Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Some of my favorite blog giveaways are when the blogger asks the commenters to include specific things in their comments in order to be entered. Like asking the commenters to tell about the most embarrassing thing they ever did. Or how they began quilting. Or whether their husbands wear boxers or briefs and why. Or who their favorite Twilight character is. Whatever. Because not only is it fun to have a chance to win something, but it's also fun to read all the previous comments for their sheer entertainment value.

Now, let me backtrack a second. Remember a couple posts ago, I told you it was my 1,234th blog post? And that I'd missed my three-year blogiversary? And that I was unprepared but would do a belated giveaway soon? Well, it's soon NOW.

And so I thought, and thought, and thought again about what I could ask YOU, the commenters, to include in your comments in order to be entered into the giveaway and to entertain all the rest of us, and I finally decided that rather than come up with an original idea, I'd just sort of tweek the giveaway question another blogger posed a couple years ago--and gosh darn it but I can't remember who the blogger was, so I can't really give her credit, but it was a pattern and/or fabric designer--that's all I can remember. So here's what I want you to tell me in your comment in order to be entered into the drawing (winner will be selected by random drawing rather than excellence of answer, but non-compliance will result in non-entry):

What are your two (or three) favorite quilting blogs that you've "discovered" in the last year or two and why? (To be clear, why are they your favorites [i.e., because they're funny, inspirational, the blogger's your best friend, etc.]; not why did you wait so long to discover them.)

So that's the question, but here's what I'm trying to find out. I know the number of quilting blogs has increased dramatically over the last couple years, and there are a lot of blogs out there that I've never heard of. So what am I missing out on? I could probably blog surf all day and not come across all of them. And I figure if you like MY blog, you obviously have superior taste and sensibility which may well coincide with my own. In other words, if you like something, I might too. So save me a little time, okay? And don't tell me MY blog is your favorite. Brown nosing will not win you points this time.

Are you wondering what the payoff might be? How about two of these?

(12 Days of Christmas Charm Packs.)

And quite possibly a couple other little surprises as well?

I will pick a winner on Friday night, and the winner will be announced on Saturday's post. You must come back here to see if you've won because I'm lazy, and I don't want to mess around with trying to figure out if I can email you and/or get to your blog to alert you. And since I'd really like to kind of limit this to my regular readers if possible, no extra entries will be given for linking from your blog or announcing the giveaway to your readers. Let's just keep this fun all to ourselves, okay? And yes, the giveaway is open to persons from other countries. Even to those from other planets--like men (although in the case of a winner from another planet, prize pick-up will be required).

Good luck!



  1. sisters choice(nicole) she makes quilts fast & alot of quilts.
    JAm-wool crazy, because she is my good friend.
    blackbird designs- because i love seeing there applique. My goal is to applique like them.

    kim from san diego

  2. I love Taniwa because she inspires us with quilting and shares her life in Japan, Abyquilt because she has so much fun with friends while at the same time is very productive, and of course your blog because you do excellent work and you have a great time doing it!


    I love her free patterns.

    Who doesn't need to do a little pruning, lol.

    Your's of course, and quillville.

    hugs from Helen

  4. favourite blogs...your blog and janet's blog seeing all the inspiration!

  5. My favorite is Patchwork times. Although recently more about other stuff than quilting. Totally her choice but I like the quilting stuff the best. I used to Love Twiddletails but she went to work and does not post much. I like a blog that has something new often. I know that is a lot of work so I take what I can get. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well since that came through twice (no Idea why) I thought I might add that I don.t like blogs with music.

  8. Kim:

    Here are a few of my favorites:

    Crazy Aunt Purl - not a quilter but funny!
    Of course, Moda Bake Shop - patterns.
    Suzanne Earley - fabulous quilter and funnny!
    The Cutting Table - lots of videos

  9. I love reading Jaybird Quilts blog and also Blue is Bleu, great blogs to spend time reading.

  10. I spend way too much time reading blogs. A few of my favorites are Patchwork Times,Exuberant Color,Log Cabin Quilter and Amy's Creative Side.

  11. Kim, I have a huge blog list that I read daily, but you did say in the last year or two. So I won't list the ones I have been reading for years or that aren't quilt blogs.

    Life with a Little Sass...Bren is the reason I have a blog. She talked me into it. She is a beautiful hand quilter and writes about her family, etc.

    A Little of This and a Little of Pat...Pat is such a sweetheart. I love her enthusiasm for all things about quilts.

    The Painted Quilt...Kaaren has a First Friday Freebie each month. She gives us awesome patterns to stitch and is getting ready to start her first BOM.

    Crispy Quilts...Chris is very good with EQ7 and is always there to help anyone out that needs it. She recently did a wonderful tutorial on hand piecing. She is also a hand quilter.

    Can you stand one more....Amy's Passion....Amy has quite a sense of humor and really puts the quilts out. (She reminds me of you.) She also has 3 lovely daughters so I feel we have something in common.

    Now this is just the tip of the ice berg. I also read blogs that aren't quilting blogs. I love blog world. Of course you know I read your blog or I wouldn't be here posting this. LOL Have a great day. Winona

  12. I am not interested in winning you prize but you know IO love your blog the best. I don't post much just because -- Love quiltville of course and Tazzie's blog.

  13. I'm not saying YOU because you said I can't say YOU. I do love Quiltsalott because I am in total awe of her gorgeous needleturn applique (although today she posted a CONFESSION that she is using a fusible on one project - still overwhelmingly beautiful). I also love A Sentimental Quilter, because she seems friendly and down-to-earth, as well as talented (she is in the hospital right now!) And I love Spiral because she is so calm and Zen-like...or seems that way in her posts. I guess I'd be Zen-like if I lived in her beatifuly Big Bear Lake area.

  14. Some of my favorite blogs are: Sew Mama Sew for instructional information, Oh, Fransson! for her design creativity and patterns and Moda Bake Shop for the freebie patterns. Oh, and I like yours for your humorous writing style and the fact that you're kind of in my neighborhood. Honorable mention goes to Cranky Quilter for her really funny, funny writing. Thanks!

  15. Sweet fabric! So many quilt blogger I love!'s a few of my fav's:

    Green Fairy Quilt blog...gorgeous quilting!

    The Painted Quilt...lots to love!

    And...Film in the the freshness!

  16. I have so many, yours being at the top. I read Oh Fransson, Melly and Me, Gundruns World and Lazy Girl Designs. I used to go to G'Owens On Round Here, but she's taken a blogging break, but I keep hoping she'll be back. All of the blogs are inspirational, and instructional. I always learn so much. And of coarse, funny!

  17. There are three blogs that I check EVERY day which lead me to many other blogs through their links and I could easily spend all day lurking at blogs (not a blogger yet myself):
    Exurbarant Color
    sisterschoice (which links me to your blog and many others like GreenFairyquilts!! All are wonderful!

  18. Let's see now. I have been reading you since I first discovered I can't mention you. Its obvious you are on everyones list or you would not have comments. In my surfing (while I am at work) everyone does it - don't they?
    1. Oh,Fransson - modern quilting - and am going to do a dresden plate through her tutorial.
    2. Cluck Cluck Sew - Modern take on quilting by the fabrics she uses. I made a double hour glass quilt using her tutorial. Love it!!!
    3. Old Red Barn Co. - Have not done any of the quilt alongs yet but she talks quilting and everything else.
    You are going to be a busy gal checking them all out!

    Film in the Fridge - Great Tutorials, great inspiration and tons of cute quilts
    Don't know why really, just like it :)
    Love her color choices and her quilts

    I know you said 3, but here's one more...I think the list could go on forever
    Great patterns! :)


  20. One of my first blogs to follow was Amanda Jean's
    I am always inspired by her work.
    Another would be Leah Day with her sharing of free motion quilting that I am trying to learn and the blog is so helpful.
    Really I could go on and on but...I must sew...

  21. Brown nose comment ahead: I come to yours for my morning laugh (told you to write a blog novel for purchase!)

    Wow...bummer not seeing my blog mentioned in any of the comments so far. Too think I plan to give away a quilt soon too...hmmmmmm....should I rethink a few folks? Ha!! Evil aren't I?

    OK...getting serious....too many to mention and I hate to offend by leaving any out too! Dang you! See..somebody will read this and say HEY....QUILT HOLLOW didn't mention me! So off the top of my head and randomly....Carol's Crafy Creations and Sew Cindy.....the rest are listed on the side bar of my blog.

  22. Patchwork Times by Judy Laquaidara because shes not only a prolific quilter, but has tons of free quilt patterns on her blog (not that I have made any!) and she makes me want to move to the country and can veggies..
    Oh Fransson cause she designs so many nice modern quilt patterns
    Sweetwater Designs cause I love Make Life...

  23. I'm fairly new to the quilting blogland...just started last July. My favorite quilting blog would have to be Rachel's p.s. i quilt..
    When I decided to attempt my 1st quilt I left a comment on Rachel's blog and she very kindly got back to me and helped me by answering questions so I could get started. After that there are soo many favorites. I've discovered a wonderful group of ladies who offer their knowledge for free and I truely appreciate all of them....Here's a few I visit almost daily....

    I could go on and on, but will stop there and look forward to reading everyone else's comments and finding a few new blogs to visit! Thanks for letting me share.

  24. What a great question, Kim!
    I LOVE Amy's Passions. She is a super woman for sure. She gardens, runs marathons, is raising 3 girls, is a teacher and a volleyball coach and she cranks out beautiful quilts like crazy! She is quite an inspiration to me.
    I also love Lazy Gal Quilting. I have really enjoyed following the liberated Amish challenge and have done one myself. And on the subject of liberation, I have really enjoyed and learned a lot from participating in the Block Lotto. We are doing all liberated blocks this year and I won the blocks the very first month that I joined. The July blocks are great, I am keeping my fingers crossed for them too!

  25. Quilt Dad--wonkiness and bright colors
    Pieces from My Scrapbag--Finn uses scraps in such delightful ways tho has not posted regularly in a while
    Elaine Adair Pieces--like her quilts and reading about her life on the plains
    Lazy Gal Quilting--wonkiness in piecing and quilting as well
    now if Google Reader will let me knocking me off for some reason

  26. My favorite blogs are:

    Trends and Traditions - I love the stories and pictures that Heather puts together

    Making Stash Quilts from Stash - Mary is such a prolific quilter and I love the pictures of her dog, Chesty (reminds me of my dog)

    La Vie En Rosie - Carrie tells the funniest stories and I love her blogging style.

    And of course, I really enjoy reading your blog. Your Figgy Pudding quilt is what brought me here and I've been reading ever since!


  27. Kim - First of all, I love yours for not only the cute, fun projects you do, but your entertainment value - you put a smile on my face. Second, Taniwa, for her peek into another world, another culture - so educational, and Third (but definitely not least) Blackberry Creek Home Arts - because I can identify so completely with Susan and her life right now.
    This is a great idea - I may find, by reading the comments, that there are a few other blogs I haven't discovered yet and would enjoy.

  28. I love reading Patchery Menagerie, Lynne is a true artist and inspires me to be more "free" in my quilting. My other must read is Crazy Mom Quilts. Amandajean is so prolific in her quilting and so generous with sharing her designs.

  29. Wow so many that I have never heard about before. And so many on my list are already listed! I love Carrie (La Vie En Rosie) and Amanda Jean (crazymomquilts), Heather (Trends and Traditions) and Wendy (Ivory Spring). She is an amazing quilter. Her posts are short but she posts beautiful pictures of her work. (
    Also Lori (Bee in my Bonnet) who is always sharing such amazing creations. And I can't forget Kelly from I Have A Notion. So I guess you will be doing a lot of blog searching for the next few days :-) Have fun!

  30. Blogs that I enjoy are:
    Trends & Tradition (Heather Mulder Peterson), Simplify (Camille?), La Vie En Rosie (Carrie), Minick & Simipson, but the blog "who must not be named" gives me the biggest laugh and starts my day off right.

  31. Hi Kim,

    This is a great idea, I've already discovered some new blogs! I have picked a few out of my long list.
    Lori Holt's- Bee in my bonnet. She designs adorable
    applique patterns, uses a lot of 30's fabrics which I love and usually has lots of photos. The selvage blog is another, it is fun to see how many different things you can make out of those. This one I found very recently, One piece at a time. She is doing a beautiful
    applique block of the month , beautiful photo's with clear instructions and she takes great pictures of food!!!!!

  32. What a fun question!!! I think I'll have to say Lori Holt's "Bee in my Bonnet" cuz she comes up w/the cutest things; and I really enjoy Mark Lapinski's site :) That man is funny!!! Hope the Doctor's appt went well :)

  33. A Quiltmom's Journey-I have made a really good friend in Anna, and have learn much from her about life. Irish Muses-I love hearing Micki tell about their walks in the Irish countryside. I miss ya! Hope to see ya Monday evening at Knot-y Ladies!! Hugs!






  35. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    A few new favorites are: Linda Poole - fun to read and lots of visual inspiration, love her "color fix for the day", The Curious Quilter - just lots of interesting things, and Stash Manicure - so many great ideas and links.

  36. Happy Blogiversary! Hi Kim...great idea BUT...have you seen my side bar? I must have a hundred 'favourites' and I read them all with my morning coffee...yours being the first, of course!! My ALL TIME favourites are Wool Crazy with JAM-Joann, Quilting Daze-love her and love her quilts!!, Charming Chatter-she cranks out more quilts and tutorials...example...I'm still cutting out the fabric and she is on to the next quilt...Love it!! My newest favourite is Gran's blog..Knotty Embroidery reading her blog I get the REAL story behind your adventures!! ;o)
    For more MUST reads belly up to the bar...the side bar that is!!
    Take care!

  37. I'm new to following quilting blogs this year. I've been a quilter for years, but just discovered the quilting blogs. Go figure!

    Besides loving your blog, I also enjoy The Bitchy Stitcher, Trends & Traditions, Minnock & Simpson, Simplify and quite a few others that I've found through blog links.

    And can I just say that I love this question . . . 'cause now I'm going to check out other blogs that have been listed that I haven't heard of before! :)

  38. It seems like I spend hours reading quilting blogs - starting each day with yours. I also go to Blogging Near Philadephia - I like her quilts, colors, family pictures and the long list of other quilting blogs.
    I also go to Quiltville to see the works in progress, and her list of bloggers.
    I just started going to The Dread Pirates blog She is a member of the forum and has a lot of useful information.


  39. I had several favorites so I really had to think about this. The first one is Judy shares alot about her quilting, family and life. She also hosts Stashbusting posts on Sunday and Design Walls on Monday which helps to keep me on track. My two favorites for color inspiration are and Love their projects. Then for free motion quilting, I have two favorites and

  40. Oooh, great question! I'm excited to read through the other comments to get ideas too. I read a lot of quilting/crafting blogs every day. A few of my favorites are:

    pink penguin (ayumills.blogspot. com) --lots of great crafts etc.

    Freda's Hive -- Nanette's style and fabric choices are so pretty

    Miss Punkie Pie -- Jen makes pretty, bright quilts and things

    Off to read the rest! :-) Jen


    My fave all time quilting go-to for ideas, new blocks and making traditional modern

    I love Audrie's quilting style and fresh take on life--I met her through a swap and am so glad I did!

    I love this blog because Jolene is so creative and honest. her work isn't perfect but it's all hers.


  42. quiltsalott she has amazing applique.
    Kims's Big Quilting Adventure who I can relate to.
    Crispyquilts who also has beautiful applique.
    Sisterscafe because i am usually at a loss as to what to make for supper.

  43. Kim, yours is the first I go to every day - I swear it! Next is Nicole at sisterschoice - such inspiration to be found there. After that Leah Days' - her 365 days of free motion quilting projec has taught me so much. Last, but not least - I love seeing the guest blogger's ideas for using those scraps. Thanks for letting me have my say. Keep up the good work, Kim!

    Marilyn (no blog)

  44. I enjoy quilt or stitch, because I too am a stitcher and quilter, and we have very similar tastes.

    I also enjoy threadheads unite! for much of the same reason...I have so many hobbies and I love to do them all!

  45. Tina H. in CaliforniaJuly 15, 2010 at 12:13 PM

    Hello! Limiting it to just two blogs, I would say my favorite must reads are:

    When I discovered the first one, AmandaJean said she wasn't going to continue the blog and didn't know how long some of the posts would remain up. there was so much inspiration and quilt-alongs, that I felt maybe I should print them all out.

    Both of these ladies provide much inspiration and what seems like "doable" projects. Both seem to be quite prolific in their work and have a very modern feel.

    Thank you for the giveaway. And I do enjoy reading your blog!

  46. My first favorite blog I read everyday is Pat Sloan's, she is very inspirational and always has new ideas to share. The next blog I read everyday is Bonnie Hunter Quiltville's Quips and Snips. I really enjoy reading about how she uses fabric scraps and develops beautiful scrappy quilts and also her different travels via quilt guilds always catches my eye!

  47. love her simple and beautiful quilts.

    love her tutorials

  48. I love Nanette from Freda's Hive. We are in the same quilt guild and I still have to remind myself not to call her "Freda" every time I see her.

    Larissa from Mmmcrafts is everything I hope to be. Creative and witty. I would just copy and paste her posts into my blog if I thought I could get away with it. ;-)

  49. Okay, Kim, I'm going to try to follow your directions and not brown-nose. Most of the quilt blogs I follow, I've been following for a long time. However, there are a few recent additions to the list of favorites:

    A wonderful blog that has become a favorite very quickly is Piecemeal's -- -- the source of the amazing patterns I used in my recent basket quilts. I found her in March of this year.

    Then there's Thelma at I'm prolly the last person on earth to discover her, but it's only been in the past year that I've followed her. Magnificent quilts.

    Oh, and the wordy is slychol, which I'm certain is a drug-being-developed to lower cholesterol, but pretends to be something else. And for erections lasting longer than four hours . . . .

  50. I like Pinkpincushion - because she has alot of other blogs listed on her sidebar that I really enjoy. Also LaVienRosie - Carrie Nelson - she writes hillarious stories and she's wonderful in person, Also Bee in My Bonnet and Freida's Hive.. See I spend too much time reading blogs, but gain lots of good ideas

  51. I like Pinkpincushion - because she has alot of other blogs listed on her sidebar that I really enjoy. Also LaVienRosie - Carrie Nelson - she writes hillarious stories and she's wonderful in person, Also Bee in My Bonnet and Freida's Hive.. See I spend too much time reading blogs, but gain lots of good ideas

  52. Oh Kim, I do enjoy reading your blog. You always have something interesting to say. So without counting you my favorite blogs are:1. Quiltville's, Bonny has so many terrific scrappy patterns and she is interesting to listen to. 2. nancynearphiladelphia.I enjoy Nancy's commentary and she has lovely links on her blog that are also interesting. 3. Rosyquilter, This is one that is a friend of mine plus a retired school teacher and it is a fun way of keeping up to date on what is going on.
    That is enough for now, I do follow lots of blogs regularly. and thanks, Marge

  53. I enjoy your series of nude self portraits, that told me that I was dealing with a woman of great humor, and my daughter had the mission this Christmas of finding me a red dot mug-! Okay ,that over, the other blogs I enjoy are crazy mom, red pepper, jaybird and cluck cluck sew: these girls are creative and have very do-able projects. For inspiration above and beyond what this normal mortal will reach, I love the work of Carol (fun old hag), Janet (quilt crazy), Janet (quiltsalott), and Cathi (quilt obsession). I doubt there are very many you haven't visited!

  54. It's so hard to choose because I read a lot of blogs also. Two that come to mind are Diary of a Quilter and P.S. I Quilt. I think across the board, I like reading about and seeing quilts that are doable for me. I'm not brand new at quilting but still fairly inexperienced. I also like tutorials for quilty treats, like small totes, placemats, etc. And best of all (and the reason I like yours so much) is a little humanness and humor thrown in liberally! Thanks for the giveaway too, that's always much fun!

  55. Ok, I've looked at several of the other comments and am trying to list two that I did not see. Should not have procrastinated until after chores, duh :o}

    Don't Look Now...I love her whimsical applique designs

    Flourishing Palms...for some strange reason her blog has a calming effect on me,lol. She has a variety of sewing and quilting projects that seem doable to me the under achiever, more laughing.

    I just had to laugh at the post above Nancy Near Philly, about the wordy. I'm pleased to know that I'm not the only one to find "interest" in what shows up for me to type in that little box. This time I'm sure it is a real in log flume ride at the water park? Yes?

  56. I love your blog, you make me laugh! And Judy L @ Patchwork Times, my new very dear friend Diane @ and I recently found Mama Pea @ a Home Grown Journal. Now I need to go back and read and make a list...... great idea!

  57. New to me and inspirational are: You Go Girl.
    also, Freckled Whimsy. She is my swap partner... but I had found her just before that/and she just now has a tutorial on Moda Bake Shop!
    But YOU have been my favorite read/blog from the beginning!!

  58. Oh goodie Kim...this is great. I have 2 favorite blogs. The first is "The Secret Life of Mrs. Meatloaf"...I know crazy name but an outstanding quilter. Jan is a talented lady who does custom quilting and just got back from a quilt show she was participating in. Her quilting really makes each quilt come alive.
    The second blog is "Virginia Greaves"....this lady really knows her stuff when it comes to portrait quilts. She can take a photo and turn it into a work or art. One of Virginia's pieces will be featured this year at the Houston quilt show.
    Make sure you visit these wonderful and talented ladies blogs.

  59. My go-to blogs, like if I only have about 10 min. to read are: Sharon is from my area, just recently moved back close by. She makes the most amazing stuff and she is very funny :)
    Jeanne makes so much stuff, and I love seeing her rooms' quilts change by the month!
    Bren is an AMAZING quilter but she is also a sister in Christ and inspires me in many ways.
    Leah just had her first baby boy, close to the birth of my baby :)

    And seriously, no sucking up intended, yours is in my top 5 as well :) You make me laugh and I love your quilts!

    xoxo melzie

  60. Congrats! I always check Carol's Crafty Creations, Quilting Daze, Sister's Choice Quilts, Quilt Hollow blogs and your blog.

    Nancy E

  61. Congratulations!! I check quite a few blogs, but my list has a few stars beside the following:
    One Pretty Thing, Don't Look Now, and Purl Bee. Thanks for the chance!

  62. drats ... most of my recent favorites aren't quilting blogs - but i found them through quilting blogs ... anywho, for quilting i love Cupcakes and Daisies - Thelma is SO funny ... i didn't read LA Quilter till a few months ago - she cracks me up, too ...Bronze Wombat is my best friend in Australia (and i only found her a year ago last May) ... Carpe Quiltem is a must read ... i dunno - i've been reading your blog, Mama Spark, Taniwa, Gran, Gretchen, Ranette, Anna, Siobhan, Elaine, Anne, and Auntia for a loooong time ...... there are a few quilting blogs that i DON'T read, but listing those would be snarky, right? bwah ha ha!

  63. I love your blog it is so entertaining and fun. Besides you I like Patchwork Times and Amy's Passion. I also really like Leah Day's 365 Days of Free Motion.

    and I agree, blogs with music are just plan annoying and slow to load.

    Thanks for the give away.


  64. Kim,

    Here they are:
    Irish Muses. I love Ireland and all things Irish. And, I got a reply to my email and it was the prefect answer.

    P.S. I quilt. Rachel does a lot of sharing and I love her stuff. She doesn't know of me 'cause I usually only reply to you.

    I brown-nosing from me.

  65. Opps. Forgot to share that I couldn't mention Gran's blog 'cause it has been more than a year, but I adore you both!

  66. First one I check each day is -- She is a mother, full time worker and inspires me with her beautiful work -- and she's very funny!
    Second is -- makes the bags and quilts and has inspired me to make some of them -- she is also very funny!
    From hers, I go to yours -- you also make the neatest things (such as the pumpkin bags last October) and I've made a few of your ideas. And you are hysterical!
    Guess I need inspiration with wit!
    Thank you for doing this -- I'll be checking out many new ones this weekend! Florence

  67. Hey what a great idea! Wonderful sharing and interesting blogs to check out. Having been in blogland just over a year it was fun to read the comments and recognize some of my favourite places to go. I shant mention one, two or three because I don't want to leave anyone out. I love quilt bloggers!

  68. Great idea, Kim!

    I love to laugh and of course that is a very good reason to visit your blog. Others who make me laugh are Laurie at She is a knitter and a really funny, funny writer. I have her first book.

    Shay at always makes me laugh out loud. She's an Aussie so double fun.

    Another blog I read but have never commented on and she is not a quilter is Mental P Mama (thementalpausechronicles.blogspot.come). Southern humor and wit and gossip. Fun.

  69. Well Kim, this is quite a challenge to share only a few. The ones I am going to suggest are blogs that have not been mentioned yet.
    I have my favorite blogs that I read everyday - Wanda
    who loves color and batiks -She is a quilter who shares her talents and expertise.
    Meggie from
    lives in Australia and shares stories of her life there
    Pam a fellow Canadian from Vancouver who I have met and become friends.
    and another Canadian friend Rosa
    that you can find here:

    Sio from Georgia who shares her passion about antique quilts
    Corey Amaro from Tongue in cheek who grew up in Willows California and married a French man and lives near Marseille. She writes about life. I first read her pieces when her father was very ill - She is a powerful writer who shares her love of brocante antiquing,and life in France.

    I love many other blogs including my California friends( you, Gran, Pam and Nicole). One of the things I like best about blogs is to read about the person and their interests, family as well as quilting. It is making connections with other bloggers. I appreciate the blogs that use humor and have pictures and those who share their love of quilting.
    There are ladies and men who generously share their patterns and provide excellent tutorials.
    I am inspired by others who find quilting a way to express themselves as well as using it to help them deal with life's challenges.
    I am certainly going to check out some of the new to me blogs listed- it sure was a great idea you had Kim.
    Happy blog reading,Your charm squares look so fun for Christmas.

  70. A great question - I read way too many - here are a few favorites in no particular order:
    Sew Many ways
    Mrs. Moen
    One Pretty Thing
    Spun Sugar
    Pat Sloan
    Cupcakes and Daisies

    Now I have a lot more to check out after reading your to add another hour or two to the day.....hmmmmmm....thanks for asking! Piece.....

  71. WOW, this is a hard question, and I'll brown nose a bit here as you have been one of my favorite bloggers and one of my longest read and subscribed to.

    In addition to you, one I've recently discovered is
    Cindy makes beautiful quilts with vintage linens and lace. Not a prolific blogger, but she makes beautiful quilts.

    Quilting for the Rest of Us has a great blog, but I also love Sandy's podcast and she is part of the Big Tent Group of quilting podcasters. She's one of the original founders of the Big Tent Quiltcast Super Group for quilting podcasters. She has 3 yr old twins, has moved from CA to OH to NC since having these babies and still finds time for quilting and crafting.

    Right now with the bloggers there is too much sameness out there, so I look for the bloggers that are different, either add life stories or really improve their skills or techniques. Don't get me wrong, I love the modern quilts and fabrics, but I keep seeing the same quilts all over the place, so I look for 'different'.

  72. I'm getting in on this just in the nick of time! I'm sure my favorites aren't new to you, but here they are nonetheless. Each day I try to check out three quilting blogs in addition to yours:

    Also, I check out Moda Bakeshop and have used quite a few patterns from there.

    Thanks for the giveaway. Glad your recovery is going well!

  73. Well, of course Gran's blog. She is Thelma to your Louise (or is it the other way around??). LOL! I like to hear the same story from 2 different points of view. And Green Fairy Quilts. She does some beautiful quilting!!!

  74. I love reading Taniwa's blog - the insights to Japanese life all the while doing some awesome quilting
    Nancy - Blogging Near Philadephia is so grounded and interested in the world around her and her quilts are beautiful.
    Nicole @ Sister's Choice amazes me with just the sheer quantity of beautiful quilts she produces.
    I could make a list that goes on forever but you did say 3 thanks for asking this question it will give us all new blogs to check out.

  75. I like JUlia K quilts and La quilter which have not been mentioned. I also love yours, sisters choice, cupcakes and daisies, la vie en rosie and on and on. Thanks for the chance to win and information on blogs.

  76. One of my faves is The Bitchy Stitcher. If you haven't read hers yet--go there, she is freaking hilarious!! Another favorite is Sherri at A Quilting Life. I started following blogs and quilting steadily again about 3 years ago when my life went to hell in a handbasket and my husband decided the grass was greener in someone else's backyard. Keeps me out of trouble, costs me lots of money, and occupies my mind. Visit me at

    Karen in IN

  77. So I see many of the ones I read are listed here but I love Month of Sundays, I know you read Diane's blog. Her sense of humor cracks me up! I love AJ at Crazy mom Quilts and of course Annemiek at Carpe Quiltem, and Crispy at Crispy quilts too. I have learned a lot from Tallgrass Prairie Studio too. I like to read Don't Look Now, very innovative. I read a lot of blogs at the moment. I prefer a mix of quilting and some "other" content. I agree with one of the other commenters, I don't like music. I do read your blog and it is also one of my favs. Thanks for doing this! I found some new blogs to visit!!

  78. Sister's Choice Quilts, inspirational and The Stone Rabbit, not a quilt blog but lover her unique variety and humor.

  79. Three of my fave blogs (besides yours) are: - She has great tutorials, is funny and has great give-aways -Dana has fun and is a great inspiration in quilting as well as in other DIY projects. Plus her photos are wonderful & she replies to most of her blog comments -The Robert Kaufman fabric co blog. They have sneak previews of their new lines and interviews with their designers.

    This is just the top three, which can change every day. :)

    Sandy A
