Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well Heck! I Don't Know!

Have you seen this yet?

Yes, I know it's still three months until Christmas, but I saw the magazine when I was in the quilt shop tonight. Since I like to see what the holiday decorating trends are each year, I bought it, brought it home, and browsed though it.

I don't know. I'm not sure whether I like what I see. Of course, there are a few ideas that appeal to me, but the overall LOOK of Christmas this year--at least as this particular publisher sees it--seems to be kind of retro 60's Scandinavian. What do I mean by that? It strikes me as clean lines and bright, clear colors. 1960s lime greens and blues. Some red and white, and that combination appeals to me, but there's a LOT more blue.

I could also tell you my impression is of simple shapes, a lot of glitter, and everything offset by white. Generally speaking, not warm and cozy. But I can do light and bright--I've been doing it in the kitchen for the past couple of years because I get tired of the "gloom" of the winter season. And the "light and bright" color scheme in the kitchen has been spreading into other rooms too, so I think I've been moving in the same general direction, but slower, I guess. I just feel like I'm not quite there yet.

I suspect after I look through the magazine a few more times and examine some of the photos and text a little closer, it may well grow on me. And if not? There's still the red and white I love.

If you've had a chance to look at this magazine, what did you think? And if you haven't yet, but do in the next couple of weeks, I'd like to hear your thoughts too.


  1. I think it's just one magazine's opinion. Traditional Christmases will be had in many homes! Even here in Australia where light and bright and clean lines would make sense because it will be summer and probably well over 100 degrees. Some of us here (most I think) will even have fake snow somewhere as decoration and on THE day we will dine on Turkey, roast veg and plum pudding with custard. (With the air con cranked right up to counteract the effects of the oven) Decorate according to your whim I say!

  2. Haven't seen that magazine. Was in my local quilt shop yesterday and saw lots of lime green, avacado green, and very little true green. The staff was hanging a cute sample that they have kitted. Would like to make one, but will choose my own greens, if I can find any traditional ones!

  3. Been away for a few days and just wanted to comment on your blog appearance. I do love the font you feature - its very easy to read. Your decorating is fun to see.

  4. I haven't been to a quilt shop or craft store in over 4 weeks! So I have not seen ANY new magazines :-( Maybe this week ;-S

  5. Gotta love a man who gets your humor!!!

  6. oops, I meant to add that to yesterdays comments!

  7. I see what you mean - interesting. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!