Saturday, July 3, 2010

Schnibbling Along

Schnibbles seem to be good therapy. With some care in handling the rotary cutter, I found I was able to cut out my next Schnibbles quilt over the course of Thursday and Friday without any undue soreness in my hand--

I'm using the slightly older Boutique line for this one. I've since started piecing the quilt and should have that part done before the end of the weekend--in fact, depending on what else I do over the weekend, it's possible I'll even have started quilting it, but we'll see. Today I'm getting ready for a short road trip with Thelma. Or is it Louise? Never can remember which one I am and which one Gran is.

For those quilters among you who live within driving distance of Bearpaws & Hollyhocks, I wanted to mention that the shop is participating in the Martingale/Moda Schnibbles Contest. Rules for the contest can be found at Carrie Nelson's blog, La Vie en Rosie, in her left-hand side bar. Schnibbles quilts must be turned in to the shop by the afternoon of July 31st (shop closes by 4 p.m.) and will be voted on by the customers over the next several days. Photos of the winning quilt will be sent on to Martingale.

As an added incentive, Lindy, the shop owner, has added first and second place prizes at the shop level--$100 and $50 gift certificates. If you ARE within driving distance but don't wish to participate, please come by the shop the first week of August and vote on your favorite Schnibbles!

Unfortunately, since I'm assisting Lindy with the Schnibbles contest, I've declared myself ineligible to participate. FORTUNATELY, however, I still love making these quilts whether or not there are prizes involved.

I'm off now to finish getting ready to hit the road with Gran, and if there's any extra time, I just might stop in the Sweat Shop to engage in a little Schnibbling! I hope you're enjoying the weekend as much as I am!


  1. Enjoy the holiday weekend! Can't wait to see how your Schnibbles turned out!

  2. Glad you're able to use your rotary cutter. Can't wait to see your Schnibbles, yours always turn out so beautiful! Happy 4th!

  3. Hope you girls stay out of trouble this time!!! I can't believe that you are already on that Schnibble project! What a trooper!

  4. Yup you are a trouper! What a fun time we had today! Just got up from a nap and getting ready to watch MI-5 WooHoo! and cut the pieces for a new pattern I want to make.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!