Monday, April 26, 2010

A Challenge

Okay, the Compass Rose quilt is done--except for a label. Yay!

Now I'll tell you just a little bit more about it. The quilt was done as a challenge to use certain block patterns and fabrics--what I used in the small blocks, although I made them half the size of the original block patterns. As part of the challenge, we were allowed to add additional fabric and set the blocks however we chose. I've always wanted to make a quilt similar to this one, in a medallion configuration with the blocks set into a star pattern. Originally I wanted to make it a feathered star, but in the end, I opted for a simpler design. The finished quilt measures approximately 50" square, so it's a nice size for a tabletopper, lap quilt, or a throw on top of another bed spread.

I've been involved with this challenge for some months now as it was done similar to a mystery block of the month, but I had decided to wait until all the block patterns arrived before making the blocks, so I'd have a better sense of pattern and color. About the time the last block arrived, I was having problems with my hands and arms. I made the individual blocks, but I didn't know if I'd be able to finish it. Finally, though, I decided to give it a try. The deadline is May 1st and it still needs to be mailed off and arrive at its destination by that date, so as you can see, I cut it pretty close; hence the insane effort to get it quilted this weekend. And speaking of the quilting, I thought you might like to see a bit, although I had a hard time getting a photo that showed the quilting very well. What you can't see here is the border which has somewhat random quilted feathers.

Technically, this quilt leaves much to be desired. My points and seams on the little blocks don't always match up perfectly, but I don't really care--I was sewing these when my hands and arms were pretty bad, and I did the best I could at the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't really have much hope of winning anything in the challenge, but I'm really happy with the way this quilt has turned out, so winning a challenge doesn't matter anyway. I'm sure in years to come, I'll look at the quilt and it will remind me of this time in my life--after all, isn't that one of the best things about quiltmaking?

Tomorrow I'll get the label sewn on and head to the post office to mail it off. After that? Well, I'm teaching a class on Saturday, so I guess I'd better do what needs to be done to get ready. Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Oh my if that needs a home i have one ready & waiting it really beautiful & such a lot of work well done really like this
    Hugs Janice

  2. I love it! And the fact you did with out feeling your hands...well that's just showing off lol

  3. I love it ! the quilting looks great. I think you are the only one to see any flaws. Good luck.

  4. Kim your Compass Rose quilt is a treasure! I celebrate your talent, perseverance, and sharing with us in blogland. You make lemonade out of lemons quilting style!

  5. Kim, this quilt is beautiful. You did a wonderful job, and while you weren't feeling good too. Says a lot about your talent. Have a great day. Winona

  6. Great looking quilt...excellent quilting!!! You go girl!

  7. Spectacular quilt Kim! That is quite an acomplishment! I love your quilting on it to, perfect!

  8. i agree - it is a beauty!

    and it IS one of the best things about quiltmaking.

    i like the compass rose much better than the first center - what's NOT to love about a compass rose? and the applique is gor-gee-ous!

  9. Beautiful! No matter win or lose your quilt will have a story. To be able to get it finished when you were having such problems with your hands is amazing.


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