Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random Stuff

So I was wrong about the number of comments yesterday. I think you all did that on purpose! Ha! You made me laugh, though--especially Lady of the Cloth with her John Wayne toilet paper!

I wanted to follow up on a couple comments before I forget. First, Ruth S. left a comment on an old post about Kaye England's Progressive Patchwork, but she's no reply--Ruth, if you're reading this, please get in touch with Lindy at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks and she can help you find what you need for that program. Lindy will be away from the shop until around the middle of next week, but she said you can contact her then--just click HERE to get to the website with contact info.

An anonymous commenter mentioned my blog "jumping" around and hurting her eyes. I'm not sure what that's about except that some operating systems aren't very compatible so maybe that's where the problem is? All I know is that it doesn't do that for me at any of the computers I use. That reminds me, too, that I had another anonymous commenter who complained a couple times back in the fall about my "green" background color--at that time, my background color was actually a light brown/tan. The color I was using for the text (which I think was black) didn't show up well on the "green." I don't know if this might be a similar type of problem or whether it might be as simple as adjusting the color on the monitor, but I thought I'd mention these issues. Do any of you know what might cause them or have a solution to suggest?

For whatever reason, Gran has gone off on a Schnibbles tangent and dragged me along with her. You've probably seen the Year of Schnibbles group here and there across Blogland, haven't you? Well, Gran and I are getting in on a little Schnibbles action too--Sinta has said we can start with January or, if we're really industrious, we can go back to September and catch up with the rest of the group. I've put the logo thingamabob in my sidebar; now I just have to get busy making some little quilts!

If you've read my blog for a bit, you probably know that I'm fascinated by Schnibbles quilts and I usually make one every now and then. I've been thinking it would be fun to "teach" a Schnibbles club at the quilt shop and have the group meet every month or two. I think it could be a little like the Jo's Little Women Club, which also makes small quilts, but I think it would bring in quilters interested in more than just the 1800 reproduction fabrics. What do you think? Do you think quilters would be interested on a local quilt shop level?

And speaking of quilt shops, I've hinted that I've done a little fabric binge buying lately, right? When I came home tonight, Hubby mentioned I'd gotten a few packages in the mail. Want to see what I got?

First, a little Sherri Berry Holiday goodness!

I thought this fabric was cute before Christmas but I couldn't figure out what I'd make with it. Then I saw a quilt someone else made and I KNEW I NEEDED SOME. So, after Christmas, I found a bunch on sale and placed an order, but they didn't have any of these focus fabrics; I ended up buying these pieces "full price" to go with the other fabric I ordered.

Then there was this from the Fat Quarter Shop:

I can't remember the name of the line, but it was with the Christmas sale stuff. I just think it's a terrific fabric for a Valentine quilt with all that red and pink and green! It doesn't look at all Christmassy to me!

Finally, the L'Amour fabric I've mentioned recently as well as another piece of Valentine fabric there on the bottom. I think I need to get some serious sewing on!

BUT--tonight, I'm trying to get to bed a little early. Because you know what? Besides the fabric packages, I had a couple BOOK packages too! Yep, it's reading time! Thanks for stopping in to visit.


  1. I think you should do a Schnibbles club, I would join! Hope to see ya soon.


  2. Yup, I dragged you kicking and screaming to the Year of Schnibbles. I am so excited I can hardly wait for my patterns to arrive. I have been working extra hard on my de-cluttering and getting ready to start on my first Ten 'n Ten, (check out my blog). I would definitely join the Schnibbles Club at BP&HH if you taught. Love your acquisitions. I see visions of quilts dancing in your head. I can not believe that Janice in the UK has not commented yet. I love that she usually is first to comment (or among the first to comment.) You have the nicest commenters!! You can see I am rambling. Goodnight!

  3. Oh, is this why you sent me a Schnibbles pattern for Christmas?

  4. Kim I love your Sherri Berry fabric. I have never seen that actual print. Love it.

  5. The "jumping around" of you page might have something to do with the snowflakes and her computer. Let me just say I love Schnibbles...I've done three but now I'm thinking maybe a club at KAQ might not be a bad idea...great another club...guess you'll need to make a monthly trip to Virginia to run the club for me...

  6. I'm not really sure why blogs look different on different computers. I know when I first got my computer my son had to work with the grayscale because fabrics that I had seen before online didn't look the same! That had to change!!

    I'm in the Schnibbles club, too. I haven't done very well at completeing anything, though.

    I think it's a great idea to do a Schnibbles club at the quilt shop. It's a great way to learn new techniques without having to spend a lot of money and time on making a huge quilt. That's perfect for beginners.

  7. I love the Schnibbles that I've seen people making and showing, but I haven't found where to join! I've had the problem your commenter described, but not on your blog.

  8. Your blog looks great to me! I can't imagine complaining about the looks of someone's blog, anyway. Sometimes I have a hard time reading them because of the colors. I'll just muddle through or go on to the next. Love your fabric purchases. I'm still waiting for mine from the fat quarter shop. Happy reading!

  9. Kim, I love reading your blog, It's definetly one of my favorites. Always interesting and good for a chuckle. What a stash you ordered...too fun!!! Remind your hubby of all the gas you saved! Why did I think Scnibbles was closed? can a person still join? Have fun creating and thanks for sharing!

  10. blog troubles - sometimes your blog flashes to a white screen and i have to refresh, but that is a problem with not enough virtual memory on my computer - and when you and Dawn had the countdown to christmas widget i couldn't get either blog to load via Mozilla, so i used IE - and there was the font issue with writing in Mozilla but viewing in IE that made my post look like it was in code - and i've found that when i'm reading the background and words aren't working for me, i can usually resolve that by highlighting the post (which changes it to a different color) ... Auntia has ALL of the Sherry Berry retro christmas fabric - i think she has plans for three - no, FOUR quilts - but one of them is small

    Schnibbles are so sweet - i really like Cindy Lou Who!

  11. Yes to a Schnibbles Club - maybe I can move to California! Also, I just finished "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" and it is wonderful. I highly recommend it!!! Thanks for the tip from your readers' comments. Have a good day.
    PS. I have no problems with your blog - no flashing or hard to read messages. I'm on

  12. I think a Schnibbles club would be a great idea in a local quilt shop. I'm going to suggest it to mine. I had trouble reading the black type on the brown background. I blamed it on old eyes and hoped the next time there would be more contrast. Enjoy whatever you post. Thanks!

  13. Mail really is the best, assuming its not bills!
    Annon, or No-replys are really annoying I find as a blogger, especially when you really want to respond.

  14. OH OH! I love the "Christmas" fabric that you picked for a Valentine's quilt. LOVE IT!

  15. Welcome to the Schnibbles club. It has been so much fun (and a little challenging at times) doing these little quilts. Just watch our for on Cindy Lou Who because the Grinch will steal your blocks. Ask me how I know :-)

  16. Kim,
    I never meant to complain. I had to reread my comment to make sure it didn't come off as a complaint. I was just wondering why. It doesn't really hurt my eyes, it's more my head. Migraines, I guess. It's only the recent blog change that it happened on. It's the side bars that jump, but don't worry about it, it must be only me it's happening to. Please please ignore my comment. Delete them if you can. I have read your blog for the last couple of years, and never had a problem, and I read others as well, no problems. So I apologize if you (or others) think I was being b*tchy. I wasn't, just simply wondering if it was happening to others, that's all. I'm so sorry.....

  17. Your post made me laugh.

    Kim, I'm so glad you decided to join the Sew-in on the 15th.

    Maybe you can use those valentine fabs for a project that night. I'd love to see it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!