Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gran and Kim's Excellent Adventure

Today Gran and I took advantage of the wonderful spring weather we're having here in northern California to take a little field trip north (but not too far) to the small town of Loomis--our destination was a little shopping/dining/gardening center and our plan was to visit the Tin Thimble and have lunch at the Conservatory. First stop, after making lunch reservations at the Conservatory, was the Tin Thimble.

Someone asked me if the Tin Thimble was a quilt shop. Well, . . . I'm not sure what the answer is. Sort of. Not really. But I CAN tell you the Tin Thimble is the kind of place a quilter would love to visit. Want to see a few photos?

The Tin Thimble occupies part of a loft-like space in what's called the packing shed. The photo above gives you some idea of the open space. And in that space is packed all kinds of wonderful goodies, many of which are vintage finds and artistic creations.

Vintage embroidery transfer patterns, vintage partially-completed embroidered projects, and newer embroidery supplies filled this corner. (Isn't it reassuring to know that OUR generation isn't the first to NOT complete each and every project we start?!)

Here we found older books and vintage rick rack, bindings, and other goodies amid new notions and other sewing supplies. Not shown are spools of vintage lace and one of those round umbrella-looking contraptions strung with clothes line (like our moms had before dryers became common) on which hung vintage needlework items, such as pillowcases and doilies.

The Tin Thimble is also known for their hand dyed wool and wool roving--doesn't this photo make you want to take up needle felting? Look at the wonderful colors of all that wool roving! There was a class in session when Gran and I were there, and the ladies were kind enough to show us their projects--they were needle felting wool onto white chiffon tunic vests. Click HERE to see a photo of one of these finished creations. They had similarly constructed scarves for sale--I would LOVE to make a scarf!

After what seemed like the fastest hour in history, it was time to leave the Tin Thimble and head over to the Conservatory for our lunch.

We dined inside this glass-walled building, although with all the windows, glass roof, and the large doors open to the nursery, we felt like we were dining outdoors.

Please don't drool on your computer, okay? Next up are photos of my lunch--homemade potato chips with an artichoke/lemon/dill dip . . .

. . . and a spinach/bacon/almond/Fuji apple salad.

Yummmm! Of course, we couldn't leave without a stroll around the nursery.

If Gran drove a truck, my yard would be overflowing with new plants right now. For instance, there were some wonderful espaliered pear and apple trees that I wanted very badly to adopt! As it was, we filled the back seat of Gran's Honda. She ended up with three blueberry bushes, and I brought home something called an Echium, Star of Madeira. (We're still working on landscaping the front yard and this is my very first plant purchase for it--woo hoo!) Here's a final photo of the nursery--this also shows a part of the conservatory where we had lunch. It's DEFINITELY a trip worth repeating--SOON!

Besides the plant, I brought home a little bag of goodies from the Tin Thimble--

You would think that after dyeing all that wool the last couple days, I wouldn't have to buy another piece of wool as long as I live, wouldn't you? But I don't have these yellows, and I just couldn't pass up that blue--which happens to match pretty well with the two kinds of vintage blue rick rack and those blue buttons. Did I happen to mention the Tin Thimble also has a most excellent supply of vintage buttons for sale? I'm such a sucker for buttons, too! And as we were hurrying out to get to lunch on time, I saw a small, vintage, plastic, aqua/teal-colored sewing box. Now why didn't I see that before? Yep, definitely a day out worth repeating soon.

P.S.: If you love vintage but can't quite make it to Loomis to visit the Tin Thimble in person, you can check out their Etsy shop HERE.


  1. Oh, Kim, what fun you and Gran had! I would love a place like Tin Thimble-I could probably OPEN a place like Tin Thimble!LOL

  2. Sounds like such a great day!!! Love the pictures. When we moved in with my MIL (88yo) I had hopes of us doing fun stuff. But,alas, the woman does nothing but complain, and is absolutely no fun to be with. You are sooo lucky.

  3. I'm loving Tin Thimble and admiring the friendship you have.

  4. another road trip that didn't end with either of your behind bars...what is this world coming too...

  5. Thanks for sharing with us your trip to the Tin Thimble. Your pictures were so great that I felt like I was there. I also love vintage and will be sure to check out their site. Thanks!

  6. Ha! I'm drooling ALL over your blog. So there!

    Oops! Damn....that's MY monitor...

  7. Shopping and a wonderful lunch! What a great day... I love the vintage ric rac!

  8. Kim,
    I did drool over your salad- spinach salad is one of my favorites- the Tin Thimble is an amazing shopping area.
    One could get lost in that space- I love buttons too- I have a couple of large tins of buttons and then another one of ceramic buttons - I am not sure why I collect them- I just like to look at them. I found some really wide rickrack at a LQS for about 40 cents a meter so I bought a few meters of some colors so that I can use it in a quilt.
    You and gran do have wonderful adventures- Have you decided which one of you is Thelma and who is Louise? :)
    Hope your arms and hands are showing improvement and beginning to heal.
    Loved your adventure- thanks for sharing,

  9. Hey, tell Wilma NC that I am not your Gran although it is easy to think that since I hobble, and have rather white hair. M-m-m perhaps I need to go back to Total Beauty Experience and get Hair Tint next....

    We had a wonderful time!


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