Friday, August 20, 2010


Have you seen Gordon Ramsey's newest series on Fox, MasterChef? I'm not sure if it's been on for awhile or if it just started, but Hubby and I saw it last night. In this food competition show, a group of "home chefs" are pitted against one another in various competitions and the losers are eliminated one by one. Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO realize this probably describes about 27 current "reality" cooking shows. And, yes, it's much like all the others except THIS one has Gordon Ramsey, and I kinda like him.

Anyway, last night the first challenge was that the chefs had to create a dish using only the ingredients found in their "mystery box"--they could use as many or as few as they wanted. (Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO realize this probably describes the competitions on about 27 current "reality" cooking shows. But again, Gordon Ramsey.)

So let me backtrack a little. Now that I'm back at work, Hubby's back in the kitchen, cooking dinner on week nights. And because we're watching what and how much we eat, I've been planning and selecting recipes for him and he does the actual cooking. This morning, though, Hubby asked me what he was supposed to cook for dinner, and I told him to pretend he's on MasterChef and create a meal from whatever he could find in a particular kitchen cupboard--it's one that has cans of different "stuff," seasonings, etc. BUT he had to make sure that whatever he served was around 400 calories or so.

You may be wondering what he decided to cook; I know I was! And that's why when he called me at work late this afternoon, I asked. "Tri-tip steaks," he replied. Yeah, you'd be correct in thinking I don't keep tri-tip steaks in the cupboard. Turns out he claimed to have forgotten his assignment. Mysteriously, he seemed to believe his mission was to rummage around in the freezer and find prime cuts of beef to grill. Men!

So now what? I can't exactly "fire" him from cooking dinner because that would mean the job would once again be mine. But maybe I managed to make him feel a little guilty, because he DID offer to do a bit of house cleaning tomorrow while I'm at work--at least he can get the construction dust off the shelves and things that are too tall for me to reach easily.

I bet Gordon Ramsey could make a healthy meal from what's in my cupboard, but I don't suppose he's very handy around the house with a duster. What do you think?


  1. I'm interested to see how many know what "tri tip steak" is. Isn't it a regional thing? When traveling, I have found that oftentimes folks have no idea what tri tip is. Anyway, I know what it is, I am from the Central Coast of CA.

  2. you can bet your sweet bleeping bleep that Gordon bleeping Ramsay could make a bleeping healthy AND bleeping delicious meal from whatever the bleep is in your bleeping cupboard, by bleep...

    p.s. - can you believe that the highest number of correct ingredients guessed for Texas-style chili was only 12?!? unbefreakinglievable!!!

  3. Oh yes...Luv me some Gordon Ramsay and I love that new show.
    Eat the steak with no carbs.

  4. I will have to see if I can see the show here in Ireland...sounds good!

  5. I'm from Ohio and don't know what tri-tip steak is. I don't watch Ramsey Gordon, mainly because on the promos he is usually yelling. I don't need that, I feel sorry for the cooks.

  6. We have a similar cooking arrangement at our house. I find the healthy recipes and make the grocery list, and hubby does much of the cooking. He's a far better cook than me, but his choices aren't typically very healthy. Now if I could just get him to do dishes......


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!