Friday, June 11, 2010


The stuff we do for good friends is truly amazing, isn't it? Today I found myself giving in to Gran's occasional promptings to go to a local restaurant, The Green Boheme, for lunch. Click over there and check it out if you have time. Yep, raw vegan food. Let me just say you should be careful of making friends with Canadians--so many of them seem to be hippie holdouts, even if they don't look like it on the surface. But I went along with the raw vegan lunch idea. (Me, whose idea of a near perfect lunch is Micky D's double cheeseburger and medium fries followed by an iced vanilla latte at Starbucks.) I don't really "get" the whole raw concept and how heat changes the enzymes in food. Vegan/vegetarian, sure, I get the "no animal products" stuff, but raw? (BTW, I DID see John Cleese on So Graham Norton this morning talking about how he accidentally ate poodle in China and liked it a lot, so maybe I was inclined to be a little more vegan-friendly today.)

Anyway, lunch. The menu was kind of limited. (Probably out of necessity--after all, how much raw vegan stuff is out there?) And I figured a salad is a salad, right? Except when it's a RAW salad--then it's topped with stuff like hemp seeds and uncooked, shaved beets. (Are hemp seeds LEGAL?) It wasn't bad though. The dressing was good--some kind of lemon mustard herb stuff. I thought about getting soup until I found out it wasn't actually hot--it's just sort of warm. Somehow that seemed less appealing. Gran was brave and ordered a black hockey puck they called an All American Wellness Burger. And you know what? I guess raw vegans don't eat bread either--because, of course, you'd have to BAKE it. So no bun. She said it was good though. (But since raw vegan was her idea, I think she probably HAD to say that, don't you?) She offered me a bite, but I figured our friendship really didn't require it, so I passed.

I asked about iced tea, and they said they had some kind of hibiscus stuff. Then I saw they had French pressed coffee (why is HOT coffee okay?), so I got that instead, and it was pretty good, but when I asked if they had anything resembling cream and sugar, I was told I could help myself to the coconut sugar. (Have I ever mentioned that coconut isn't really my favorite flavor? I passed.) Still, I think the black coffee was better than the Maca root coffee substitute Gran had. (Maca is supposed to be a sex and fertility herb--I'm not sure what she had in mind for this evening, and I don't think I want to know.)

Gran has taken classes from the owner/chef of the restaurant, but the men-folk in her family didn't seem to like the raw vegan diet. She told me, though, that you can make a really good raw vegan lasagna, but food preparation takes a lot of time. (On the positive side, I'd never have to clean my oven again.)

Of course, no meal would be complete without dessert, and The Green Boheme has a rather extensive dessert menu. Something was brought to our table that Gran told me was a pecan chocolate bar, and we split it. It wasn't too bad, but it had that weird taste that comes from using "healthy" ingredients in place of stuff like sugar.

I forgot to bring my camera this time, but Gran took photos, so you might keep an eye on her blog to see if she posts them. I'd really like you to see the All American Wellness Burger for yourself. (Why is it that vegans and vegetarians seem so stuck on making dishes that look and taste like meat but never really do?) I know I've poked fun at the whole raw/vegan lifestyle here and that it probably really IS a better, more healthy way to live, but I just don't think it's for me. When I looked around the restaurant, I saw that everyone was stick thin and none of the women wore make up. Yeah, not me. Next time I go to lunch with Gran, I'm going to pick the place--and I think it just might be Mexican food. Carnitas and margaritas. Yum!


  1. I'm a vegetarian, but I don't think I could ever do vegan (not on a consistent basis) and definitely not raw vegan! 'Round these parts, you're lucky if you can find something vegetarian, let alone vegan and if you want raw, I guess that would be the produce section of Wal Mart, LOL!!

  2. I always thought there was something strange about raw food eaters..and not the mention the gas...LOL

  3. I'm with you, Kim! We invented fire for a reason...ok for two reasons..And sugar? Nothing can take it's place! They don't call me Sweet P because of my winning personality! Bring it on...AND I'd almost kill for a Big Mac about now..Have a great day!
    (I'm the cubby one wearing all the make-up!)

  4. I'm all for people eating as they please/conscience dictates and I will eat vegetarian for days at a time, especially during the summer, but the raw thing is silly for EVERYTHING. But kudos to you for trying anyway!
    And I am one of the Canadian hippie holdouts lol.

  5. I too am a Canadian Hippie Holdout. LOL I may not always comment but I do enjoy you blog!

  6. Oh dear......I like veggies very much but that's going a little too far for are a wonderful friend because it's always more fun to share things with someone.

  7. Mexican food and margaritas...NOW you're talking! Honestly, what is the problem with regular sugar?? It's natural, right? Everything in moderation! Even is too short!

  8. Who knew that raw food could inspire a blog post and incite so many comments! Glad you and Gran enjoyed lunch together today!

  9. Tell Gran that you get to pick the next 3 places you eat - you've earned it. Might want to pack a snack to take with you.

  10. re coconut sugar.

    Too bad you didn't dry it. Do you know that it doesn't taste coconut-y at all?

    Try it some other time. ;-)

    (That's the surprising result of our blind tests.)

  11. You always make me laugh! I asked my vegan friend the same question you have!! "If you don't eat meat, why do you make food that 'tastes' and looks like it??" Like Tofurky? It's puzzling to me. And she didn't have an answer either.

  12. Healthy is an understatement for all of that...Vegan is not easy to follow.

  13. OMG that hockey puck looked absolutely horrible... i don't care how fancy that mustard and catsup look...although i bet it wasn't real mustard and catsup...

  14. I'm reading blogs while drinking a martini so I had to go get some summer sausage and high salt high fat crackers to go with it once I read your "meal". I bet you feel better now knowing that I had all that really good stuff in your honor. You probably feel like sending me a nice fat quarter pack, but it's okay you can keep it for yourself, I mean, what are friends for?

  15. Kim -- your blogs are so funny (except, of course, when you're in pain!) I've never heard of vegan before! Thanks for making all of us laugh! Florennce

  16. So glad you gave us that restaurant information! I know to stay away from there. I didn't see anything I would like, but I see they are advertising "dog tasting" on the 12th. That sounds good. (NOT)
    chris in sacramento

  17. Kim,
    I am one of those Crazy Canucks- perhaps a hold over hippie LOL . I do love my vegetables and salad but this restaurant is a out of my comfort zone. You were brave to try it- I got have my chicken, fish and dairy- and even some Alberta beef1
    Sounds like you had another adventure together with Thelma or is Louise? VBG
    Happy weekend.

  18. **giggle** I loved this post! You were very brave! :-)


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