Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's Always Something!

So, let's recap:

Monday, a week and a half ago: Staph infection. Bactrim DS prescribed.

Tuesday, same week: Bactrim causes nausea. Allergies cause sinus/facial/tooth pain.

Wednesday, same week: Nausea continues. Tooth pain sends me--finally--to the dentist.

Thursday, same week: Nausea continues. Root canal at 8:30 a.m. (only thing worse would be root canal at 7:30 a.m.) Tylenol with codeine causes more nausea and stomach pain. Mouth pain not pleasant. Day from Hell at work concludes with run to Federal Express at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, last week: Nausea, check. Day 2 from Hell at work. Work day concludes with tears and panic attack accompanied by difficulty breathing.

Saturday: Woke up with thumbs and first two fingers of both hands numb and pins-and-needles tingling. Continued nausea from Bactrim. General misery.

Sunday: More of the same weekend "fun."

Monday: Called in "sick" with nerve impingement in wrists/hands. Went to doctor. Changed antibiotics for staph infection. Prescribed wrist splits and Motrin. Advised office I would try to be back at work on Thursday.

Tuesday: Call from workers' compensation carrier regarding my claim. (?) Asked to see their doctor. Their doctor orders physical therapy to break down scar tissue in both arms and allow arms to heal. NO KEYBOARDING. Off work for approximately two months. Advised therapy will be very painful.

Wednesday: Wake much too early with excruciating pain in both hands/arms. Meet with office manager to discuss doctor visit, prognosis, and sign paperwork. Arrange to cancel quilting class for Saturday. ARGH!

That's where I am now. I guess you know now why I needed a blogging break, and apparently it's going to be longer than I thought. Looks like TWO FREAKIN MONTHS of no keyboarding! I don't know, yet, whether I'll be able to quilt eventually, but my hands are too painful right now to do much of anything. And I think I need better drugs. On the up side, the staph infection is clearing nicely and I only have a couple more days of the new antibiotic. And next week we'll begin crown prep for my tooth, so maybe that will be done in a couple weeks too.

Yesterday I got a call from a very nice lady who said she enjoys my blog and has bought a couple of my patterns. The connection kept cutting out a bit, and I never DID get her name, but it sure lifted my mood to hear something nice--I just wanted to mention that because the call caught me off guard a little and I don't think I really expressed how thankful I was to get the call at that time because I was a little preoccupied with having to go see yet another doctor!

I don't know if I might pop on and post anything between now and when I'm released from treatment--it may well depend on if I can get someone to type for me. I'm going to take this physical therapy quite seriously and follow all orders, including keyboarding restrictions. So, you might not hear from me for a bit. But I figure TWO MONTHS brings us right up to around April Fools Day, which seems like a good time to make my reappearance in Blogland, don't you think?!

As a last note to my students who were signed up for my Saturday class, it's being postponed to the first Saturday in April, and you'll be getting a call from the shop.

Thank you all for your support, and I hope these two months will past quickly and I'll be healed at the end of it! See you soon!


  1. I have been a fan for a long time-just never have written. I'm going to miss seeing all the neat things you do. I hope you get better soon.

  2. You will be missed during your time of healing. Take care.

  3. Just rolled in from San Francisco and thought I would check in. There you were with the latest updates on your multiple health issues. I am so glad that you have set yourself on the road to recovery with the help of a team of professionals who know how to help you heal. The pain that you are having is a pretty good motivator to following doctors orders! You have my support and caring as always.


  4. Wow! Sorry to hear all the bad news. And just when I was getting hooked on reading your blog. Take good care of yourself. I will look forward to a good chuckle in two months when you are back to tell of your adventures in healing. Judy B. of Knoty Ladies.

  5. Kim this is terrble. I hope you can get better soon.I know you can't use the keyboard alot but when you get a chance let us know if this just sprung up or has it been ongoing?

  6. Life has a way of tossing challenges in our path. Huge Sigh! Take good care of yourself and follow all the doctor's orders; you'll be back in no time.

  7. Good grief. What a time you are having. I am a long-time of those lurkers. Take care of yourself. Best of luck with everything and I look forward to April 1st. You will be missed.

  8. You need the break that's for sure but we will definitely miss you! You could always get an "assistant" to dictate your blog to :) Get well and heal!

  9. Sorry to hear so much has gone on in your life to make you feel bad. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I check out all your posts every day. Get better soon.

  10. Kim
    You take care and heal quickly.
    Dorothy from IL

  11. Hope you get back to normal soon. I guess we won't be seeing the next of the naked self portrait series any time soon then?? LOL.

  12. You need a secretary! Will workmans comp pay for that???

    Sorry to hear, but you best listen to the big dogs and do what they say....

    Can you get a tape recorder and tape your life? We are gonna want to know all the details. OR how about you call me every day and I will type your blog for you...???

  13. Kim, I'm really gonna miss you! You are always so cheerful and funny...and positive despite your recent spate of bad luck & all. Rest up & do what the doc says. Sending get well prayers your way!

  14. Dang girlfriend you are in a serious predicament..maybe you can dictate to hubby and he can type out your blog...LOL..just picture that in your mind...wouldn't that be a hoot! Take care...see ya in a couple of months...maybe Gran can hold down the blogging front??

  15. Kim...we're all going to be rooting for your quick recovery but most importantly is to be sure it is a full recovery. While I'll miss your blog, your health is your first focus. I'll be keeping you in my prayers...Zel

  16. You were sure thrown a zinger to start off 2010 with. I say let's get this little tidbit out of the way then so we can move on with the rest of the year! Wishing you better soon!!!

  17. Kim,
    I shall miss reading your blog every morning before I go to work! It gives me a laugh to start the day!
    Follow the drs orders and before long, you'll be typing away around blogland.

  18. As I and others have said before, you start my day with a smile. Please take care of yourself. You will be missed.

  19. Blinkin' HECK! That's a bit much, any one of those ailments would have been just fine. I'm really really sorry...what can you do with no hands?? Skateboarding? Talking? Bossing? Watch lots of films? Window shopping? Oh I know- a nice long holiday say a train safari or something, as long as you have a porter...

    Well, take care and do as the doc says and we'll look to see you with a POW!! back on April Fool's!

  20. Oh Kim this is terrible! Hand pain, nausea, staph infection........and on top of all that, stress!! Take care of yourself girl. Take two months, three months, whatever, but get well. Will miss your posts and emails. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Oh my, you need to listen to be a good girl and listen to the drs. I will miss your humor to start off my day but I'll get through it. ;-) Hope that black cloud hanging over your head has moved need some sunshine now.
    I'll keep checking on you. Take care.

  22. I will miss reading your posts. But it is important that you get better! Take care and rest!

  23. Oh, Kim, what misery! I am soooo sorry for you. Please keep reading the Hollow news, you never know what will happen there! Take good care of yourself, I'll miss you and your humor. See you in April, many Hugs, Cathy

  24. Head spins...Holy cow, woman... When it rains it pours! I am soo sorry to hear of your health issues, very scary indeed. I can totally relate to the root canal but, that sounds mild in comparison to the rest. I am glad to hear you are taking things seriously. Perhaps your recovery will come along quicker than expected. We will all be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way. Take care and know that your missed!

  25. Oh Kim! How terrible! We'll all miss you but take this time to rest and heal. we'll all still be here!

  26. Good luck Kim. I am also one of those lurkers who will miss your blog every morning. Every day that it is not there I will send good thoughts your way, hoping for a quick recovery. Take care of yourself!

  27. Eeeeek and Egads, dear Kim! What a trial!

    Your fans (and you KNOW I'm one!) will be here when you get back. *kiss kiss* -- that's a couple of "air kisses" cuz, hellfire and damnation gf, I sure don't want what you got going on! Poor thing!

    Much Love!

  28. OMG! Rest! Recuperate! Dream! Plan! Read (and maybe dictate critique's of the books you read for later blogging?)! Enjoy your surroundings and snuggle in those beautiful quilts you have! We will miss you for sure - but take care of #1~

  29. Best of luck with your therapy and recuperation! We will miss you, but know you will be back with lots of wonderful plans and ideas! :-))

  30. OMG Kim! You poor dear ... entirely too much to be dealing w/at one time to say the least! My thoughts and prayers will be with you and I will certainly miss you while you are away. I sure hope that you can get back to quilting soon. Take care!

  31. Wow, I'll miss you but take take care of yourself and get better soon! Dori

  32. Take care of yourself! We will be here when you get back.

  33. Super poohy. I hope you feel better soon, you're right to take the physio seriously, it'll speed your recovery up doing what you're told, a novel concept for sure ;)
    Think of the books you can read, the shows/movies you can watch with out quilting and blogging calling your name.

  34. I am keeping you in my prayers for a quick recovery :) I will miss you posts very much but I am glad you are taking care of your self.

  35. I agree with Nancy--you need a secretary! Send me tapes and I'll type them in for you!!!

    Take care of yourself. You'll be sorely missed and joyfully welcomed back when you can! I'll be checking daily cause that's just my routine!!!

    Take care.
    Lurking Linda

  36. Yikes, good luck with your recovery - hope it gets better soon.

  37. Pssst. You might look into getting a microphone and voice recognition software for your computer. Just my 2 cents worth.

  38. Will certainly miss reading your blog! Hope all goes well during the next couple of months. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Claudine

  39. Feel better soon. You will be missed because you start my day every morning.

  40. Oh geez Kim! I'm so sorry that you're going through all this. It must be so hard for you...not quilting, not typing...hey, maybe you can do webcasts??!!

    I will definitely miss your posts but of course getting better is top priority. You listen to those doctors and you'll be better before you know it. {hugs}

  41. From one legal secretary to another -- have your desk area at work checked out. Seriously. I went through what you're going through and it was all because of poorly designed desk/work space that didn't fit me. I left that job 10 years ago. My new job had brand new, state of the art work stations, adjustable and made to work with computers, and I have not had one single twinge of pain or hand numbness since and I sew/quilt/cross stitch every free minute.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  42. I have followed your blog for over a year and I will miss your news. You always impress me with your talents and energy. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a calm and peaceful time off.

  43. I hope your blogging and work break result in the rest your hands and wrists need. Now's your chance to take complete care of yourself! I've worked for ortho doctors in the workers' comp field for 15 years and we love success stories; I believe you'll be one of them :)

  44. Oh Kim - take care of yourself and heal well...thinking of you!!

  45. We will miss your humor. But you are doing the right thing. Follow those Dr's orders and you will be so glad you did.

    Good luck! See you in two months.

  46. I hope you're feeling better soon. Can you still drive? Hope to see you at Thimbleberries.
    Chris in Sacramento

  47. Kim,
    Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you, sending you some good thoughts and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Hope you have lots of good reading material. Will try to send you a funny now and then, just to lighten your day.
    Take care of yourself-
    Warmest regards,

  48. Well, "when it rains it pours" I am a longtime lurker, and really enjoy your blog, you will be missed..but remember, you and your health come first, take it easy.

  49. Prayers Kim - hang in there and follow the rules. Hopefully soon this will just be a bad memory.

  50. Hi Kim, Will miss your daily posts but hope you get better real soon!Janet

  51. Talk about MAJOR withdrawl symptoms!!!! I am going to MISS you!!! :(

    I want you to get better, though. It seems like you've been battling illness for a while now, so maybe it's good for you to take a break. At least reading doesn't cause you to use your hands. I know how much you love to read.

    I'll be checking in on you, even if I don't hear back from you. I know you're out there!

    I'll be praying for you, too, to have a speedy recovery.

    Big Hugs!! I love ya!

  52. Hi Kim L always follow your blog and am sorry that you are unwell, and wish you a speedy recovery.
    I look forward to you coming back because l know after this break you will be brimming with things to tell. take care,

  53. NO!!! Much better plan, ring me in Australia every day, you chat about life, I type it up for your blog and everyone wins...especially the phone company!!Will miss you,but as someone having alot of trouble with her hands as well I know where you are coming from, get better soon, love Traceyxx

  54. Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues - just concetrate on getting better, and we look forward to hearing from you when you are better! Praying for you most intensely . . .

  55. Yours is the first blog I check every day. I'm sure hoping you heal quickly and can get back to sewing and having fun. Take care of yourself!

  56. Hi Kim! Just wanted to say hi in case you're reading your comments...I hope you're feeling better and that you're back soon! It's not the same without your posts!

  57. Oh, my, what a bummer! Your posts will be missed but I know they'll be back in a couple months just as lively and funny as ever. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  58. Kim, hope you are improving daily. I'm a no-blog fan of yours. Your posts make me laugh. I'll pass along my motto, "Thou shalt not should on thyself". Don't feel you are letting anyone down and do take time to really heal and come back when you are able.
    Karen B.

  59. I have been sick too, so I know exactly how you feel. I hope that things get better for you soon!

  60. Wow. Sorry you have been so sick. Someone posted on my own blog that you were having health problems (I've had a bad couple of weeks) so I had to go see for myself. I suddenly don't feel so darn sick. Hope you feel better, soon.

  61. Take care & follow the rules and soon you'll be back!


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