Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm FREE! The splint is OFF! The stitches are OUT! Oh, and it feels so good! Not only that, but just knowing the surgery is done and now it's just a matter of getting my hand back to normal again--well, that's such a relief.

The surgeon and the physical therapist were both pleased with my range of motion and flexibility. (Since immediately after surgery, I've been wiggling and stretching my fingers and making a fist and stretching back out several times a day.) I've been given exercises to do to continue to increase flexibility, and in two weeks, we'll start on strengthening. In the meantime, I've also been given a sheet of gel material and a single glove--I get to stick a strip of the gel over the incision and then wear the glove to bed every night beginning Friday. (I'm thinking about adding some beads or something to the glove--a la Michael Jackson. What do you think?!) The gel is supposed to help minimize scaring, because apparently that's the main risk of surgery--the scar can become painful and irritated.

I have a few restrictions on what I can do--specifically lifting and putting weight down on the hand are to be avoided--but the surgeon was okay with everything else as long as I don't do anything too much, and if something causes pain, I'm to back off doing whatever it is for awhile. (I'm thinking that might include housecleaning, dishes, laundry, and possibly cooking.) And once I get movement and strength back into the hand, I'll be able to go back to work--probably in about four weeks or so.

I can tell I have some work to do with my hand. It doesn't quite bend back as far as it should. In typing, it's hard to stretch to hit a key with my index finger and then hit another key with my pinkie--they don't quite want to stretch AND bend at the same time. My thumb's not quite hitting the space bar hard enough either. And I'm sure I'll notice other limitations along the way. But at least I'm ON THE WAY!

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm guessing using a rotary cutter might be difficult and/or a little painful, but I'm hoping if that's the case, wearing a velcro wrist splint will provide stability and protection. Any input from those of you who have had the surgery?

Next week, Hubby goes to the doctor for his broken leg, and we're hopeful he's still on track to be able to start bearing weight on the leg again. Wouldn't it be nice if we were both somewhat healthy together?

They say getting old isn't for sissies, but I'd say neither is middle age! Most of the time, things are okay, but when they break down--well, spare parts are hard to come by and the old parts can't be repaired as easily. For now, though, I'm celebrating my progress.


  1. Yay, Kim! Great to hear your good news. Isn't it weird, I often want not to be at work any more but when I actually do take time off, I miss work! I guess it's kinda like wanting summer in the winter cause it's sooo cold and winter in the summer cause it's sooooo hot! Humans are never happy! You're going to get better by leaps and bounds, thank goodness!
    Lurking Linda

  2. wonderful that you are free...don't over do it now...

  3. Hi Kim,

    Glad you are splint free!

    I did not have carpal tunnel surgery, but I broke my wrist and had a plate installed. It was hard to grip a rotary cutter while wearing the velcro splint. But your mileage may vary, I hope it does!

  4. That is great news! I hope your hubby's news is just as good. ;-)

  5. Awesome that your out of the splint :oD Hope your husband does as well. Rotary cutting puts lots of strain on your wrist so take it easy there.

  6. woo-hoo congrats on being set free! But like the others said, don't over do. Slow and steady :-) Hope your hubby gets good news too. Sounds like a day to celebrate!

  7. Glad to hear you are doing well. I hope your hubby has a good outcome too!

  8. Glad to hear you are on the mend! I hope DH gets the green light too...You will be back to normal in no time.

  9. Good for you! I would agree with you on middle age. We've had our fair share of health issues. I hate to think what our 50's will bring.

  10. I'd hold off trying to rotary cut for another week. Let it heal a bit, and then you should be fine. Happy to hear that it all went to well for you.

  11. Doing a jig here! Well, to be honest, in my head I am doing a jig, my dawgs are barking. Anyhoo I am so happy for you!

  12. Hi Kim,
    So glad that the doctor gave the go ahead and you did not have to cut the cast off yourself. I am really happy for you- it must be very freeing and a relief to have the surgery completed and the cast off.
    Take it easy and remember to pace yourself- I am sure you will be making stacks of quilts before long.
    Warmest regards,

  13. Yay!!! So glad you are making such quick progress! Good luck to your husband too!


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