Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Palindromes and Reproduction

What do palindromes and reproduction have to do with one another? Well, Monday's date was a palindrome of sorts--01/11/10. (A palindrome is something--word, number, etc.--that reads the same forward as backward.) Kind of cool, huh? And 01/11/10 is the date of birth of Boy Boss's third child, a baby girl! Woo-hoo! His poor wife was in labor forever--so much for the idea that by the third baby, labor proceeds quickly! But everything turned out nicely in the end. They haven't picked out a name for her yet--when they had their son a year and a half ago, it took them a couple days to pick out his name too, so it's not unexpected.

And somewhat coincidentally, perhaps, 01/11/10 is the day on which Stitch's chances at reproduction came to an end, poor baby! Hubby took him to the vet for his second series of shots and talked to the vet about scheduling a little surgery, and the vet said, "Hey, why not now?!" So Stitch stayed for an overnight visit--and I didn't even get a chance to tell him what was going to happen and prepare him ahead of time. He'll be home on Tuesday, but I suspect it might take him a day or so to get back to normal, what with whatever soreness he has and working the anesthesia out of his system. Spike, who seems to be his best buddy now, has been wandering around the house much of the day, looking for him. Their favorite form of play is to roll around on the floor, wrestling; I have a feeling he might not be up to much rough play for a couple days!

And what have I been doing? Something that has absolutely nothing to do with palindromes or reproduction!

I stopped by Carol's Crafty Creations Sunday evening and saw she'd been cutting some fabric to get ready for the Friday Night Sew-In. I was a little envious, so I hunted down a pattern I thought I'd work on, pulled fabric from my stash, and did a little cutting too! The HARD part, though, is going to be NOT SEWING ANY OF IT UNTIL FRIDAY! I want to use the heart fabric (Sweethearts/Benartex) in the border, and I only have a half yard, so I ordered a little bit more. And I'm thinking about possibly making the quilt a little larger than the pattern calls for. Hummmmm. Maybe I'll just keep cutting more and more fabric pieces between now until Friday! This is going to be so much fun! Have you signed up yet?


  1. Love the polka dots and the valentine fabric. This should make a cute quilt. Shucks I guess I should have waiting to sew mine on Friday night. But I will be here finishing my Schnibvble's

  2. Poor Stitch! I hope he feels better, soon.

    I love the fabrics you pulled. I can't wait to see what you're making, although I probably already know! lol

    A Friday night sew in sounds like fun. Again, I wish I lived closer.

  3. Oh no! Poor stitch! Your polka dot fabrics are gorgeous!

  4. Love those polka dots! Can't wait to see your post on Saturday.

  5. Oh I can't wait to see what you're working on. It's going to look great!

  6. With a palindrome birthday they should name her Hannah! :o)

    Like the polka dotted fabric!

  7. I love Jane's comment! Thanks for the info! I didn't know it had an offical name. You are always informative

  8. Poor Stitch, but better in the long run...

    That choice of fabric is very different to my eye- I've never known how to use black in patchwork, which annoys me because when used well it really makes a quilt sing. I love your colour choices, I so wish I was better at putting colours together.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!