Monday, January 18, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing?

I forget sometimes that too much sewing makes me cranky and edgy. Quilting is such a crazy obsession.

It's Sunday night and I've been sewing for a good part of three days. That's probably about a half day too long. Friday I stayed home from work, sick with a stomach bug, and I slept and rested until late afternoon, but then I got started on the Friday Night Sew-In, and the rest is history. The stomach bug continued to annoy me on and off the rest of the weekend--enough, anyway, that I didn't feel up to going out and doing anything. Add to that the fact that Hubby slipped and fell in the kitchen Friday night and ended up with a torn meniscus, and you can imagine that neither one of us has felt very motivated. Hubby DID manage to go to a movie with his brother today, but most of the weekend, he's been taking pain medications and then sleeping them off in his recliner while I sew.

Now I have cabin fever. Tomorrow's a holiday from work--Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. I think I'll get out of the house and run some errands. I have an embroidery class with Gran too. Part of me just wants to stay home and sew some more--is that crazy, or what?! Of course, the other part of me says I should get out of the house, take a break, and DO something else. So I will. And I'll probably sew a little too--because I must. Quilting, the new crack. Yeah, I think that's what it is.


  1. I glad to hear someone else also has tomorrow off. A lot of people don't, but I do too! Hope hubby is ok. I am sewing tomorrow, come rain or high water! Hope your tummy feels better! I bringing Snickerdoodles to class tomorrow, so I see ya then! Take care!!


  2. Absolutely DITTO Kim about the sewing.It's a hard balance because if I go more than two days without sewing I go into Serious Withdrawal!LOL the question I am addressing on my blog today is How Much is Too Much?

  3. Quilting feeds your soul. :-)

  4. I get grumpy, too, when I have sewn for a long time. It's like I get into this zone. I don't realize it while I'm sewing, but if I have to go somewhere or do something else, I'm a little foggy and grumpy.

    Have a great day off!

  5. I have loved reading about your sew-in! I'm thinking I'll have to do the same thing. Is there too much sewing?

  6. Sssshhh if you let people know its as addicting as crack they'll send the DEA after us lol.
    I totally get what your saying, too much of anything makes me cranky...well almost anything ;)

  7. Perhaps too much of good thing could lead one to being grumpy, perhaps. However, what happens to me is I end up lost in my sweats and get grumpy when I have to stop and have a shower....

    If you read my blog.... you have read about my DH thinking perhaps I/we all needed an intervention last Friday Night until he understood we were all in our own homes sewing in our jammies.

  8. KIM,
    I seem to have lost my quilt Mojo somewhere- perhaps I left it at your house??? :)
    I am trying to get back in the swing by making some time to quilt but so far it is slow going..
    Hope you had a lovely quilty day and got lots done...
    Feel better and hope your husband's knee is not giving him too much grief.
    Warmest regards,

  9. Boy..can I relate. I don't feel quite so alone with my obsession now.

  10. HA! The new crack. I love it. LOL. I too had Monday off and did a little sewing. About an hour's worth. That's all my four year old would let me do. I could use a whole weekend of just straight sewing. Hopefully sometime soon, I will get my wish!

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