Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Gems

I'm still here! I finally have physical therapy scheduled--I start next Monday. Once that begins, I don't think I'll be able to post unless I can get someone else to type for me, so I thought I'd write while I can.

Since the last post, I've been working on these little blocks--

They measure just 6-1/2" unfinished, and they remind me of faceted jewels somehow. I'm trying to decide how I want to set them, and I have a few ideas, but I'm not certain yet. In the meantime, while I'm thinking about it, I'll change my Bernina for my Juki and quilt another Schnibbles quilt.

It seems I have some kind of stomach bug and haven't felt very well this week, so in addition to the restrictions imposed by my hand/wrist/arm problems, I haven't felt like doing anything or going anywhere except to Gran's embroidery class on Monday night--where I couldn't do any hand work anyway, but it was still nice to get out and see my friends.

Of course, I've been watching the Olympics. Have you? I love this guy--

I have for years. Doesn't hurt that he reminds me a bit of Johnny Depp, I suspect. This other guy is fun to watch too--it's just amazing what they can do. And both of them do what they do with such confidence and ease--at least they make it LOOK easy!

And, of course, there are many, many other athletes I've enjoyed watching. The commercials though--there are some pretty bad ones! The series for Target that features the Freud-looking guy and mentions the bullseye at the end--none of them have made me want to visit the $100 Store. Then there's another series for Metro PCS cell phones--Tech & Talk. Painful. I've actually gone into the kitchen to get things I don't even NEED just to get away.

Between one thing and another, I'm getting awfully bored these days, but I've been doing a lot of reading. Remember a month or two ago, many of you gave me book recommendations? That has really come in handy because I had ordered several of those books, which means I've had plenty to read. Right now, I'm reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo--really good so far! Do you have anything else to recommend that you've read in the last month--something new out maybe? Goodness knows I still have enough books to keep me busy for a couple months, at least, but I was thinking about going to the bookstore or library--just for something to do. Right now my car's in the shop for some maintenance work, but once I get it back and once this stomach bug passes--which it should do shortly--I really want to get out and GO somewhere. So far, I've let Hubby live, but if we're both stuck in the house together much longer, he might end up on the endangered species list.

Thanks for stopping in to visit! I'll post again when I can--before my first physical therapy appointment if I have anything to show or talk about, and if not, then I'll get Hubby to help post at some point. Happy quilting!


  1. You! Are One Special Lady!
    Between your hands/arms and my toes - Thelma and Louise are going to have to hire a chauffeur!

  2. Your quilt is so pretty! You get more done sick & injured than I ever do while perfectly well! Hope your therapy goes well and you are back to normal in a hurry.

  3. Loving those little blocks, Kim. And the guys aren't hard on the eyes either.

  4. Oh golly, the first thing you maybe should do when you get your wheels back is buy a bullet proof vest for the Hub?

    You're not into triangles by any chance are you? Your squares look lovely, and little gems is certainly an appropriate name!

    Sorry you are getting cabin fever boredom, that'll do your head in.
    Books...hmmm...Maeve Binchy? 'Quentins' and 'The Glass Lake' are good, her three newest are not, but all her old stuff is lovely, might be too Irish for you...Katie Fforde and Kate Fenton are hilarious, Rosamund Pilcher, Mary Wesley and Erica James are all good storytellers with quite a lot to their names to choose from. Rosamund Pilcher hasn't written a single poor book, the other two can vary but even their worst is fine.
    They're all from this side of the pond though so you'll need a travelling armchair...

  5. Great little quilt have such any eye for putting them together! Glad to hear you'll be starting PT soon...I was amazed how it helped me! Thank goodness for quilting, reading, and watching the does help the time pass a bit. Take good care of yourself...Zel

  6. I'm sorry you're not feeling well on top of the other. Poohy.
    Those blocks a gorgeous! I like them on point.
    I've not read anything but smut romance for a while now..sshhh it's a secret ;)
    Hopefully you get out, DH would be hard to replace, and you'd have to train a new much extra work lol.

  7. Just finished reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Couldn't put it down! I hope you feel better soon!

    Take care,

  8. well life has hit you pretty hard lately....
    Hope things start getting better soon... I love to read.. I like Anne Rivers Siddons books. I just finished reading Vinegar Hill by A. Manette Ansay...for the second time. and I love anything by Elizabeth Berg...
    Those blocks do look like jewels...

  9. We've been watching the Olympics too. My daughter loves to snowboard, so that was fun to watch last night. And the women's downhill skiing kept me holding my breath. These athletes do amazing things. And I agree about the Target ads. What a waste of time.

  10. Hope you are back to normal soon. What book or pattern are those cute little blocks in? I am into smaller blocks lately and these are lovely.

    Take care and don't harm hubby.

    Linda Z

  11. The blocks are gorgeous! Did you pick random spiffy blocks to make, or are they part of an overall pattern? They really do look like faceted jewels.

    I think someone needs to design a quilt block called The Flying Tomato, or even the Double McTwist 1260.

    Hope you are getting better each day, and are soon back to your old self.

  12. Sorry to hear you are feeling house bound, that and feeling ill are difficult.

    Think of this as the opportunity to do all of those things that when you are at work full time you'd think if I only had the time I would...

    Hope you healing is quick. Take care.

  13. It was so good to see you Monday. You have been missed by a lot of folks!! Hang in there, and I think that Lucy and Ethel will want to chip in for the limo!!


  14. So nice to see you Kim! Life ain't always easy, that's for sure; and I certainly hope things brighten in your world soon! Love those little blocks! They are awesome and soooooo precise! The "Snibbles" below is fantastic too. You take care and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  15. It's nice to hear from you. Love the quilt squares. I agree with Sue--The Help by Kathyrn Slockett is great! Again, I'd recommend almost anything by Jodi Picoult. If you like historical fiction 1,000 White Women is great and These is My Words is wonderful too! I could go on and on. I hope you find some good books to read then you can recommend them to us too!

  16. Hi Kim
    I'm happy you can at least quilt! Life does get pretty boring with only tv--even the Olympics! The next book after The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the Girl Who Played with Fire and the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I haven't read the last one yet but I abolutely loved the first two. The first one is actually a British movie with----Kenneth Branagh!!!!!--- as the dissolute, depressed detective.

    Love your little blocks! My goodness, what patience you have. Take care of yourself and don't kill hubby!
    Lurking Linda

  17. Very cute little blocks. :-) We've been watching the Olympics too~ I love the little peeks into the athletes lives that they put in. And I've gone to the kitchen during the Target ads. LOL ;-) Hope the bug leaves you soon~

  18. I was so happy to see you had posted. Love the jewel blocks, your talent is amazing! Have you read any of Janet Evanovich novels? They are sooo funny and might lift your spirits.

  19. Kim,

    I am so glad to hear that you are on the mend. I miss your blogs a lot!


  20. Your blocks are gorgeous - you are multi-talented - your work goes from whimsical to traditional - so great!! I am retired and I find that when I don't have alot to do (other than mundane house work), I start to feel yucky. Busy keeps you feeling better I think. Take care and thanks for writing to us - we've missed you!!

  21. Hi, Kim! I can't remember if you already read The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg. I liked it a lot - very quick read. I also agree about The Help. I'm reading it right now and can't put it down.

    Good to hear from you again!

  22. The little blocks are just so perfect! Are you sure...sure about not feeling up to speed because just look at those blocks!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery so you can feel like your old self again and we can get back to my daily blog read!

  23. Beautiful blocks! They do indeed look like little gems. I'll be watching to see the final project when you're able. Take care!

  24. Your quilt blocks are wonderful! Have a good week end and enjoy OL!

  25. lovely little gems, those blocks are ... drat - there goes the Yodish again (it's all Thelma's fault)

    i haven't been watching the olympics BUT did you see Apolo Ohno when he was on Dancing with the Stars?!? verra verra nice!

    as for the snowboarder dude - i can't look at him without thinking about Carrot Top and bad AT&T commercials ... and i think he's gonna look like John Elway when he gets old - bleck

  26. Happy to see that you popped in and gave us an update! Sounds like you're feeling a bit better. Good luck with PT.

  27. Oh my gosh, my stupid Bloglines isn't working for some reason so I didn't even know you were hurt, what happened? Good luck with your physical therapy. Those blocks are really pretty, I can't wait to see what they become. I haven't been watching much of the Olympics, but I do remember Apolo Ohno, my daughter had the biggest crush on him from last time he was in them. I think you need to get a Kindle if you're going to do a lot of reading, I love mine.

  28. I have a stack of books out from the library but am not sure when they are going to get read- May have to order some of them again -
    I like Jodi Picoult's books though I wouldn't read them if I was feeling down- her topics are often thought provoking and contain some of life's sad stories.
    I am reading Lisa Jackson- she is the perfect light reading. I also love Erica Spindler's books. I have the Sugar Queen and Garden Spells _ both are by Sarah Addison (?)
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Your new quilt is quite fabulous.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!