Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's a Schnibbles?

Looking for the May Day Giveaway? Click HERE.

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I know I talk about Schnibbles quilts a lot, and for the most part, I assume you know what I'm talking about. But with having taught a class recently and talking generally to quilters about Schnibbles quilts, I've learned that many people are Schnibbles deprived unfamiliar with Schnibbles.

Schnibbles is a quilt pattern line designed by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilt Company. Schnibbles quilts are small--usually between 30" and 40" square. They can be made using two charm packs and sometimes a little bit more fabric for the settings. In Carrie Nelson's new Schnibbles book, Schnibbles Times Two, she has reprinted some of her earlier Schnibbles patterns and also converted the patterns to make larger, lap sized quilts. The larger quilts are much like the smaller ones but are made using two LAYER CAKES and sometimes a little bit more fabric for the settings.

The small quilts are fairly quick to make, and I like the flexibility of purchasing small quantities (charm packs) of fabrics, having the pleasure of experimenting with a new line, and not ending up with a ton of scraps to add to my overflowing scrap bins.

The Schnibbles class I taught--and the few that will follow--involve patterns from the new book. In looking through the book, I've realized I have several individual patterns that have been reprinted in the book, so I thought I'd share them with a couple of you who may be Schnibbles deprived unfamiliar--until now.

If you do not have the new book and are interested in one of these two patterns . . .

. . . leave me a comment on this post telling me which pattern you want. Don't tell me you'd be happy with either one because I need to decide whether to put your entry into the drawing for Little Red . . .

. . . or Plan C (I made a large version of this pattern using the new Bar Harbor line--terrific for a summer or 4th of July quilt).

Okay, to recap--you are eligible to enter this Schnibbles drawing if (1) you are new to Schnibbles; (2) you don't have and don't so far plan to get the new Schnibbles book; and (3) you're able to make up your mind between the two patterns shown above. A couple other details? Only one entry per person please. I'll draw the winners on Friday night and post the names on Saturday's blog post--and you must come back to visit to claim your prize. If either pattern is unclaimed within a week, it will go into another drawing.

Converting quilters, one Schnibbles at a time.


  1. Oh! 'Plan C' looks delicious to me....and rhymes lol.
    (I am Schnibble deprived!)

  2. They're both beautiful, but I love stars, so put me in the Plan C pot. Thanks for the opportunity.

  3. Hi Kim,
    I have been following you for a long time, enjoying your writings so much. Just try to go to bed earlier, will you? I worry about your health!...

    Love to win the C PATTERN.

  4. Well, i think I have all the criteria covered.
    1) the only place I have heard of or seen Schnibbles are on your blog
    2)book............there's going to be a book?
    3) loving that "Little Red" Quilt. When I first saw the top picture I was intimidated by the curves - silly me!!

  5. Oh, I'd like to have Plan C. Thanks for doing this, Kim.

  6. I went to my local quilt store to look for a pattern and she had never heard of them either!

    I'd love the Plan C pattern.

    Thank you!

  7. Hi Kim, I would choose Little Red if I was lucky enough to win your drawing. I have neve schnibbled nor do I own anything associated with this method of quilt making. Thanks and doesn't our weather pretty much suck? I live in Santa Rosa and I'm really missing Spring!

  8. I never heard of Schnibbles before your blog. I was wondering what it was but never took the time to ask so thanks for the definition. I love Plan C. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. I've never made a Schnibbles but have wanted to for some time now! And I don't have the new book...
    But if I were to win this giveaway, I would choose Plan C.
    Thanks so much, Kim!

  10. Last line- oh so witty!!! And you're mistaken, actually a schnibbles is a choc chip cookie dipped in a glass of milk...well that's the image which popped into my head the first time I heard the word! And DEFINATELY plan 4- if you're posting abroad, but no probs if you're not!

    PS. Or a mug of hot polka dot OF COURSE!

  11. I love the plan C. I want to make a Schnibbles quilt. This would be the perfect start!

  12. I've never made a scnibbles but keep reading about them online. I would love to make Little Red.

  13. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Plan C to start my schnibles adiction! Please count me in!

  14. Plan C please; I'm not messing with those curves. Perfect timing on the contest for me, I was looking at her books last night on Amazona. Still hemming and hawing though - haven't added any to my wishlist yet.

  15. Thanks for explaining. I had no idea what a Schnibble was. I would love to own Plan C. I do not own the book but would love to make this pattern. Thanks for being willing to share your extra patterns.

  16. Love plan C! I had never heard of schnibbles before your blog. Thanks for the intro.

  17. Love Plan C. I thought I was the only one who had no idea what a schnibbles was, so I just never asked. I think I would love schnibbles too!

  18. I am new to Schnibbles! :) New to sewing and quilting. So excited to start my first quilt soon!
    I love Plan C!
    Thank you for hosting multiple giveaways~ :) so generous of you!!

  19. Hi Kim--I'd love Plan C, I've only made one Schnibbles quilt so far (Madeline). That book sounds great too. Thanks for the giveaway! Jen

  20. Love, love, love Plan C! I too am "Scnibbles Deprived" and I can't buy the new book cuz this wicked economy has me on very tight purse strings! Tks so much for another great Giveaway :)

  21. I've never made a Schnibble, but doing so has been on my list for someday. If I win Little Red, then someday will have arrived at last!

  22. Thank you for entering me in the giveaway! I love Plan C. Have never done a schnibbles before. Would love to be able to take one of your classes again.

  23. I've heard alot of about these patterns but have never done a Schnibble. I love Little Red. thank you for the opportunity to win!

  24. I'm never heard of these! Plan C looks great!

  25. Fingers crossed ( toes too and that is NOT easy) for Little Red. thanks for the chance. XXX

  26. I have only seen Schnibbles since reading so much about them on your blog and a few others, so I went looking for them. I have seen a few of the patterns, but haven't purchased one. I'd love to win Little Red and try this for myself. Do you usually use these for table toppers, wallhangings, or what?

  27. I don't have the new Schnibbles book - but I did put it on my Amazon wish list so here's hoping I get it soon!!!

    I love the Plan C quilt - I love how the stars go out into the white border - RWB would be GREAT!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

    therivals (at) comcast (dot) net

  28. I do not have a single Schnibbles pattern or the book. I really like Plan C and it looks like something I would enjoy making. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  29. You are always so generous, thank you. I would like to be in the drawing for the plan C Schnibbles, and thanks for telling us what a Schnibble is. I wasn't sure, but knew they were small (or thought I knew).

  30. I guess I would be Schnibble deprived except for reading about them on your blog. I would love to win the Plan C pattern - love stars!!

  31. I pick Plan C... I have NEVER done a Schnibble quilt, don't own the book and am only entering one time...


    I am off to a quilt retreat and will check back on if I win...I will answer then...K?

  32. Hi Kim - I've never made a schnibbles quilt nor do I own any of their patterns or books. I really like the plan c pattern. I really like the combination of stars and patched blocks. thanks!

  33. I have been wondering for a couple of months now just what exactly is a schnibbles? Thanks for explaining it. Another vote for plan C!

  34. I'm hooked on schnibbles too! Just love to get a copy of Plan C...

  35. Thank you so much for explaining 'schnibbles'. I see it mentioned so often on different blogs and wasn't sure what it was!!
    I like Plan C and would love to attempt one.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. I have not made a schnibble. I would like to try Plan C. Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. I have not seen any schnibbles patterns or quilts. I would love to win plan C.
    Thank you Kim!

  38. I would love to win the Plan C pattern - and yes I am new to Schnibbles! What a fun kid's quilt this would be!

  39. This is Tricia from Embriodery. I would love the pattern Plan C. Enter me in the drawing.

  40. Was hard to make up my mind, but include me in the drawing for Little Red.

  41. Hi Kim please enter me in the draw and its Plan C for me please:). I have never done a schnibbles from a pattern or a book, thanks for the opportunity,

  42. Plan C for me, please. :)

    Reading through the comments. Looks my chance are better with Little Red but I'm going to stick with Plan C.

  43. I have heard about Schnibbles but
    have never made or bought or even held a pattern. Please enter me to win Plan C. Thank You for your generousity.

  44. I love Plan C - and I love the word Schnibbles - my new favorite! I look forward to returning often to your blog - loving it and all the inspiration!

  45. I would love to win Plan C. I've been meaning to try a Schnibbles pattern but haven't. yet. This would be the push I need. Thanks for being there for us non-Schnibble people.

  46. The plan C pattern are just amazing!! A good goal I must say O_O
    PS: Is this giveaway open world wide?
    I hope so!

  47. Plan C for me!!


  48. Kim, I love Little Red. Winona

  49. I have never made a Schnibble before. Learned about them from your blog. I would love to try the Little Red one. I'm a follower of your blog, just don't have one myself.

  50. Definitely Little Red! I saw the Schnibbles book at my LQS the other day - why, oh WHY didn't I pick it up? Sheesh - I need to have my head examined. Are the designs in the book the same ones that are in each pattern packet?

  51. Count me in for Plan C! I have been trying to find the patterns around here, even looked all over the Paducah quilt show when I went & can't find them!! I wanna play along with all the other "Schnibblers" (or is i "Schibllerites"?) :)

    Sandy A in St. Louis

  52. Thanks for explaining Schnibbles! I've been reading your blog for a few months and wondering. I'm now enlightened! I also now know why I have been collecting charm packs. Thanks for that too!
    I started to enter your fabric give away the other day, but decided not to be selfish...i have tons of fabric, but rarely buy patterns...hmmmm, need to rethink that strategy. Had trouble deciding, love those little stars, but put me in for Little Red!

  53. You are such a nice person! I have never Schnibbled, but I would love to! Little Red for me!! Please pick me!!! LOL

  54. Thank you for the explanation of what a Schnibbles is. Little Red is darling and I would love to win it. So, please pick me!

  55. I'd love to be in the drawing for Plan C. I already have Little Red,
    I just need to get it finished. Schnibbles are wonderful little quilts.
    Sandy Evenson-Hagen
    Bemidji, MN

  56. thanks for clearing up the Schnibbles mystery for me. I have always wondered what they are. I love plan C for it's scrappiness.

  57. Plan "C" it is- I would like to use the Minick and Simpson fabric just like you did. I love your blog! Thanks, MJ

  58. OK, I have never attempted nor have I ever purchased a Schnibbles pattern. However, I have enjoyed seeing them here on your blog! The thought of being able to try one is just too tempting. I love them both but I think I would really love Little Red. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  59. I've never "Schnibbled", but I keep thinking about making one! Please enter me in the giveaway, and I would choose pattern, Plan C. Thanks! (and P.S. -- I've got my red and aqau fabrics ready to cut as soon as I decide what pattern I am going to use them on!!!) ljhlaw {at} cableone {dot} net

  60. oh I would sooo love plan c I have coverted the schnibbles patterns for a while now but they are just not in the budget at the moment
    thank you for the chance to win this amazing pattern
    hugs Beth

  61. I love Little Red! I don't have any Schnibbles patterns or the book yet, but I've been thinking about the book!


  62. Love the Little Red pattern! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm Schnibble-less.

  63. While I'm not unfamiliar with Schnibbles, I don't own any of the patterns and haven't bought the new Schnibbles Times Two book, though I covet it! I would love to have the "Little Red" pattern because of the fool the eye curves in the design. Fun!

    Thanks for passing on your patterns in this giveaway. I love hand me downs :)

  64. I love the Plan C pattern. I have no clue as to what Schnibbles are, but the pattern has me intrigued. Hoping to find out more about this, thank you.


  65. This is fun. I pick Little red. Curves are my challemge this year.

  66. I've just learned about Schnibbles this past week with the SMS giveaway blog hopping I have done. I would love to win Plan C.


  67. Thank You for explaing what Schnibbles was. im going to check with my local shp to see if they carry and patterns.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!