Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Domestic Goddess

I've come to realize that there's something quite satisfying about all this cleaning. I think, in a way, it's become a bit of a replacement for my "real" job. There are things I don't miss much about my job, but I DO miss the people I work with and I miss that feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. At least with the cleaning I've been doing, I have that feeling. Funny, isn't it?! I sure wouldn't want to do it for a living though!

Today I was even inspired to do a little cooking since I was cleaning the refrigerator. Really, if you cook a thing until it's not green and slimy anymore, it's safe to eat, right?

Okay, I'm just kidding! But we bought a roasted chicken a few days ago, and I thought I'd better either make soup with what was left or toss it, so I put it in a pot with a bunch of veggies that were aged to perfection. I waived my magic wooden spoon over the pot several times, and before long, soup was born!

This past week, our neighbors picked cherries off their tree and gifted us with a generous amount. A couple days ago, when I was looking for a way to get rid of Hubby for awhile, I wheeled him out to the garage with a cherry pitter, a bag of cherries, and a bowl. By the time I let him back in the house, he had a bowl full of pitted cherries, so I turned those into a pie today. Yum!

I guess it's time to wheel Hubby back out to the garage again tomorrow!

P.S.: The pie bubbled a little bit of juice onto my clean oven! Oh well, I knew it couldn't stay clean forever.


  1. Everything looks great Kim especially the pie.

  2. Wow Kim, that pie looks so yummy! You have been a busy girl.

  3. That's the problem with cleaning, its a never ending chore!

  4. Wow! Your pie looks beautiful-do you make you own crust?

  5. I just drooled all over my keyboard! Lurking Linda

  6. Domestic Goddess! You take the cake - or should I say the pie!
    YUMMY! and your stove looks so clean - did you use the Mr. Clean white thingys?

  7. My Favorite pie in the whole wide world is Cherry Pie! I get Cherry pie every year on my birthday!! I will be having Cherry pie today! What's hubby going to do in the garage tomorrow...??HhMMM, enquiring minds want to know! LOL! Have a great one Kim!

  8. The pie looks yummy! I put heavy duty alum. foil on the bottom of my oven. When bubble overs happen, all I have to do is replace the foil.

  9. Wow - and she cooks and she bakes, too. Is there anything this woman can't do? Can you wave your magic wooden spoon and have a piece of that pie appear on MY plate??

  10. I love pie! Pie is a good reward for cleaning.. .or just about anything!


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