Saturday, July 17, 2010

She'd Better Buy a Lottery Ticket

Have you seen this woman?

She's AnnieO of Annie's Quilt Orts. If you see her, tell her she needs to buy a lottery ticket because she's obviously experienced an amazing run of luck lately!

For my little giveaway, I had 74 entries. A random number generator told me the winner was entry number 64--which, of course, was AnnieO. When I popped over to her blog to capture her address to provide a link, I saw she had just won another giveaway on another blog--what a lucky gal!

Well Ms. Lucky Britches, please email me your snail mail address and I'll get your winnings in the mail to you early next week. Congrats to Annie O. and thank you all for taking the time to share some of your favorite newer blogs with the rest of us (except for Gran, who didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by leaving anyone out and thus refused to play along--I swear I don't know what I'm going to do with her sometimes).


  1. Congratulations AnnieO! You do seem to get on a roll like that sometimes - I've just won 4 in like the last two months (and 2 in one week)! I just love this internet thing - LOLOLOL!

  2. Congrats to AnnieO. I'm taking her to Vegas!!!

  3. Annie is a very lucky gal indeed! I had a giveaway awhile back and she won mine too! Run Annie...go get that lottery ticket!!

  4. WooHooo! for Annie O! Congratulation!
    Now about being called a "WUS". Aye' I'm that, dinna ye hv' ta mak a beg deal of it!!!! eh!!!!
    What is raspberry in Scottish Brough - :O|

  5. Woot woot woot! I actually thought about buying a lottery ticket just last night as I was driving home. Now I better get myself to the lottery counter immediately!!! Wow, I am truly enjoying this lucky streak with the giveaways. Thanks Kim! See an email with my snail mail address.

  6. Go Annie O! lucky streak indeed.....I guess if she starts doing blog posts from somewhere exotic we will know she has won lotto as well!

  7. weel ... even so ... twas maybe yes and maybe no

    (just in case the answer to your CHALLENGE doesn't make it through normal email channels - my AOL hasn't liked your address for the past day) our sweet Gran - she's hooked on Gabaldon, eh?

  8. With someone like Gran, the only thing to do is just give her a hug andd tell her you love her.

  9. Congratulations to Annie- and thanks for introducing us to some new blogs- it is always nice to add to the blog list .


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!