Monday, August 30, 2010


I ended up staying home today instead of going to the flea market. What did I do instead? I "played" with the class sample of the Wool Crazy project. I had to watch an awful lot of TV to do it, but I'm pleased to say I finally finished all of the decorative stitching along the seams and created a snow family for the first appliqued block--

That animal to the left? It's a dog. I realize there may be some confusion because Hubby pretty much insisted it was a duck, but I'm not sure how to make it look more like a dog, considering it's supposed to be made out of balls of snow. Carrot ears, maybe? I think I'm going to have a winter theme for this crazy block--per the book, we're supposed to make four blocks, so dividing them into seasons makes sense.

I'll probably just do another section or two and then send it off to the quilt shop to hang as a sample of the quilt in progress, so potential students get the general idea of what the class is about.

I'd like to add some hearts--maybe to that blue section above the snowpeople's heads. And pine trees should go somewhere too. This actually is quite a fun and creative project to work on. If you haven't already looked into the Wool Crazy craze, check out THIS blog and THIS blog. Of course, I could link you to many others because a lot of people have been working on this quilt, but these two will get you into the spirit of the project quickly. And, of course, if you're anywhere near the Sacramento area, you might consider signing up for the class Gran and I are teaching--it should be fun, I think!

The weekend is drawing to a close, as it always does, much too quickly. It's time for me to shift gears and think about getting to bed--tomorrow is a work day! Thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi, it's really cute, Kim! The wool crazy idea itself is great because there are always oddly shaped pieces left over from cutting out appliques. I thought at first the animal was a baby! It looks almost like he's crawling...until I saw the tail. Maybe I'm just seeing everything through a Nannie's eyes...

  2. I picked it for a dog......! and would love to come to your class - probably a bit far to come though...damn!

  3. Very cute job! And I figured it was a dog right off the bat. It would be cute if it you gave it little snowball ears, then there would be no confusion of it being a duck! LOL I had signed up for the one they were offering at Primitive Gatherings to make one 24 inch square one, but I have one patch done and I'm just doing the fancy stitching as I go along. It's a pretty time consuming but fun project for sure! Can't wait to see yours all done!

  4. Maybe you can give the dog mitten ears and put a stick in his mouth? I can see the duck resemblance, but there are ways to change it...

    How big is the block? It must be a good size to have all that detail..

  5. Uh, the dog needs two more feet, but I am not sure you could place them in a way that did not look vulgar, LOL!

  6. I could tell it was supposed to be a dog, but it does suspiciously resemble a duck. You could make ears with sticks (like the snowman's arms)... snowballs would be cute too, but ti might start to look more like a polar bear.

  7. Your dog is making me smile...I see a duck!

  8. I love your wool crazy. The snowman family is too cute. You keep up this cuteness and I may have to join your class.
    By the way, great idea about canlde sticks holding pumpkins. I also love the fall and pumpkins are my favorite thing! Getting excited about decorating. I'm trying to wait till Wednesday, the 1st of Sept. It's a long wait!

  9. Hi! What if you put on a collar in a contrasting colour, would draw attention to dog vs other.
    Or you could embroider a scarf, blanket on the body, add an obvious dog name?
    I like the idea of ears, maybe mitts or gloves or pine cones?
    You could always add another foot, higher like the dog was shaking a paw? Looks like there would be room for that, then 4th leg would be hiding?

    It looks great!
    take care, Leslie


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!