Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a Lot of Stuff!

I mentioned awhile back that I thought I had too much going on in my life to wing it any longer without keeping track on a calendar. Well, I KNEW I had a calendar around here somewhere, and I stumbled across it a couple weeks ago. The only problem is that I actually need to WRITE STUFF IN IT for it to be effective. Funny how that works. Especially when I'm too busy doing the stuff that should be in the calendar.

Tonight I had an email from the lady who keeps all of us book club members on track, reminding us that our next meeting is this Friday night and that I'd signed up to bring treats. I remember signing up back in the spring, thinking that bringing treats in October for Halloween would be fun, but now that it's here, the dessert-thinking part of my brain is a blank.

I remember that this Saturday is a get together with my quilting/stitching group. I'm really looking forward to it, and that's probably why I remember when it is. There are a couple things I want to do to get ready for it this week--including preparing some wool projects to work on. After Saturday, though, I'm not sure what else is coming up. I wish it was written in my calendar.

I know that we--Gran and I--have a blogger party to attend this month, and I think it's the weekend after this one. And we're supposed to make name tags--gotta find time to do that. Unfortunately, the name tag thinking part of my brain is blank too. And just generally speaking of tags reminds me that I have a semi-private luggage tag making class coming up that I'm taking--I think it's next week or the week after. And I'm teaching a class in October about wool called Baa Baa Black Sheep--it's a repeat of the one I taught in the spring where we dyed wool in class. I need to design some new projects for that class. The only problem is that I designed one and a half of the projects today during my lunch hour--or at least I got some rough drafts started--and I remember having them when I was gathering up my stuff to leave work and that's the last I saw of them. I guess I put them down somewhere because when I got home they weren't in the car with me.

Maybe I need more than a calendar. Maybe I need a minder. And/or a clone. ARGH!


  1. OMG, you sound like me. I need someone to follow me around and remind me of stuff. My problem is that I write stuff in my calendar and then never look at it.

  2. You sound like me! It's so embarrassing to forget something that your're supposed to do. Since I retired a couple of years ago, I'm much more careful about keeping an appointment calendar, and to help me remember to look at it, I keep it on the vanity table where I sit each day to fix my hair. It helps when it's right there where I sit at least once a day. Good luck!!

  3. I have lists on top of lists on top of lists floating around my purse, house and sewing room and not all of them are complete. Plus I have a running list in my head. I need to gather everything up and make a master list but who has time for that?!

  4. I think a personal secretary would be nice, how about you? Life just gets too busy sometimes and I need a day to veg and not do anything or think of anything or answer the phone or cook dinner or go to work. Especially the go to work part.

  5. I'm only 40 and I seem to be more forgetful then I ever was. I blame it on the lack of a schedule.
    My Hubby thinks an I-phone is the answer.

  6. I use yahoo calendar, and it reminds me a couple of times. It also sincs to my blackberry and my ipod. I keep birthdays, anniversaries, etc. on it too.

  7. Is there such a thing as "Quilting Brain" I remember struggling with "Chemo Brain" after going through chemo ... eh!?


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