Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dive In!

Do you watch Guy Fieri and Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives? Tonight was girls' nite out with my friends Lisa and Kathy and we decided to visit one of the "dives" featured on the show, Jamie's Broadway Grille. I've actually spent a fair number of Friday afternoons at Jamie's over the years--"working" lunches, you understand! But although I've enjoyed numerous garlic steak sandwiches, I'd never tried the Friday night BBQ dinner until tonight.

Tonight I ordered the BBQ ribs combination, and the plate came piled high with a combination of beef and pork ribs. Buried under the mass o'meat and bones was a scoop of the creamiest potato salad I've ever eaten and pieces of fresh pineapple and watermelon. On a separate plate came a bowl of BBQ'd baked beans and cornbread. I can tell you the beans were yummy; the cornbread, though--I was too full to try it, so I brought it home, tucked into the corner of a styrofoam box heavily packed with all the ribs I couldn't eat as well as at least a couple bites of potato salad--so there's tomorrow's lunch. Jamie has a smoker out back and is also known for his smoked prime rib--which was awfully tempting too, but I'll have to try that one another time!

After dinner, we went to a nearby Starbucks, but that part of town is a little "iffy," and eventually all the crazies made us a little nervous, so we decided to move on. Or maybe it was all the caffeine that made us nervous. Either way, when a guy, who had been talking to himself and who also had something hidden down his pants and under his shirt, stood up and started talking to the imaginary people, we thought it was time to go. (Lisa thought he might have had a gun hidden under his clothes but he kept touching it and it seemed much bigger than that; I'm guessing he probably had dynamite taped to his belly. For all we know, he might have just been a little bloated and talking on his blue tooth, but we have good imaginations. THIS post will give you an idea of HOW good.)

Next stop? Evangeline's in Old Sacramento! Evangeline's is one of those shops that's filled with costumes, joke stuff, and just downright kitschy gifts. It's entertaining just being there, giggling with friends over everything in the store--and that's just what we did. They really should charge admission just for looking, because although me and my home-girls spent about an hour and a half there, I'm the only one who bought anything, and that was just a T-shirt for Hubby--he likes weird T-shirts and I'm embarrassed to be seen in public with him rarely have an opportunity to get him one. Here's a similar T-shirt I found online, although the one I bought Hubby is black:

Have I mentioned that Hubby family came from Ireland a couple generations ago? He got a good laugh out of it. Hubby and Soccer Son are going to be out of town this weekend for football try-outs, so he'll have the perfect opportunity to wear it while he's gone. Yep, I'm on my own--just me and a big box full of ribs! And a sewing machine and a lot of fabric, and . . . well, . . . good and happy stuff! Yes indeedy! Me and happy supplies. As Guy Fieri would say, "now that's money!" Or maybe he'd say my weekend is going to be "off the hook." I love weekends, don't you?!


  1. Oh I wish I was close to most any of those places! DH and I love Guy's show!

  2. Love triple D!!!! Just finished reading the book and want to take a long road trip! Glad to hear it was a good time. Have a fabulous weekend - Happy Mother's Day!!!!

  3. What a fun night! And that dinner had my tummy grumbling!! I love Guy's show too! Love the t-shirt - LOL. My hubby has a habit of wearing inappropriate t-shirts at times too (that I won't be seen with o:) I'm on my own today too while's he vending at a toy soldier show - yippee - he's making some extra money and I'm going to sew!!!! And, yes, I live for weekends o:)

  4. Did you know that Marty and Guy are having a secret affair? Yep, we actually, plan our outings and trips around places he suggests! Have a great Mother's Day in the sweat shop, playing!!


  5. What really was under that guys shirt and pants, scary eh!? I just read your post about you and your girls back in the day.... You were hilarious then too!!!!!
    Ah, there is nothing like being home alone - enjoy! Happy Mother's Day!


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