Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Fine Mess . . . .

The overwhelming majority of you told me I really should keep my scraps from the Schnibbles Winter White/Old Primrose Inn quilt. So I did. And I made four patch blocks with them. Today I went to the quilt shop to buy a few more pieces so I could make something out of the scraps I'd saved. Are you starting to see a problem here?

So I pieced four patches into nine patches and made little stars and cut fabric all day and used some of my scraps. I didn't get the Winter White quilt pinned as I'd planned, so I didn't start quilting it. Nope, I messed around with scraps. And at the end of the day? I have a pile of scraps that's just as big as it was when I started. Now are you seeing the problem here?

This is what I have so far up on the design wall. I need to make two more blocks and then sew it all together (the colors seem kind of weird here--I'll get a better photo when I finish it):

And this is the pile of leftover "stuff" I have--including a full charm pack I thought maybe I'd need (and bought today) but I didn't.

So now I'm thinking about what I can do with THESE scraps. Do you see the problem here? I'm afraid that for the rest of my quilting life, I'm going to be sewing projects out of Old Primrose Inn scraps. THEY WILL NEVER DIE. Unless I take drastic measures.

So here's what I thought I'd do. Leave a comment on this blog post telling me you really love scraps and I'll put you in a drawing for these leftovers. I'll pick a winner on Wednesday night in a random drawing and announce the winner on Thursday's blog post. I've GOT to get these things out of the house! Thank you for your assistance.


  1. I just bought a couple of schnibble patterns but I haven't had a chance to use them yet. Your quilt turned out so cute.

    I love the Blackbird Designs and their fabrlc.

    Thanks for the give a way.

  2. Kim I need scraps for my 1/4 inch hexie charm quilt. Please include me in the drawing.

  3. I think I really do love scraps, but it may just be that I inherited my mother's depression era frugal mentality....can't throw anything if there is a possibility of life still in it. I like what you did with your scraps! Me, I spent the day picking out and re-sewing a bunch of pinwheel blocks that just didn't measure up.

  4. Kim,
    I swear you are a twin to me. I start a quilt..then see the left over scraps and immediately begin another small project. I can't count how many times I have done this. Saying that, I also have developed soooo many scraps that I have no idea if I will use them in this life time!
    thanks for being an inspiration and letting me know that I am not the only one that does this 'type' of quilting.

  5. I had to completely laugh when I read your post. I was doing the same thing yesterday with a different fabric line....I haven't worked with Old Primrose Inn and would LOVE to. I am planning a Winter White Schnibbles too. Over the weekend I finished Cindy Lou Who.

  6. You are too funny! I just love your blog :) Your quilts are always gorgeous. I would be glad to take those scraps off your hands. I just purchased 4 Schnibbles patterns. I just need the fabric.

  7. This reminds me of my never-ending question of how small does a scrap have to be before it's not a scrap but something to be thrown away? I seem to collect smaller and smaller scraps. It is a problem! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I can always use more fabric, even if it is small scraps. I have a very small stash.

  9. It is just too much fun working with scraps. I love making small scrappy quilts. I don't have any Old Primrose Inn so it would fun to win some. By the way, your scrappy quilt looks great! Thanks for the wonderful give-a-away.

    Nancy E

  10. Luv your little ninepatches!Those scraps can come stay with me.

  11. I am known as the scrap queen in my small informal quilt group. Everyone saves me all their scraps and I use them for charity quilts or special projects for special people. I understand about how scraps seem to multiple. I would love to win your scraps! Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I just love scraps, please enter me.

  13. Ahh, another sad case of a stash breeding like rabbits...or guinea pigs...or brangelina!!
    Someday there'll be a cure...or a pill...for it! Tracey

  14. lol poor Kim....I love scraps! But they do have a tendency to multiply

  15. Kim, I love scraps!I am even in Scrap Therapy for treatment of my love of scraps!(refer to my blog for more info) LOL Scraps! Scraps! Scraps! make me happy:)

  16. Scraps do have a tendancy to multiply when you have your back turned. Thanks for the chuckle this morning, love your blog ( and the scraps too! ) Helen

  17. Seeing as how I have never made a Schnibbles pattern maybe your scraps would get me going. Thanks for the drawing and don't ever change your blog. Love it just the way it is.

  18. Oh say you went to buy more to take care of your scraps...then ended up with more scraps....I'm laughing here! This is just too funny. I have to tell you I have a small pile of scraps leftover from my Old Primrose Inn Schnibble that needs more scraps to make something. I'm trying to avoid buying the more. :-) Of course I'd love to win and add to my meager scrap.

  19. i love YOUR scraps ... however, i do not love MY scraps

    the brown alternate squares are just lov-er-lee - i think i like your scrap quilt better than the winter white ... wait ... maybe not ... i dunno

  20. First, of all - can you believe Simon Baker to not win the award the other night!!! What is wrong with that picture!

    I'd love the scraps..please put me in the drawing!

    Have a good day!

  21. Sometimes making a stash buster quilt is more trouble than its worth. I used to save every little "snibble" but then came to the realization that I'll never get everything done in my lifetime. As much as I would love the leftovers from that fabric line, I would suggest donating them. I now give my leftovers or "what was I thinking" to a church in my community that makes quilts for the sick and infirmed.

  22. I like the quilt you started with the best. Your blog is a must read.
    I would love to win your scraps so they could come live with my scraps and drive me crazy coming up with ways to use. If I win I will e-mail you my address as I don't have a blog.

  23. I've also been " bitten" by a Schnibbles so would love to help you out by acquiring your leftovers!

    Always willing to help out in a crisis!


    Elaine in SLO,CA

  24. I resolved not to buy anymore fabric for a while...but if I won some in a giveaway, that's not breaking a resolution is it? Please, sign me up for the drawing.

  25. Cute little leftover's quilt top! I love playing with the leftover scraps too. :-) Please include me too.

  26. Please enter me in your giveawy-I can always use variety. Love your Schnibbles quilt-guess I'll have to join.

  27. If I win your scraps I will add them to my Old Primrose stash and when I finish the quilt I will have a giveaway of my leftovers. I always have too much fabric because I usually design as I sew and have no idea how much fabric I need for the quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Love, love the scraps - but you need to get off the Primrose path!! Those patterns really should come with warnings: Side effects may include swollen stash containers, bleary eyes and random mutterings in line at Starbucks awaiting the caffeine needed to continue the endless sewing. We're infected but really don't want to be cured. Thanks for the Monday morning chuckles! Piece....

  29. I do love scrap quilts. Those colours are beautiful.


  30. I cannot resist acquiring scraps as I love them....all the different colors, designs, and getting them from others adds to so many differences. I have never done a Schnibbles and would like to try one.

  31. Hi Kim!
    Hey there is ALWAYS more room under my bed for more fabric!! Please throw my name into your scrap bin for a chance to win! Thanks a lot!

  32. Tooo funny, I would be happy to help you out with your scrappy situation and promise to provide them with a good home! thanks for sharing!

  33. I love scraps and love Old Primrose in!

  34. I'm out of lurkdom to say please include me in your giveaway! I love scraps as well!!
    Lurking Linda

  35. I LOVE LOVE LOVE scraps and am working on a Scrap Quilt Book right now. Please include me in your drawing.

  36. Rebecca in TennesseeJanuary 25, 2010 at 9:47 AM

    Ohhhh! I haven't got any of those yet.....pretty please!

  37. Would love to adopt your scraps and turn them into a quilt. Love the colors and believe I have some fabric that would compliment them. Thanks a bunch Kim!

  38. I would love to be in on the drawing for your scraps. One quilter's scraps are another quilter's treasures.
    Sandy E-H

  39. You did a terrific job with your first set of scraps...but things are getting out of control! I'll be glad to help you out!

  40. Scraps are definitely like mice or rabbits with their multiplying tendencies...but they are cute and fuzzy too! I'd love to be in your drawing.

  41. I love scraps! Please enter me in your drawing.

    Claudine M.

  42. Just Why did you go to the quilt shop yesterday. You knew this would happen and no I don't need your scraps . Have enough of my own.
    You could have looked in your stash and found something.

  43. You've got me hooked on schnibbles, but I made mostly miniatures before from scraps. Please enter me- Dori

  44. One thing I like about you is that you do do something with your scrapes. My scrapes would rebel if I won - count me out - they have been waiting a long time for me to have some fun with them. Stitch on girl.

  45. The quilt you are making from your leftovers is adoreable! I have a ton of leftovers from my valentine table topper...I'll trade you leftovers.

  46. Julie From ThimbleberriesJanuary 25, 2010 at 11:56 AM

    Scrap quilts are so easy!! I'm in, but I am hoping Sandy wins....
    See you Feb 3rd.

  47. I just absolutely love scraps. Got mine all organized in the Bonnie Hunter way. Have 2 quilts to go before I can start on the scrap quilt I have planned. I am really looking forward to it!
    Love your blog!

  48. Julie from ThimbleberriesJanuary 25, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    By the way....scraps are glorious. I get lots of compliments on my scrap quilts!!!

  49. I do love these scrap, and have some of my own that would fit right in. Ditto on the Scnibbles; I have not made any, yet! But would like to make some.

  50. Kim please enter me in this giveaway. I have one charm pack of Old Primrose Inn and it looks like you can't do much with only ONE pack :-(

  51. Hi Kim! Your quilts are always so beautiful. If I can help out I'll take the scraps from you. Cheers.

  52. I don't have an abundance of scraps, I've never made a Schnibbles quilt and I've been lusting after the Old Primrose Inn pattern, so I'll be glad to help you out with your "problem."

  53. Well, I happen to have a schnibble pattern (haven't made anything yet), but...I don't have any scraps to go with it...I can certainly take care of your "scraps". Thanks for the chance.

  54. I would love to have your scraps. It's fun to see what you can do with them.
    Love your blog!

  55. I thought it was such a good question when you posed it last week. I thought about 4-patches, Dresdens etc. and of course the possibility of throwing the scraps away. I think I will stick to not saving anything I can't make a Dresden blade out of... in fear of sharing your nightmare!

  56. Oh yes, love, love, love scraps (especially of the charm pack type) and would love to help you out Kim!

  57. I love the scraps, since I sold you the fabric, maybe there was an alternative motive, hummmmm, on my part! ;-) Please enter me in the drawing.



  58. I LOVE scraps! I must. I have so many! I understand what you mean about how scraps beget scraps that beget more scraps, that beget more scraps, ad infinitum! Anyway, I can always use more so throw my name in the pot!

  59. Hi Kim,
    Thanks to you I too have been bitten by the schnibbles bug, but so far have behaved and not purchased a pattern. Yet. I would love to try one with your scraps. :-)
    Lisa in New England

  60. Hi, I really do love scraps and I love my scrap quilts. I give away a lot of quilts, like most quilters, but not the scrap ones, they are fabric scrapbooks full of memories of the quilts and the people I made the quilts for. I'd love to add your leftovers into one of my quilts and help you get them out of your house - please enter me in your draw. I love your blog and your wit.

  61. I REALLY love scraps, and these are beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing!

    Doris R.

  62. Well, as if I don't have enough scraps and charm packs of my own, but who can resist an give away? Please include me!

  63. They are beautiful and I would be more than happy to give them a home! Would love to be entered in your drawing :o)

  64. Kim,
    These are beautiful scraps- perhaps if I am lucky enough to win it might be the thing to kick start my quilt mojo... LOL

    I can see that you continue to make really lovely things with your fabrics.
    Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway. Your scraps are going to make someone very happy..

    Happy Quilting,

  65. Congratulations. You exhibit all the classic symptoms of a quilter.

    Or perhaps you've already been diagnosed before??

    Oh, how I dearly love me some pretty little scraps. :)

    And for what it's worth, I love where all your tinkering got you. I think it looks smashing! :)

  66. I have taken the pledge not to buy any fabric this year, to reduce my stash, make more closet space, yada, yada, yada..........but if I won some scraps...enter my name please. Love your blog.

  67. I just bought some Schnibble patterns and intend to start them soon. I do love scraps. I keep every piece left when I finish a quilt. So I could definitely put these "scraps" to good use.

    Thanks for the chance.


  68. i really do love scraps and can't bear to throw anything away - as for buying more fabric to use up the scraps well ...........!!

  69. I love scraps, they are tiny loose jewels of color, when put together make a beautiful block or quilt.
    Thanks for the giveaway, I love fall
    colors Kim!

  70. Scrap quilts are the very best! I'd love to get yours!

  71. Scrap quilts are my favorite. I would be more than happy to take them off of your hands and add them to my scrap bins. Thanks for the chance.

  72. As a relatively new quilter, I have very few scraps. I'm sure I could provide a good home for yours if you draw my name! Thanks.

  73. scrap quilts are #1. They are my favorite. Thanks for keeping us entertained..

  74. I love what you made with your scraps. I would like a chance to win your scraps and make something awesome too.

  75. Would luv the chance to win your scraps.
    They would be great to make
    some tuffets :)

    Pam B

  76. Oh I love scraps! Especially coordinating scraps!!! Would love love love to be included in the drawing because the 6 bins of scraps that are in my sewing studio right now just aren't nearly enough....I have to resort to begging other for their scraps hehehe....Seriously though I'd love to get my paws on these scraps :)

  77. I love scraps and am working on a quilt with small hexagons.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!