Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thimbleberries Club

Tonight was the first meeting of the 2010 Thimbleberries Club. Looking at the pile of stuff I brought home, I think I might have tried to make up for not joining and buying Thimbleberries last year! Seriously, I didn't do too bad--I was kind of proud of the fact that everyone ahead of me in the check out line spent more! The kit on the left is the fabric for the first few months--and I can't remember if it's split into three or four month sections, but in any event, I have what I need for now. Plus a Twice the Charm roll. And a magazine.

At club, we have show and tell, and one of the ladies showed us a smallish quilt she made from a pattern in the magazine (the quilt is called Kyoto Star) so a few of us thought we NEEDED the magazine too.

One of the things I enjoy most about club is coming home and being pumped up and enthusiastic about quilting and all things Thimbleberries, and tonight was no exception--as you can see, I already made my two blocks for the month!

During the 2008 Club year, I heard several complaints about the quality of the fabric from RJR, but from what I saw of the fabric so far this year, it's fine! I don't know if they've changed manufacturers again or not, but I don't have any complaints.

As has been the case in the last few years, this year Thimbleberries is offering three colorways, and our club group is large enough to make it possible for the shop to order all three. I've selected the "Dawn" colorway, which is made up of lighter shades--think 30s pastels that have been grayed down just a touch. "Dusk" is more the typical Thimbleberries tones that we've come to know over the years, and most of our club members have picked that one. Finally, there's this colorway, which I think is called "Midnight," although I like to refer to it as "Night Stalker"--can't you just imagine some pervert out roaming the streets, peeking into windows at midnight?

No? Okay, maybe it's just me--I'm the weird one! But we all knew that, didn't we?! The quilt in that photo above is an alternate layout--the "regular" quilt has the blocks scattered more randomly rather than laid out in rows; I think I like these rows a whole lot, so I'll likely lay mine out like this one.

By the way, if you had the slightest interest in the Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas quilt that I talked about a couple years ago but couldn't find the series of four pattern books--well, the pattern has been reprinted in a new Thimbleberries book called Block by Block to Beautiful Quilts. Somewhat sheepishly I'll admit I haven't finished mine yet, so it's not too late to join me!

Do you realize the Friday Night Sew-In is almost here? I'm thinking about cleaning my house on Thursday night so I can start sewing after work on Friday and keep going all weekend! How about you? Will you be joining in on Friday?


  1. I love Thimbleberry but haven't joined the club well it can work out expensive with shipping plus not sure i would get it done so i get their fabrics as & when.
    I am seriously thinking of joining the Friday Night Sew-In
    Hugs Janice

  2. Fun to see your BOM ! I am bad, I need to finish 2008 Thimbleberries BOM, my LQS 2009 BOM and I joined my LQS 2010 BOM and Lord help me I am considering the 2010 Thimbleberries BOM ! I'd have to order that one though, or go to an out of town quilt store, so we will see. I would go with the night stalker colors though.. .lol.

    I do plan on catching up with the past BOMs and keeping up with the new one. Need to buckle down here. Will have too blog about it and be accountable to my peeps, and maybe that will keep me on track !

    Thanks for your great blog, I enjoy it !

    Beth in ND

  3. I think I will be joinging Friday Night Sew, but unofficially. You know, I am such a rebel!!



  4. Kim, you are so lucky.We don't have Thimbleberries club in my area!! Looking forward to Fri. night sew in!!My first virtual sew night!

  5. Kim, I am also doing the 2010 TB club this year although I chose the dusk. I thought the Midnight colorway looked way too dark. Maybe we start on trying to do a little bit of Hometown Christmas each month and maybe have it done for next year??? Oh well, it was a good thought.
    Kim H

  6. I'm still "working" on my Christmas one that we started working on a couple of years ago...I need to move that to the top of the To Do List.

  7. Hometown Christmas? Yikes, I forgot all about that one!

  8. LOL, Vicky took the words right out of my mouth! :-) I need to find the pieces before I can sew-along with you. ;o

  9. Beautiful new fabric and I love the pattern! Can't wait to see it all come together "Kim Style!" Love the wool applique below too ... I don't know how in the world you manage to accomplish so much! You must be waaaaay younger than me!

  10. I like the term that Jan used - "Kim Style!" - yes, I like that. Beauty, eh!

  11. I wish I could but I'll have a 4 year old to tend to all weekend. I'll get SOME sewing in but not a ton.

  12. Night Stalker? NIGHT STALKER? Can you see that one being a sellout? Janey Mac woman, the things you come out with... who will be joining Kim in her new class where she will demonstrate her original quilt made from RJR fabrics entitled 'The Night Stalker'.

    Or perhaps 'The Night Stalked'? Or perhaps 'The Polka Dot Stalker'?...oh, whoops...that would be me...

    Is that a new Fons and Porter Magazine? If so I'll just have to risk putting the car in the ditch and brave the ice to get to the Newsagents, I guess.

  13. IF i was gonna do the 2010 Thimbleberries it WAS gonna be the dark colorway - cuz it may be dark, but it is also BRIGHT ... and now i want it even more cuz i AM the NOTTA STALKER

    and i AM gonna join in on the friday night sew-in cuz the rules say that i don't actually have to SEW (which i may or may not want to do - it depends on how tonight's stalking goes - chortle) so i can crochet or stitch and it will still count (gotta find SOMETHING to do while rasslin' is on, right?)

  14. I too will join ya on Friday night! I need to find my workroom tonight!!

  15. HI Kim,
    It looks like you have found some nice pieces to add to your stash- I am sure you will be creating some wonderful things with all your new pieces.
    I have not heard of Twice the charm roll - is it a 5 X 10 inch wide piece of fabric?

    I best get hemming some new slacks.

  16. We just had our first Thimbleberries club on Wednesday night, too. I'm doing the midnight version. I just got my 2009 BOM back from my longarm quilter and love it. I have been a Thimbleberries fan for years.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!