Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name . . .

Sometimes I wonder whether I even LIKE my name. What name would I have picked for myself if I had the choice? It's hard to say, but I DO know that I'm severely name-tag resistant. Why? Maybe I just don't like wearing my name pinned to me like a five year old.

Doesn't it seem like quilters are always being forced into making name tags for themselves? The quilt guild I used to belong to required us to make and wear name tags to our monthly meetings, but I never did. For the first couple years, I would sneak in the door without my name tag and I never got caught--I'm not sure anyone even checked back then. The last year of my membership, though, wasn't so easy. They had someone checking everyone at the door, and if we weren't wearing one, we were fined 25 cents. I guess I probably spent so much on name tag fines, I couldn't afford the membership fee the following year.

Even my sewing machine has a name tag on it from quilt camp one year. The "camp organizer" made us either wear the name tags or put them on our machines. Obviously, putting it on my machine was the clear choice. (I really don't like it on my machine either but it wouldn't come off easily. Since it's on the back of the machine where I can't see it, though, I don't think about it much.)

In Thimbleberries Club earlier this year, one month's project was to make a name tag. I didn't.

My most recent brush with name tag making came in connection with an upcoming "blog party"--the organizers wanted each of us to wear a name tag. I was a little anxious about making mine, so it was almost a relief--or at least a reprieve--to learn tonight that the "party" was being postponed until spring.

I think I might have a solution though. I've decided to change my name to:

Yeah, I know. Since it's a symbol, it can't really be pronounced, but you can call me the "Quilt Artist Formerly Known As Kim." Or "QAF-KAK" for short. Catchy, eh?!


  1. Cute post!!! Now just imagine having my name!!! I have heard about the Flintstones all my life (since 4th grade). But I think the worst thing done with my name was the little ditty: " Wilma Fingerdoo". That was from junior high, lol.

  2. Good morning QAF-KAK!!! (lol) I've not had any name tag issues since my HS Reunion 17 yrs ago, where they made us wear our Senior Class picture!!! I wasn't fond of letting everyone see how much I had actually aged (LOL); and can you believe that my Husband still carries that same pic in his billfold!!! He put it in there 37 yrs ago and has never taken it out. On the name thing, I've never been fond of mine; and have imagined many more I would have liked better thru the years. Keep rebelling my dear :)

  3. tried to say your new name but my husband thought it was the cat coughing up a hair-ball....just sayin'....

  4. i LIKE your new name - my head is pronouncing it like the Aflac duck and i think it is gonna catch on...

  5. LOL @ QAF-KAK!

    Prince has nothing on you, Kim!

  6. I've had the same issues about name tags. I found a solution. When I am required to wear a name badge, I either wear a top with a large lapel, or a cover up over a tank top. Then I just pin the name badge to the tank top, put the cover up over it, and yes I have a name badge on........... The lapel works great too.

  7. I don't like name tags either. When I was 18 and working at a chain coffee shop, the company policy was that you had to wear a name tag. I told the asst manager that I would wear a name tag but only if it said either "Oh, Miss" or "Hey you" becasue that's what I was mostly called. He said OK, as long as I would wear it. Everyone loved my Hey You nametag, which I wore every day. Wish I still had it!

  8. Perhaps the name tag is not so much for you but those of us suffering from "Quilt Brain". (Refer to my comment in your last post about your forgetting ... just sayin'. I am with Kelly Ann on the sound that our cat makes with coughing up a fir ball - Qaf-Kak or should I say, "gazoonheight", and hand you a tissue. eh!? LOL!

  9. I'm with Happy Cottage Quilter. I used to take it one step further though, I'd put it on the inside hem of my t shirt, or inside the bottom of my skirt, or --just inside somewhere so nobody could see it!!!
    Lurking Linda


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