Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words . . .

Or so they say. Well, since I've been sick and don't have very much to talk about, I thought I'd go heavy on the photos. First, I downloaded a couple from Thankgiving--the obligatory turkey photo and the standard table setting photo:

And then there are the cute photos--photos of Stitch, who seems to enjoy quilting if the amount of time he hangs around the Sweat Shop is anything to go by!

And, like Stitch, it's time for me to go curl up under a quilt and go to sleep. Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Hope you're feeling better and on your feet soon....

  2. Oh - - such a cute kitty!!! I bet he's a big help

  3. Sounds like you're feeling a little better. Your little cat really is a stitch.

  4. Wow Kim that cold is really hanging on isn't it? Are you drinking Orange juice? Sipping Chicken soup? Wishing you good health and a soft pillow to lay down on! =)

  5. Stitch is getting so big already

  6. Hope you and hubby are feeling much better soon!

  7. Do hope you are starting to feel better. Such cute photos of Stitch!

  8. Day by day, you're feeling better...positive words that work...right!!!!! Take care.

  9. Your family must be neat eaters - I would be so upset if someone dropped cranberry sauce or gravy on my pretty Thanksgiving quilt! I know that you should use your quilts but eating on them is another matter!!! Hope you are feeling better soon - it's just not right to get such a bug during the holidays.

  10. oh I love him!!!!! great name, but what a cutie!!!!

  11. Your table setting looks lovely! Was the turkey bigger than Stitch because it sure looks it from the photo. I hope it didn't give your kitty nightmares? or kitty mares? or nightkitties? What DO cats have?

  12. What a lovely table! The turkey looks wonderful! Hope you're feeling better by now!

  13. Your thanksgiving table is lovely. Yum! turkey looks perfect and your pumpkin pie looks like it will melt in your mouth.

    Stitch looks so sweet and full of fun.


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