facebook page?

I posted a message asking why she was camping in a prom dress and learned she'd had to dress up when she and her band performed for a "Black and White Ball" that was held 30 miles from civilization, in the middle of nowhere. AND when they arrived? Very few of the attendees were dressed formally. But she found this gown at a thrift store (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?!) so she didn't have to put too much money into it, and she looks rather stunning in it too, even if you CAN see the outline of her bellybutton ring. (See the guy drinking out of a red plastic cup? Pretty formal, huh?!)

And Soccer Son's Facebook page? He has this photo of me posted along with a comment that says something like, "my mom can beat your mom in a go cart race." I kind of like that!

You know what else bugs me about Facebook? I have all these friend requests from people I don't know! I'm pretty sure they're people I know online, but I don't know them by their real names, nor do I recognize them, so it's kind of odd. Kind of like strangers coming up to you when you're five years old and saying, "Will you be my friend?"

So do me a favor. If you're on Facebook and you track me down and want to be my friend--we'll, I'm sure I'd be happy to, but send me a separate email telling me how I know you so I don't think you're just some random stalker, okay? Oh, and one more favor? If you see any old flames hanging around my Facebook page, don't tell Hubby, right? Gee, you really ARE a friend!


  1. Loved this post Kim and I totally agree! With the relative thing and the Mom doesn't WANT to know thing and who the heck are you and how do I know you thing!

  2. Would love to friend you on FB...good grief I am on FB all the time...way too much time, anyway do you know how many people over on FB have your name? and do you know how many of them are asian men? just sayin' if you want to be my friend you'll need to email me your full name, or better yet, you can friend me and I'll be your friend...

  3. lol I got addicted to the time wasting games there! It's awful!

  4. Amen, sister! I love this post. Everybody and their brother has an FB. I had to get one because my mother insisted. My mother! My 72 year old mother! She spends hours on it. Snooping! As my son said, "I knew when my Grandmother asked me to be her friend on facebook, it was time to grow up and get a life!"

  5. Guess I'm a dinosaur. Don't see the need to be in constant contact with anyone... be it facebook, twitter or texting. Besides that, think of all the time taken away from creating, quilting, stitching, whatever. There is my 2 cents!!!

  6. This is funny because you were on my Facebook friend recommended list just this morning. I recognized you by your "nude" self portrait! I didn't send a request since I figured you'd "ignore" me. After all, we are just cyber friends. Some people seem to collect friends like it is some kind of contest. My cousin has thousands. I'm sure he really only knows a handful of those people personally.

  7. Could not agree more!
    I REFUSE to join FB. Too much info. I worry about my grown kids enough. I do not need to know there state of mind every minute of the day.
    But it is getting harder to resist. A lot of companies do some GREAT coupons on FB and I am a sucker for saving money. LOL

  8. LOL
    I am glad you are my friend! And we did not have to join facebook to be friends.

  9. I was on Facebook for about 2 weeks. Then I decided it was not for me and deleted my account. But as Jody said, there are some great coupons and stuff on FB, that I'm thinking about signing up again. But this time, I'm using a fake name.

  10. Loved reading the post... what a hoot ya are! I agree with you about Facebook; I'd rather blog, too.

  11. I joined FB TO snop on my son, just to annoy him-haha!

    I don't go on much although I've got a live feed through my i-phone

  12. My daughters will be my friend, but my son has BANNED me...BANNED me...from his page. I can't even see the page!! How weird is that?? Of course we live in the same house, so I guess I could go search his room and car, but really? Maybe I don't want to know?

  13. Facebook is fun but it can be a time waster. Just stay away from the games and you'll be all set!

  14. Kim,

    I will be your friend on facebook or not on facebook. I have a facebook page, but I check it once evry 6 months. Mostly I check in on my sister.....I'm happy to be your friend whatever.

    What a find for the Wild Child. There must be a thrifting gene in your DNA.

    Have a great 3 day weekend. Now that you are back to work, isn't this "free" time that much more important?

  15. I totally agree with what others have already said! I'm on FB, but only check it now and then to see if there's something I missed. Rarely do I post anything. I've never played any of their games that some people get addicted to. I'd rather blog, read, and sew!!

  16. I LOVE facebook! It's the only way I can keep up with anyone online.

    Some quilt shops and designers are posting there and it's fun to see them pop a quick photo up of what they're working on without having to travel from blog to blog.

    I just helped a friend win a GO! Cutter and dies by posting the Quilt for Kids donations I've been making. It was a blast!

    BTW... The easiest way to find someone you already know is by searching their e-mail address, not their name.

  17. i'm on fb a lot and my blogging has suffered, but it is an easy way to keep in touch. Then there is a certain game on there.......
    I digress. I also never friend someone I don't know unless they send a message to me with the request saying that they are a fellow quilter! ;-)
    you never know you may end up loving it! I'll search for you since there are about 81 million Mary Greens on there.
    and hey, I'm "friends" with Mark Lipinski, and Alex Anderson!

  18. I would love to be your friend on FB but I can't remember your last name! I am Pamela Olson Lincoln if you want to be friends!


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