Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I've Been Schnibbed!

I don't know what else to call it--what word best describes this compulsive obsession with Schnibbles quilts? Sure, I've always liked them--they're a nice way to take a fabric line for a test drive without investing too much money in the fabric or time in the quilt making. They're a quick fix. They're a sometimes-needed break from longer projects. Yep, I've made some. But now?

I dream of Schnibbles patterns. I scour quilt shops for charm packs. At home, I obsessively match charm packs to patterns, and just when I think I've decided what pattern goes with which charms, I change my mind and start all over again. My sewing desk is littered with little piles of charm packs and Schnibbles patterns. No, they won't stay paired up that way--they're just resting for a few minutes from the nearly constant whirl of indecision.

That basket? In the front, there are MORE Schnibbles patterns. Lonely. Unmatched with charm packs. Sad, really.

In my never-ending internet search for more and more charm packs, I stumbled upon a honey bun. On sale. I couldn't pass it up. See it there on the desk? But what to do with it?

Searching the shelves of the quilt shop last night for potentially hidden charm pack treasures, I stumbled upon this:

Why does the soundtrack from the movie Jaws play in my head when I look at this book and think about honey buns?


  1. Ah-ha, you did purchase it. I knew you would!!! See ya soon!



  2. OMG! You actually read my blog and commented on it too!!!!!!!!!! Your soup was delicious!

  3. great patterns Kim. Maybe you need a new blog title :Schinbbled"?

  4. If you've been Schnibbed that it is going around for sure! This is what I love about them is you can sample a line, make something quickly and have a finish in between all else. My blog is also evidence of this. I made four last year and gave them away. So far this year two made and have intentions to send one as a RAK to a fellow blogger. I too have many of the patterns and a few have designated charms attached and just waiting for my wild hair day to work on that particular one. Oh I tell ya....Carrie did us in good with this little Schnibbl-abiliTEASE!

  5. Hi Kim........LOL on the Jaws for Schnibbed, I've never heard of this before....I'll have to investigate!

  6. Wooo-hooo! Look at all that wonderful goodness. :) You are going to have a blast putting them all together.

  7. I understand. I think we should start a group. Oh wait we already did. lol

  8. Just remember, this isn't a sickness..... it's the cure (to whatever ails you)!

  9. I've caressed the schnibbles patterns at the quilts stores many time.. but I've never brought one home.

    After reading this post I don't think I will.. the addiction is clear and I must resist! LOL.

  10. I think we are hooked Kim! I've been working on Madeline, and I love this pattern. No French General, and actually no charm pack. Just using what I had in my stash for this one. The debut awaits ;-)

  11. Muah-ah-ah-ah welcome to the Schnibble-side! :-)) They are fun to find and sew and play with! :-) Looks like you have lots of fun there!

  12. Hee hee! Oh Kim, you crack me up. :-) Thanks for the laugh!!

  13. It's okay Kim. Some people pay for therapy, some charm packs!LOL

  14. Yes, I'm hooked as well. It's just biting me BIG time - and I have Carrie to blame.

  15. Just be thankful that Schnibblitis isn't fatal!! Keep sewing and sharing!! Love it!

  16. LOL, I think you have some company! Schnibbles Anonymous here we come. Tell me, how do you use your finished Schnibbles?

  17. You've become schnibblized....overcome with schnibbles and upstanding member of a schibbilized society....part of the schnibble nation.....and your schnibblization in almost are in schnibbial pursuit....can you tell one of us made a schnibble on our sewing weekend - and the rest of us couldn't resist the puns! Nice work....piece.

  18. Sadly, I don't have any Schnibbles patterns. :( Would you kindly share with me?? LOL! I think I need to find one I like and make one. I feel very out of place in blogland these days without one! Which one do I pick???!?!

  19. I see that you are well on your way with the Schnibbles. I think you are officially a Schnibbler:) and after the year is over, I might have to consider a 12 step program for you! (Unless you get hooked on those honey buns...)

  20. Oh it's already happened here. I looooove honey buns! It's mind blowing just how many things you can make out of one!


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