Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ladies, Start Your Machines! Let the Weekend BEGIN!

Woo-Hooooo! The weekend is HERE!

Work at the office has been WAAAAAAY stressful for the past few weeks--one rush project after the next. And just when I think it can't get any busier, it does. It's hard to complain when I work at such a great place; and hey--these days, just HAVING a decent job is a blessing! But still, by the time Friday comes, I'm much more than happy to get home, put on my comfy clothes, and head into the Sweat Shop.

Tonight I stopped at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks to visit for a few minutes with Gran and several other ladies who were there for the monthly meeting of the book club--this month's book was Happiness Key by Emilie Richards; have you read it? Good book! Anyway, just stopping to look at, smell, and touch fabric for ten or fifteen minutes is an excellent way to decompress after work--I highly recommend it! And seeing friends, even if only for a little bit? Icing on the cake!

Once I got home, Hubby ordered pizza, and while he went to pick it up, I changed my clothes and made a cup of tea. A little later, tummy full of combination, thick-crust pizza-licious wonderfulness, I made good on my escape to the Sweat Shop. Within an hour, I finished appliqueing the 4th of 13 basket blocks, slapped it up on the design wall, stuffed the freezer paper template pieces into a plastic bag, shoved thread and needles aside, and reached for the L'Amour charm packs. Ahhhhhhhhh! THIS was what I was waiting for!

Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO feel a compulsion to make something that will match my new blog background. Or maybe I picked the new blog background to match the L'Amour fabric? Well, one way or the other, pink is happening here at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure.

So here's the plan: Saturday morning, I'm going to sleep until I wake up. And when I do? I'll stumble out to the kitchen and get myself a red and white polka dotted cup of fresh brewed Starbuck's Christmas Blend. Next, I'll sit down right here and visit with you for a little bit. Before long, though, the pull of L'Amour will be too strong to resist any longer and, still in jammies, perhaps with a refill of my red and white polka dotted coffee cup, I'll head to the Sweat Shop. Ah, YES! HEAVEN!

I love weekends!


  1. I did have plans for taking a wool class and working at BP&HH tomorrow, however, I might have to throw in the towel and try to hit all the Safeway's in the county to see if I can find the RED AND WHITE POLKA DOTTED MUG that you keep going on and on and on about.

    Over and out

  2. Dear Gran,
    That's MY MUG Kinm is drinking I'm glad you are going to buy your own.
    Lots of love,

    That fabric is lovely, I can see why you are excited about it. And do please look after my mug carefully? But I'm glad its being useful to you!!!!!!!

  3. Is that a Madeleine that you're working on? :) I think that it's going to be gorgeous in that fabric! I too have two of those charm packs sitting here waiting on me to do something with them...

  4. And by the way 'An Echo in the Bone' is finally out here and arrived on my mat Wed, the only post which got through this week. Looking forward to it! Months after yours came though.

  5. It's freezin' here so I wish I could stay in my jammies all day and sew but noooooo some of us have to work...but then if you work in a quilt shop is it really work?

  6. It's a sure thing , I never thought of you as a pink gal but i guess to go with you pink polka dot cup it will do for awhile. You are making me want to dig into those charns that you sent me .

  7. I'm off to work today in this chilly weather..its 10 degrees out right now at 7am. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have accomplished on this wonderful Saturday!

    Happy Sewing!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day....think I'll join you!

  9. How sweet it is!! Love L'Amour, love your new look, love Starbucks. Does it get any better than that?

    P.S. I can by your blog via Carol.

  10. green eyed monster AGAIN - i woke up to the alarm and a freezing house - want to trade saturdays?

  11. Well....what a coincidence!! Here I sit in MY PJs drinking Starbuck's Kenya coffee with my FAVOURITE mug. It's not red and white but I do LOVE it...reading my morning blogs...and all's right with the world!! You're right, we're in heaven!
    Happy stitchin'!

  12. I will be hanging out with Gran! Wish you could hang out with us!!


    PS-No one would care if you showed us in your pj's!!!

  13. Sounds like the makings to a perfect day, ENJOY!!! :o)

  14. Love your pink blog- I have a pink living room and when we first painted it - it did remind me of pepto bismal or strawberry ice cream. It has faded some now and needs a fresh paint job but I still find it a soothing color- and I love brown with it too

    I love the dark fabric with Love words on it - It has an elegant look about it.
    Hope work gets a little less hectic-
    I went to the library today to pick up a few books that I requested- one by Kate Jacobs- " Comfort Food" and Terri Thayers - Ocean Waves Mystery, and a Claire O'Donahue mystery
    I also borrowed a book by Louisa L Smith called Strips and Curves - I had admired some quilts on Exuberant Color's blog and the original technique is from this book. I can see I have lots to keep me busy for the next while.
    Perhaps I will quilt tomorrow.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!