Friday, May 14, 2010


Alert! Be on the lookout for a pair of suspicious looking characters! Two of the women in the photos below are expected to flee California jurisdiction next week. They are believed to be traveling to Minnesota where they have contacts--quilting contacts, that is! And I'm darn jealous.

That's Lindy, the owner of Bearpaws & Hollyhocks. Isn't she cute? This photo was taken at the time of the last class I taught, which just happened to be on her birthday. Yeah, she doesn't always wear the tiara--it was a special day. Anyway, Lindy's heading off to Quilt Market next week and Gran gets to go with her. That's Gran on the left in the photo below, with our friend Eileen of My Quilting Porch.

If it wasn't for all the extra luggage charges these days, I'd stow away in their luggage. I know they're going to have a wonderful time while I sit here in Sacramento, left behind to read the blogs of all the quilt people who are sharing that heady Minnesota air and having a wonderful time right along with them. So sad. Of course, if I look long and hard enough, I just might find them. After all, last year I spotted Lindy on someone's blog, wandering through the Bunny Hill booth:

(That blonde woman on the far right is Lindy.)

If YOU'RE going to Quilt Market, be on the lookout for these two, and if you see them, please take a photo and send it to me, especially if you catch them doing anything of a compromising nature. Or at least say "Hi" and tell them it wasn't very nice of them to leave me at home, crying in my keyboard. In fact, now that I think about it, I think we need to have a game of "Where's Lindy and Gran?" Kind of like "Where's Waldo" but different. If you go to market and are able to spot them there, email me a photo or tell me when you saw them, where they were, and what they were doing. Points will be given for each spotting and there may well be a prize for the most spottings. Hey, I gotta have SOME fun, don't I?!

P.S.: I'd really like to show you what I've been working on today, but it's a surprise for my students in Saturday's Schnibbles class, so you'll have to wait. Really cute, though--it's something I got from another talented blogger designer. Blogs are so inspirational, aren't they?


  1. I'll keep my eyes peeled for these two ladies...

  2. How fun! But I'm not going either. What an experience though... to be a fly on the wall. Sigh.

  3. "I think I am going to have to kill you.", you have written that to me AND I think that this is a time to pull it out for you. I THINK I AM GOING TO HAVE TO KILL YOU!

  4. You are such a TEASE!!!!!! See ya tomorrow, can't wait!



  5. Awfully nervy, them leaving you behind like that.

  6. The Minnesota Quilt Market is a trade show that is not open to the general public. Too bad, it's practically right in my backyard.

  7. I would love to see the Bunny Hill booth...Hope your hand is better soon!

  8. Kursten PaczkowskiMay 21, 2010 at 8:30 PM

    I found them!! They were dancing fools tonight at the Moda dinner!! I couldn't get them off the dance floor!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!