Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Bad News and the Good News

I'm writing from the office. My computer is in the shop, and they told Hubby it would take four to seven days before they'll have it fixed for me, so I'll be mostly "away" for a bit. I WILL draw a winner for the scraps Wednesday night from all entries submitted (on that post) by 5 p.m. Pacific time, and I will post it to my Thursday blog. Sorry for the lack of content--I'll be back when I can, and I suppose it couldn't hurt if you all keep your fingers crossed for the four-day side of that repair estimate!


  1. Here`s hoping your computer is up and running in no time. On the up side, you will never have extra time for quilting.

  2. sending healing thoughts for your computer.

  3. Sending mojo that your puter is up and running before the 4 days are up!

  4. It's like Deal or No Deal...."Keep it Low!" Hope your estimate doesn't kill ya or your quilt shop budget!

  5. Here's hoping! Just think of all the things you can get done without the computer calling your name.

  6. Bummer. Not sure which I would miss most for a week--my Dell or my Bernina!

  7. So sorry for your computer problem! Hope its a short visit to the shop and a quick fix! ;-)

  8. Bummer about your computer but leaves you more time to create!

  9. OK, what is going on?! Your laptop, our laptop, and hubby came home last night and said his laptop at work was infected with some virus. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone!!!



  10. Don't you just hate it when things like that happen? It doesn't seem to happen when I'm on the computer, but when my hubby or one of the kids are on it, strange things happen. I've told the kids over and over not to download ANYTHING and they say they don't, but strange games show up and I know I didn't download them! Good luck!

  11. I feel your pain!

    I know how it feels to have computer "issues"...I will think good thoughts for a speedy recovery for yours!


    Elaine in SLO, Ca

  12. Here's hoping for the shortest repair time for your computer!

  13. Hope your computer is up and running soon!

  14. What a bummer...also hoping it is on the low side of 4 days before your computer is back home safe and sound.

  15. Computer woos are the pits....but we can't live without them!

  16. I've been catching up with you and I'm sorry for your troubles. Although I wouldn't mind having staff myself, I do understand your concern about them being infectious. That would be a nuisance alright.
    Love your quilt, and the one you've started with the leftovers-now that'd be the way I prepare meals...
    I laughed at your solution to the scrap problem;its a good notion, but what about you being to blame for augmenting other folks scraps? I mean who want scraps? Where the 'pick me pick me' voice coming from?
    I hope you are looking after my polka dot mug? I'm sure a big cuppa something nice from it will help all your troubles to disappear!

  17. I sure hate having computer issues. Glad that I have a computer geek in the house for now. Any time the computer even looks at me cross eyed, I call in the geek squad.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!