Monday, March 22, 2010

A Tisket, a Tasket,

. . . a VERY yummy basket!

Wool dyeing continued today. The wool in the basket above is the result of two days' efforts; the photo below shows what was accomplished today.

Wool dyeing is a very tiring chore requiring frequent, short naps! Uh-oh, it looks like I woke up one of my assistants.

Yep, I still have THIS MUCH wool left on the Wild Child's former bed so I COULD keep going, but I think that's enough for today unless I muster up more enthusiasm tonight. I've just cleaned up the kitchen, so it's not very likely, but then again, it sure is FUN!


  1. Wow, I have to say that I have never worked with wool, but those colors make me want to try it! They are lovely. Amazing that you had so much to dye.

  2. WOW that's a lot of wool!! It looks so gorgeous! I want, I want! ;)

  3. now that's a yummy basket of wool...

  4. WOWSA! That is some beautiful wool. I love the colors!

  5. Well DONE!

    Oh, I have done a lov-a-ly batch of dyeing
    There they are all folded in a row
    Pink ones, green ones and orange don't cha know
    Oh, I have done a lov-a-ly batch of dyeing

    Sung to the tune, "Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts." :o)
    Opps, you might not be old enough to remember the tune back in the day....

  6. Just wondering if you find all the wool at op shops? Were the originally skirts and jackets?

  7. Gorgeous wool! Whatcha gonna make w/it??? Your picnic quilt is beautiful ... is it the "Disappearing Nine Patch???" Several of my friends have been making one so it's high on my list of "wanna do's."

  8. I rug hook and would I love to get my hands on some of that wool....I have gobbs of wool too. Guess I'll give my hand at dyeing. Do you hook?

  9. How yummy looking! I love all the colors simply beautiful.

  10. What do you dye your wool with? I have never done it before but yours is gorgeous and I would love to try.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!