Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along, Block 4

The first 4 of 12 blocks are now done! Woo-hoo! These are actually kind of fun to make, especially since I'm able to add my own little embellishments, like the embroidery.

I'm awfully grumpy tonight. This darn seroma has filled up again, and the pressure is quite bothersome. I'll be going back to the surgeon in the a.m. for something else, hopefully. The needle aspiration didn't really seem to last very long, so I think this time it will be a little more involved, although I'm not sure what he'll decide to do. I swear, though, as I was embroidering, there were a few times I was tempted to do my OWN needle aspiration! I think the cat I embroidered on this block looks about as grumpy and annoyed as I feel.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a change of attitude. "See" you then!


  1. Great block Kim. I like the stitchery on it.

  2. Oh, Kim, I truly hope the Dr. finally gets rid of that nasty armpit thingy! I love your cat on the block :)

  3. Kim....I do believe your body is telling you something. Listen to it! Add a yoga class or some time of exercise to your routine. Stress does wierd things to our bodies. Yvonne

    PS: Tell my favorite hello. :)

  4. I just love Halloween fabrics, and your embroidered cat makes the block that much better!

    I hope your doc has some solutions for your arm!

  5. I love the cat you added!! It really looks adorable

  6. I have some of the same halloween fabric. I love this block! Your embroidery is very good!

    Hope you get some good results from your Dr. It is so frustrating to hurry up and wait and then have to go through it again.

  7. Love your block. Hope the doc can help you this time.

  8. Great the added kitty. Bless your heart, hope everything goes well at the doctor's.

  9. Love the cat your embroidered! I can't wait to see the finished quilt! See ya Monday, take care.



  10. that does it! i'm gonna get me some halloween fabric and start in on my own (read: YOUR) version ... i am loving that cat (and the pumpkin-head girl) and your stitches are PERFECT! i know that because i enlarged the picture - ha ha ha! does the kitty have green eyes cuz she is actually the feline version on moi?

  11. Fantastic addition to the already interesting block! What a great quilt you'll end up with.

    Constant discomfort and pain are definitely grouch-inspiring. Hope a solution can be found that doesn't involve anesthesia of the general kind...

  12. What a great touch! I love that cat. Just makes the block. I hope you feel better soon and the surgeon has more answers for you.

  13. I LOVE your block! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  14. I love kitties....that cat on your block is a wonderful surprise!!

  15. Oh, I like your version!! Very cute kittie...hey, sorry about the armpit cancer thing. Wish that would go away for good!

  16. Kim,

    Just curious where you got the cat stitchery pattern?



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