Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturdays Just Don't Get Much Better

Oh, it was a wonderful Saturday! The weather was beautiful--deep blue skies with temperatures that maxed out at 80 with a breeze. First thing in the morning, I spent an hour or two in the kitchen, making peach jam and bruchetta while sipping coffee--the bruchetta was my contribution to our quilting friends' get together today and the jam was a little gift for everyone.

Although I've gotten together with these friends before, we've decided to formalize things a bit and meet every month--if we're able--at the home of one of our members. The hostess makes the main lunch dish and the rest of us bring something to contribute--hence the bruchetta.

This month's hostess made a delicious potato and leek soup.

I had never been to her home before, and I immediately fell in love with it. She lives in an older, downtown residential area, in what I would have thought was one BIG, BIG 75-year-old home, but as it turned out, it was a four-plex and she lives in one of the units. I've always loved the old architectural styles where the ceilings are rounded to meet the walls and the doorways are arched, and that's exactly what she has. She even has a cupboard in the kitchen that hides a fold-down ironing board. I couldn't resist taking a couple photos. The one below is taken from the formal dining room (where we all gathered for the afternoon) looking into her sewing room (a small room separated from the dining room by a wall of leaded glass doors and windows) and past that into the cheerful yellow breakfast nook.

And here's a view looking from the hallway into her small kitchen. See that cupboard above and just to the right of the sink in the corner? It's full of old refrigerator containers.

One shelf has tons of old colored Pyrex containers and the top two or three shelves have a lot of old Halls pieces. If I could have figured out how to smuggle those out with me, you'd better believe that cupboard would be bare!

As the dinner hour approached, I really hated to leave my friends, but Hubby had called earlier in the afternoon and asked if I'd like to meet him and our friends Terry and Lisa at Starbucks and go from there to see a movie. Well, of course I did! Due to some unfortunate circumstances, we hadn't been able to get together with Terry and Lisa for a few months and I really missed spending time with them. (Hubby and Lisa decided the three of them would go out to dinner first, but I didn't think I could eat another bite for at least a month--that's why I met them at Starbucks afterward.)

The movie we saw, The Other Guys with Will Ferrell, was kind of dumb but there were a few good laughs, and really it was more about spending time with friends than anything else anyway. Hubby and I ended up getting home around 11 p.m. How could a day possibly be any better?

Tomorrow I really DO need to clean house, but I also want to relax a little, visit some Blogland friends, and stitch a bit. Not quite as good as a day like today, spent with friends, but not a bad plan either. AND I can enjoy some fresh peach jam on my toast in the morning while I sip my coffee and procrastinate on the housecleaning. I love weekends!


  1. It was a beautiful day around here also! I am playing at BP today with Lonnie. I am so jealous, peach jam, my fav!! Enjoy your Sunday! Hugs!


  2. Sounds like a GREAT day! Glad you had fun.

  3. Sounds like the whole weekend was fabulous. Saturday and then some at home time blogging cooking and sewing...sorry about the cleaning part.


  4. I'm so envious!! What a lovely gift you made to share with your quilting friends! I agree with you--the most perfect day!! And what a beautiful home your friend has. Do we really have to clean??? Or even talk about it????? :/

  5. Hey! love the peach jam jar. I hate to open it since it is so cute!


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