Sunday, April 4, 2010

All Can Now Be Revealed!

No, not another nude self-portrait! I know there are a couple of you who were startled when you read that title, weren't you? I'm talking about class! I get pretty excited about what I'm teaching, but I can't say too much ahead of time because I don't want to ruin the surprises in store for my students.

Remember the trip Gran and I made to the beauty supply store a couple weeks ago? Well, after we split up that day, I headed off to a few more stores--Goodwill and the grocery store--where I purchased these:

Can you guess what they're for? Well, remember the wool I dyed recently? I couldn't tell you then but I can now--quite a lot of it was dyed using Kool Aid and a crockpot! So today that was one of the things I taught my "kids"--how to dye wool in a crockpot with Kool Aid. Fun, huh?! I brought all my supplies to the shop and we dyed a batch a nice purple, and then I gave them the dyed wool to take home.

Since it was the day before Easter, I had to make sure my footwear was appropriate for class--not only stylish but cushy, too, for standing and talking and hopping around--'cause those "kids" kept me hopping!

I thought you'd also like to see what I handed out in class:

I gave them a handout covering where to find wool, how to felt it if it hasn't already been felted, and how to dye it. Then there was the pattern for the three projects and a kit. Finally, they all got an Easter egg filled with chocolate candy, a container with pins and a needle for stitching their kits, a pencil, and two packages of Kool Aid--exactly what they need to dye a batch of wool. Oh, and a tuffet--they each got to pick out a Schnibbles tuffet. (Then there were a few door prizes too, but they aren't shown here.)

Tonight, I'm tired! Hubby picked up a pizza and I'm ready to head into the Sweat Shop to see if I can keep my eyes open long enough to sew a bit. First, though, let me ask you this: Have you tried dyeing wool with Kool Aid and a crockpot? If so, what did you think? If not, would you like me to tell you how to do it? If there's much interest, I'd be happy to post information on the process. Just let me know!

Time to hop off into the Sweat Shop now. Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Hey Hoppy I loved your class today. Neat students and one who was the teachers pet, initals JJ, was/were fun to be around. Thank you for THE BEST CLASS EVER!

  2. Oh yes, please tell me how to dye using a crockpot and kool aid! It sounds fun and I bet it smelled pretty good too. ;-) Happy Easter to you!

  3. Hi, I can't believe that is what you clever you are! Would love to know how but I may just hop to the store for some koolaid. Do all the colors work as well?? Thanks, Janet

  4. Such interesting work, my dear. Thank you so much for sharing. Happy Easter, my friend. Happy Quilting!

  5. Hi Kim sounds like class was fun, sorry I couldn't be there. But I am working on last years spring class quilt. Yes please tell how to dye wool and when and if you put left over kits in your etsy store.

  6. Thanks again Kim for a great and fun class. I can't wait for the Schnibbles class May 15th!! Have a wonderful Easter!



  7. That's it...I am booking my holiday to the States just so I can go to one of your classes....!!

  8. I am VERY interested in learning how to crockpot dye! Using Kool-aid! Well, how cool is that!LOL

  9. OHHH yeah, count me in!! Thanks for the tutorial! ;o)

  10. Oh do tell!! Maybe you could start with finding wool. felting wool. then dyeing wool? It could be a fun couple of weeks...

  11. Yes, would love to learn this technique! I am a newbie at this and i think it sounds like fun. I really enjoy your blog!
    Happy Easter!

  12. I've heard of kids putting Koolaid in their hair for dye but never wool and a crockpot! Do share!
    BTW - if I were closer I'd be in YOUR class!!

  13. Please tell us how to dye wool with Kool-Aid. Can't wait to try it! Thanks - your students sure are lucky "kids"!!

  14. Is the wool colour fast after? Does the crockpot take care of the felting process? I would love to know how dye wool in a crockpot! Love your posts.

  15. I'd love the instructions!!! Something I could do with the grandsons this summer.

  16. I have friends that use Kool Aid to dye yarn so why not wool. Have to try it!

  17. I've heard of the Kool Aid technique and would love to learn. I have a lot of "thrift shop" wool. Dori

  18. Oh my goodness your classes sound like they would be the best ever!!! So much fun!! I have never dyed used Kool Aid and wool but would love to be told how to!!!

  19. I would love to know an easier way to dye wool. I love all of the projects that you make. Your students are very lucky.

  20. I would sure love to know! Tell us, is the Kool-Aid colorfast? It doesn't wash out?

    The goodies look great, especially the wool kit!! Yummy!

  21. I would love to learn how to die wool with kool-aid. I really enjoy your Blog.

  22. Hi Kim--I "dropped" over to your site to congrats you on your win at the quiltinggallery with your quilt--I was in it for the first time and really did not know how to do it==plus it being a holiday week end--so I do declare you had an "unfair" advantage--plus--plus--a really cute quilt--I love the quilt you made--have fun picking out your winnings tomorrow!!!
    Hugs, Di

  23. Yes, yes, yes! I have the wool and the crock pot and would love to know your method.

  24. Oh, Please. Pretty Please share the crockpot kool aid dying information. It sounds like a great deal of fun and I would love to create some "hand" died things to use with my embellisher.

    chris_quilting@yahoo dot com

  25. Happy Easter! I think dyeing wool in a crockpot is just too clever! Maybe I can use the one I currently have and get hubby to buy me a new one?!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!